Claire Underwood: The Ultimate Spirit Animal for Empowered Women Everywhere


Do you ever watch a TV show and think to yourself, “Wow, that character is everything I aspire to be”? For me, that character is Claire Underwood from the hit Netflix series, House of Cards. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Claire Underwood is my spirit animal.

Now, you may be wondering what I mean by “spirit animal”. To clarify, I don’t mean this in a spiritual or mystical way. Rather, I mean it in the sense that Claire embodies certain qualities and traits that I admire and strive to emulate in my own life.

For starters, Claire is fiercely independent. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. Whether it’s starting her own non-profit organization or running for Vice President of the United States, Claire doesn’t let anyone stand in her way.

In addition to her ambition, Claire is also incredibly stylish and poised. From her perfectly tailored suits to her flawless hair and makeup, she always looks put together and confident. As someone who struggles with fashion and grooming, I find her effortless elegance incredibly inspiring.

But perhaps the trait that I admire most about Claire is her ability to navigate the complex political world with grace and tact. She is a master at playing the game and knows how to get what she wants without compromising her values.

Of course, I realize that Claire Underwood is a fictional character and that the world of politics depicted on House of Cards is far from accurate. However, I believe that we can still learn a lot from characters like Claire and use their examples to improve our own lives.

For example, we can strive to be more independent and go after our goals with confidence. We can work on our personal style and presentation to project the image we want to convey. And we can learn to navigate our own complex worlds with grace and tact.

At the end of the day, Claire Underwood may be a fictional character, but the qualities she embodies are very real and attainable. So if you’re feeling a little lost or lacking direction, why not let Claire be your spirit animal too?

Born into a well-to-do family in Texas, Claire Underwood is no ordinary woman. She exudes power, strength, and intelligence; traits that have made her one of the most formidable women in the world of politics and one of the most beloved characters in the Netflix series, 'House of Cards'.

Her Indomitable Spirit

From the moment she entered the show, Claire has proven to be a force to be reckoned with. Her determination to succeed in a male-dominated field like politics is admirable, to say the least. Where other women might have bowed down to the pressures of Washington DC, Claire stood her ground and carved out a niche for herself, often using unorthodox methods to get what she wanted.

But her spirit goes beyond just her accomplishments. Time and again, we see her rising up from defeat and setbacks that would have broken someone else. Her resilience and inner strength are nothing short of inspiring.

Claire Underwood as a Role Model

Claire Underwood may be a fictional character, but there is no doubt that she has become a role model for many women. She represents the idea that a woman can be ambitious, strong, and successful without compromising her identity or sacrificing her values.

Claire shows that a woman can be kind and compassionate without being weak, that she can be a loving wife while still being independent, and that she can be a mother without giving up her career aspirations.

The Power of Aspiration

One of the most important things about Claire Underwood is that she inspires us to reach for greatness. She challenges us to dream big, and to work tirelessly until our dreams become a reality.

She reminds us that life is not easy, and that there will always be obstacles in our path. However, with her incredible determination, she exemplifies how fighting against the odds can be rewarding.

The Importance of Self-Empowerment

Watching Claire Underwood's character grow over the seasons is a testament to the importance of self-empowerment. She understands that no one else can give her power; rather, she must take it for herself.

Her actions also show how women should not apologize for their ambition. Ambition is not a crime, and for the longest time, women were made to feel ashamed about wanting more for themselves. Claire embraces her desires and does not shy away from pursuing them with everything she has.

Claire's Enduring Legacy

Besides just being a favorite character, Claire Underwood will always serve as a reminder of what women are capable of achieving. She represents the unique duality of femininity and fierceness, which shows us that women can be both these things at the same time.

We can learn from her character that we don't have to choose between being kind or assertive, smart or loving, beautiful or powerful. We can BE all of these things.

In Conclusion

Claire Underwood may only be a fictional character, but she has left an indelible mark on her viewers. Her unwavering commitment to doing things her way and her strength in the face of adversity make her an icon.

We can look up to her for inspiration when we need it most, knowing that we too can achieve greatness if we are willing to fight for it.

For all these reasons and more, Claire Underwood will always be my spirit animal.

Claire Underwood Is My Spirit Animal


Claire Underwood is undoubtedly a character that many viewers of House of Cards have come to admire. She is the wife of the show's protagonist, Frank Underwood, and she becomes as much a part of the story as he does. Her character is one that has drawn a lot of attention for her strength and determination, which are just some of the reasons why she is my spirit animal.

