Abandoned Animal Rescue in Tomball, Tx - Saving Lives, One Furry Friend at a Time


Are you looking for ways to make a difference in your community? Do you have a passion for animal welfare? Then look no further than the Abandoned Animal Rescue in Tomball, Tx.

Did you know that every year, millions of animals are abandoned or surrendered in the United States? That's where organizations like the Abandoned Animal Rescue come in.

At the Abandoned Animal Rescue, their mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and find loving homes for abandoned and surrendered animals. They believe that every animal deserves a second chance at a happy life.

But they can't do it alone. That's where volunteers come in. Have you ever considered volunteering at an animal shelter? It's a rewarding experience that allows you to give back to your community while making a difference in the lives of animals.

There are so many ways to get involved at the Abandoned Animal Rescue. Whether you prefer to work hands-on with the animals, or behind the scenes helping with administrative tasks or fundraising, there's a volunteer opportunity that's perfect for you.

Not sure if volunteering is right for you? Consider this: studies have shown that volunteering can have numerous benefits, including improved mental and physical health, increased social connections, and even a boost in feelings of happiness and fulfillment.

If you're unable to volunteer your time, another way to support the Abandoned Animal Rescue is through donations. Every little bit helps, and your donation could make the difference in the life of an animal in need.

So why choose the Abandoned Animal Rescue? For starters, they are a no-kill shelter, meaning that they will never euthanize an animal due to space constraints or length of stay. This commitment to their animals ensures that every animal has a fair chance at finding a forever home.

In addition, the Abandoned Animal Rescue is an independent, non-profit organization. This means that all of their funding comes from donations and grants, allowing them to remain completely dedicated to their mission without outside influence.

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of animals? Consider volunteering, donating, or even adopting a furry friend from the Abandoned Animal Rescue. Together, we can make a difference.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to the Abandoned Animal Rescue's website to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference today.

Abandoned Animal Rescue (AAR) is a non-profit organization based in Tomball, Texas. They are dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating homeless dogs and cats, giving them a second chance at life. The mission of AAR is to provide safe shelter, medical care, and love for these animals until they find their forever homes.

The History of Abandoned Animal Rescue

AAR was founded in 2002 by Marie-Louise Berglund. She saw firsthand the need for animal rescue after volunteering with a local animal control agency. Marie-Louise noticed many of the animals were being put to sleep due to lack of space and resources, so she decided to start her own rescue organization.

Initially, AAR operated out of Marie-Louise’s home, but as the number of animals in their care grew, they moved to a larger facility. Today, AAR’s facilities include a 10-acre property with kennels, play yards, and a cattery.

The Team behind Abandoned Animal Rescue

AAR is run by a small team of dedicated staff members and volunteers. Together, they work tirelessly to provide the best possible care for the animals in their care. The team includes licensed veterinary technicians, animal behavior experts, and experienced animal care professionals.

The staff members and volunteers at AAR are passionate about their work and treat every animal in their care like their own. They believe all animals deserve a happy and healthy life, and work hard to make that a reality for every animal they rescue.

The Rescue Process

AAR rescues animals from a variety of situations, including strays, owner surrenders, and animals from overcrowded shelters. When an animal arrives at AAR, they receive a medical exam, vaccinations, and any necessary medical care.

Once the animal is healthy, they are placed in a kennel or cattery where they receive daily care and love from the staff and volunteers. The animals are given playtime and socialization to help them adjust to their new environment and prepare them for their forever homes.

The Adoption Process

AAR strives to find the best possible home for every animal in their care. To adopt an animal from AAR, potential adopters must fill out an application and go through an interview process to ensure they are a good fit for the animal.

The adoption fee includes spay or neuter surgery, vaccinations, and microchipping. AAR also provides post-adoption support to ensure the animal and their new family are adjusting well.

How You Can Help

AAR relies on donations from the community to keep their facilities running and continue rescuing animals. There are several ways you can help support their mission:

  • Donate money or supplies
  • Become a volunteer
  • Adopt an animal
  • Spread the word about AAR on social media

Every little bit helps, and your support can make a huge difference in the lives of animals in need.

The Impact of Abandoned Animal Rescue

Since its founding, AAR has rescued over 10,000 dogs and cats. Their dedication to providing high-quality care for every animal in their care has resulted in a 98% adoption success rate.

The impact of AAR goes beyond saving animals’ lives. They also provide education and resources to the community on responsible pet ownership and the importance of spaying and neutering animals.


Abandoned Animal Rescue is more than just an animal rescue organization. It’s a community of caring individuals who are passionate about saving animals’ lives and giving them a second chance at happiness.

If you’re considering adopting a pet, or want to help support this amazing organization, reach out to Abandoned Animal Rescue today. Your support can make all the difference in the world for animals in need.

Abandoned Animal Rescue Tomball, Tx


Abandoned Animal Rescue (AAR) is a non-profit organization located in Tomball, Texas. The organization focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating abandoned and abused animals, specifically dogs and cats. AAR serves as one of the leading animal rescues in the greater Houston area, providing care to over 1,800 animals annually.