Claire vs. Traditional Female Roles

When we think of traditional female roles, we often think of women who are homemakers, caretakers, and wives. However, Claire Underwood is a woman who defies all of these expectations. She is a successful businesswoman who is just as ruthless and cunning as her husband, Frank. While Frank is busy taking on political enemies, Claire is busy climbing the corporate ladder. She is a refreshing change from the typical female roles we see in movies and TV shows.

Claire vs. Other Female Characters

When compared to other female characters in popular culture, Claire Underwood stands out. She is not a damsel in distress, waiting for someone to rescue her. Instead, she takes charge of her own life and makes decisions that benefit her goals. Comparatively, characters like Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones or Bella Swan from Twilight seem passive and dependent.

Character Traits Opinion
Claire Underwood Ruthless, Independent, Ambitious Admire
Sansa Stark Passive, Dependent, Naive Dislike
Bella Swan Passive, Self-Defeating, Obsessive Dislike

Claire vs. Frank

While Frank is undoubtedly the main character in House of Cards, Claire becomes just as important as the show progresses. While they both share some similarities, such as their ambition and ruthlessness, there are also stark differences between the two. Frank is more overtly aggressive in his approach, while Claire is more understated. Additionally, Claire often has a more strategic mindset compared to Frank's impulsive nature.

The Importance of Claire's Style

Claire Underwood's style has become one of the most talked-about aspects of the show. Her wardrobe consists of tailored suits in neutral colors, often with a masculine edge. This reflects her no-nonsense attitude towards business and life in general. Additionally, her hairstyles are sleek and simple, which complements her overall image. Her fashion choices have even inspired articles on how to Dress Like Claire Underwood.

Claire as a Role Model

While Claire Underwood is not necessarily a person to be emulated in every aspect of her life, she does serve as a role model for women looking to break away from traditional gender roles. She demonstrates that a woman can be ambitious, independent, and successful without sacrificing her femininity. Furthermore, she shows that a woman can still be lovable despite having a masculine side to her personality.

Claire vs. Real Life

While House of Cards is a work of fiction, there are real-life examples of women who share some similarities with Claire Underwood. One notable example is Hillary Clinton, who has been praised for her ambition and career accomplishments while simultaneously receiving criticism for her masculine personality traits.

Claire's Flaws

While Claire Underwood is undoubtedly a strong character, she is not without flaws. Her ambition can sometimes lead to selfishness and ruthlessness, which can put other people in danger. Additionally, she can be a bit cold and distant, making it hard for people to connect with her emotionally.

Claire's Legacy

As the final season of House of Cards aired in 2018, we saw Claire Underwood take over as the President of the United States. This was a huge moment for the character, as it showed that even in the universe of the show, a woman can hold the highest office in the land. Her presidency cemented her legacy as a strong, powerful female character that will be remembered for years to come.


Claire Underwood is a character that has left a significant mark on popular culture. She defies typical gender roles and serves as a role model for women looking to break away from traditional norms. Her flaws make her more human, but her successes make her an inspiration. Whether you love or hate her, there is no denying that she is a force to be reckoned with.

Claire Underwood Is My Spirit Animal

If you're a fan of the popular Netflix series House of Cards, then you already know how powerful and influential one woman can be. Claire Underwood, portrayed by the talented Robin Wright, is a force to be reckoned with as she rises from a wealthy socialite to First Lady and eventually Vice President of the United States.

Here are a few tips on channeling your inner Claire Underwood:

1. Dress for Success

One of the most noticeable things about Claire is her impeccable fashion sense. From her tailored pencil skirts to her crisp button-down shirts, every outfit is meticulously planned and executed to perfection. Take some style cues from Claire by investing in timeless, classic pieces that will never go out of style. Remember, quality trumps quantity, so choose a few key items that make you feel confident and powerful.

2. Speak with Conviction

In politics and in life, you need to be able to articulate your thoughts and opinions clearly and persuasively. Claire Underwood is a master at this, using her words to empower and inspire those around her. Practice expressing yourself confidently and calmly, even in high-pressure situations. Remember, you have something important to say, so say it with conviction!

3. Don't Be Afraid to Get Your Hands Dirty

There's no such thing as an easy path to success, and Claire knows this all too well. Whether she's sabotaging an opponent's campaign or staging a coup within her own political party, she's willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. While we don't necessarily condone her unethical tactics, we can admire her willingness to get her hands dirty when it matters most. Don't shy away from taking on challenging projects or tasks that might seem difficult at first—you never know where they might lead you.