Mission Statement and Goals

One of the main goals of Abandoned Animal Rescue is to provide care and love for animals in need. The mission of AAR is to rescue animals, offer them shelter, medical care, and other forms of assistance, and place them in permanent homes. AAR also aims to educate the public on responsible pet ownership practices and animal welfare issues.

Table Comparison: Mission Statement and Goals

Organization Mission Statement Goals
Abandoned Animal Rescue To rescue animals, offer them shelter, medical care, and other forms of assistance, and place them in permanent homes. -Educate the public on responsible pet ownership practices and animal welfare issues.

Services Offered

Abandoned Animal Rescue provides a wide range of services to the animals it rescues. Some of these services include:
  • Medical care and treatment
  • Shelter and food
  • Spay/neuter services
  • Foster care programs
  • Adoption services
  • Training and socialization programs

Table Comparison: Services Offered

Organization Services Offered
Abandoned Animal Rescue -Medical care and treatment
-Shelter and food
-Spay/neuter services
-Foster care programs
-Adoption services
-Training and socialization programs

Volunteer and Donations

Abandoned Animal Rescue relies heavily on volunteers and donations to keep the organization running. Volunteers can help in a variety of ways, such as walking dogs, cleaning cages, and assisting with events and fundraisers. AAR also gratefully accepts donations, which can help with the cost of medical treatments, food, shelter, and other necessities.

Table Comparison: Volunteer and Donations

Organization Volunteer Opportunities Donation Opportunities
Abandoned Animal Rescue -Walking dogs
-Cleaning cages
-Assisting with events and fundraisers
-Medical treatments
-Other necessities

Sustainability Efforts

As a non-profit organization, Abandoned Animal Rescue strives to be economically and environmentally sustainable. In addition to reducing waste and energy usage, AAR has also implemented a solar panel system that provides energy to the facility, allowing for reduced electricity costs.

Table Comparison: Sustainability Efforts

Organization Sustainability Efforts
Abandoned Animal Rescue -Reducing waste and energy usage
-Implementing a solar panel system that supplies energy to the facility, allowing for reduced electricity costs.

Impact on the Community

Abandoned Animal Rescue has made a significant impact on the community it serves. By rescuing and rehabilitating animals, AAR has helped to reduce the number of stray and abandoned animals in the Tomball area. In addition, the organization's educational programs have helped to raise awareness of responsible pet ownership practices and animal welfare issues.

Table Comparison: Impact on the Community

Organization Impact on the Community
Abandoned Animal Rescue -Reduced the number of stray and abandoned animals in the Tomball area
-Raised awareness of responsible pet ownership practices and animal welfare issues.


In conclusion, Abandoned Animal Rescue (AAR) is a non-profit organization in Tomball, Texas, dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating abandoned and abused animals. AAR provides a wide range of services, such as medical care, shelter, spay/neuter services, adoption services, and training programs. The organization depends heavily on volunteers and donations to sustain its operations and has implemented sustainability efforts to reduce waste and energy usage. AAR has made a significant impact on the community it serves by reducing the number of stray and abandoned animals and raising awareness of responsible pet ownership practices and animal welfare issues.

Tips and Tutorial for Abandoned Animal Rescue in Tomball, TX


Abandoned Animal Rescue Tomball (AAR) is an organization that helps abandoned animals in Tomball, Texas. This organization aims to provide shelter and medical care to stray animals so they can be adopted by loving families.In this article, we will cover some tips and tutorials on how to help AAR in their mission and how to provide support for the abandoned animals.

Become a Volunteer

One of the easiest ways to help AAR is by becoming a volunteer. Volunteers are always needed to assist in day-to-day operations, such as caring for the animals, fundraising events, dog walking, and administrational tasks. By volunteering, you’re helping to keep the organization running smoothly and ensure that the animals receive the care they require to find new loving homes.

Adopt an Animal

If you’re thinking about adopting an animal, AAR should be your first choice. The majority of the animals in their care come from high-kill shelters, and they are given a second chance by AAR. You’ll have the opportunity to meet and interact with the animals before deciding on adoption. With your adoption, you’ll be providing a forever home for an abandoned animal and giving them the love and care they deserve.

Donate Supplies or Money

Donations of any kind are always appreciated by AAR, whether it’s through monetary donations or supplies such as pet food, blankets, and toys. All donations go towards improving the lives of the animals under AAR’s care. Any supplies donated go directly towards supporting the daily operations of AAR.

Spread the Word

Sharing information about AAR with your friends, family, and colleagues is an effective way to help increase the organization’s reach and visibility. By sharing social media posts, or by simply talking about the organization, you can help promote their cause and encourage others to support them as well.

Attend Fundraising Events

AAR organizes several fundraising events throughout the year. By attending these events, you are not only supporting AAR’s mission, but you’re also having fun while doing so. You can participate in silent auctions, raffles, and other activities while also interacting with other animal lovers.

Become a Foster Parent

Another way to support AAR is by becoming a foster parent. By taking care of animals temporarily, foster parents provide a more home-like environment for abandoned animals before they find their permanent home. Foster parents also help AAR by freeing up space in their shelter for more needy animals.

Recycling Program

AAR has partnered with Recycle4pets, a program that recycles ink and toner cartridges, cell phones, and old electronics and uses the profits to fund programs that help rescues like AAR. You can bring your used electronics and toners to AAR to be recycled and contribute to this program.

Donation Drives

If you would like to organize a donation drive among your friends or neighbors, it's easy to do so. Contact AAR to discuss what items they currently need and how to coordinate a donation drive. It's a practical way to encourage others to help support AAR too.

Education Program

AAR has an education program that aims to teach responsible pet ownership and raise awareness about animal rights and welfare. They conduct annual visits to schools and camps, where they educate kids on animal protection and answer related questions.


By following these tips and tutorials, you can help Abandoned Animal Rescue Tomball and make a difference in the lives of abandoned animals. In doing so, you’ll improve their living conditions, give them a second chance, and bring a smile to their faces. Your support will go a long way toward helping Abandoned Animal Rescue run smoothly and enable it to provide shelter and medical care to countless animals in Tomball, Texas.

The Importance of Abandoned Animal Rescue in Tomball, TX

Animal abandonment is a global problem and Tomball, TX, is not an exception. For this reason, to tackle this issue, the city has an abandoned animal rescue shelter. Abandoned Animal Rescue (AAR) in Tomball, TX, is a non-profit organization that aims to provide food, shelter, and medical care for abandoned animals as well as support their well-being until they find their permanent homes.

AAR has helped numerous animals since its establishment in 2002. They have made it possible for stray animals to be given a second chance at life and help them find loving families that will care for them. The staff at AAR is dedicated to caring for the animals' physical and emotional needs.

The center is home to a wide array of animals, ranging from dogs and cats to small mammals, such as rabbits and hamsters. There are many reasons why animals end up abandoned, including owner surrender, abuse, or simply getting lost. Whatever the reason, AAR is there to help.

The center has a comprehensive process for taking care of abandoned animals. As soon as animals arrive at the shelter, they undergo a medical exam to determine whether they have any health issues. The shelter provides medical attention to any animals that require it. They are also spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted litters and improve their overall health.

After the animals receive medical attention, they are given proper nutrition and a comfortable environment to grow. The shelter staff spends time with each animal to make sure they are happy and healthy. They provide them with the love they need to foster a trusting relationship.

All the animals at AAR are available for adoption. This means that once they are deemed healthy, they are placed up for adoption into their forever homes. The shelter staff ensures that the animals fit perfectly with their new family to ensure they are in the right hands.

Aside from adoption services, AAR in Tomball, TX, also offers an animal transport program. This program helps transport animals to other parts of the country where they have a higher chance of finding forever homes, and AAR works with different rescue groups to make sure these animals are placed in homes that will care for them.

AAR's work in the community extends beyond their walls. They also offer education programs on responsible pet ownership, and they partner with schools to instill values of caring for animals. Through their consistent message of awareness-raising on the importance of abandoned animal rescue in Tomball TX, they are changing the narrative of how society perceives animal care.

In conclusion, Abandoned Animal Rescue in Tomball, TX, is a crucial entity in taking care of abandoned animals. Their commitment to animal rescue is unprecedented, as they not only take in abandoned animals but also ensure they receive the necessary medical attention, nutrition, and emotional support. Their emphasis on animal care education promotes awareness aimed at reducing animal abandonment. There is no doubt that AAR has changed the lives of many animals in Tomball, Tx, and beyond.

So go ahead, visit AAR, adopt one of their animals, and change both your life and the animal's life today! You can help make a difference to provide a better life for abandoned animals and give them second chances. By doing so, you help keep abandoned animals off the streets and put them into loving homes where they will receive the love and care they so desperately need.

Together, let's work towards a world where animals are cared for and loved.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope that you've learned about the abandoned animal rescue in Tomball Tx and how it saves animals' lives. If you'd like to support their work, you can donate, volunteer, or adopt an animal through their website. Thank you for considering this excellent opportunity to make a difference in animals' lives!

Abandoned Animal Rescue Tomball, TX

Who operates Abandoned Animal Rescue in Tomball?

Abandoned Animal Rescue is operated by a team of volunteers who are dedicated to saving the lives of unwanted pets in Tomball and surrounding areas. The organization was founded in 2001, and since then, it has rescued and rehomed thousands of cats and dogs.

What services does Abandoned Animal Rescue provide?

Some of the services provided by Abandoned Animal Rescue include:

  1. Adoption services for dogs and cats.
  2. Foster care programs for animals in need.
  3. Spay/neuter programs to help reduce pet overpopulation.
  4. Medical treatment for sick or injured animals.
  5. Education programs on responsible pet ownership.

How can I adopt a pet from Abandoned Animal Rescue?

If you're interested in adopting a pet from Abandoned Animal Rescue in Tomball, you can visit their website to view the animals that are currently available for adoption. You can also visit their facility in person to meet the animals and find out more about the adoption process.

Can I volunteer at Abandoned Animal Rescue?

Yes! Abandoned Animal Rescue relies heavily on the support of volunteers to help with a variety of tasks, including caring for animals, helping with fundraising events, and much more. Visit their website to learn more about volunteer opportunities and how you can get involved.