4. Build Your Support Network

No one can do it all alone, and Claire understands this better than anyone. From her husband Frank to her loyal staff members, she surrounds herself with intelligent, capable people who share her vision for a better future. Whether it's in politics or your personal life, take the time to build a supportive network of friends, family, and colleagues who encourage you to be your best self.

5. Embrace Your Femininity

Claire Underwood is the epitome of a powerful, feminine woman. She embraces her femininity by dressing impeccably, wearing bold lipstick, and never apologizing for her strength or ambition. Embrace your own femininity by finding ways to express yourself creatively, whether it's through fashion, art, or simply engaging in activities that make you feel confident and alive.

6. Be Fearless

Last but certainly not least, be fearless! Claire Underwood takes risks and makes bold decisions because she believes in herself and her ability to succeed. Don't be afraid of failure or rejection—instead, use them as opportunities to learn and grow. Take risks, speak your mind, and never let anyone else define what success means to you.

Channeling your inner Claire Underwood isn't just about being ruthless or power-hungry—it's about being confident, poised, and unapologetically yourself. So go forth and conquer, fierce lady!

Claire Underwood Is My Spirit Animal

Throughout the years, television has given us many remarkable characters. From the likes of Walter White to Tony Soprano, viewers have been astounded by the complexity and depth of these characters. However, if there is one character that truly stands out, it's Claire Underwood from Netflix's hit show, House of Cards. From her impeccable style to her unwavering ambition, Claire Underwood is the ultimate power player, and she has undoubtedly become my spirit animal.

For starters, Claire's wardrobe is something to be admired. From her sharp blazers to her chic dresses, every outfit is perfectly tailored to exude confidence and power. She always looks impeccable, and her style has definitely influenced my own wardrobe choices. But beyond her fashion sense, it's Claire's commanding presence that truly sets her apart.

Claire speaks with a quiet authority that demands attention. Her words are carefully chosen and always calculated to achieve a specific outcome. She never shies away from a challenge and is always willing to take risks to achieve her goals. Watching her navigate the male-dominated world of politics has been both inspiring and empowering.

Another aspect of Claire's character that I find fascinating is her willingness to play the long game. She knows what she wants, and she is willing to bide her time until the perfect opportunity presents itself. Her patience and strategic thinking have helped her climb the ladder of success and have earned her the respect of those around her.

Of course, no discussion of Claire Underwood would be complete without mentioning her marriage to Frank Underwood. The two together are a formidable force, and their relationship is unique in its complexity. While their marriage is far from perfect, they respect each other's strengths and work together as a team to achieve their shared goals.

But what truly sets Claire apart is her unwavering ambition. She knows exactly what she wants, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it. Her drive and determination are awe-inspiring, and they serve as a reminder that we should never settle for anything less than what we want.

While the character of Claire Underwood may not be without her flaws, it's her imperfections that make her all the more relatable. She is human, and she makes mistakes, but she owns them and learns from them. In a world where perfection is often put on a pedestal, it's refreshing to see a character who embraces her vulnerabilities and uses them to her advantage.

In conclusion, Claire Underwood is my spirit animal because she embodies everything I aspire to be: confident, powerful, patient, strategic, ambitious, and unapologetically herself. Watching her on House of Cards has been a transformative experience, and I feel privileged to have been able to witness her journey.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend giving House of Cards a watch and paying close attention to the character of Claire Underwood. You might just find that she becomes your spirit animal too.

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to embrace your inner Claire!

People Also Ask About Claire Underwood Is My Spirit Animal

Who is Claire Underwood?

Claire Underwood is a fictional character in the American political drama series House of Cards. She is portrayed by Robin Wright and is the wife of Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey.

Why is Claire Underwood considered a spirit animal?

Claire Underwood is considered a spirit animal because she is a strong and confident woman who is not afraid to take charge. She is stylish, intelligent, and ruthless in achieving her goals. Her character represents power, independence, and resilience, which people admire and aspire to have.

In what ways can Claire Underwood be a role model?

Claire Underwood can be a role model for women who want to pursue a career in politics or any male-dominated field. She shows that women are just as capable as men and can be leaders. She is also unapologetically confident in herself and her abilities, which is a valuable trait for anyone to have in their personal and professional life.

What are some of Claire Underwood's famous quotes?

  1. I'm willing to let your child wither and die inside you if that's what's required.
  2. The best thing about human beings is that they stack so neatly.
  3. A woman can only be pushed so far.
  4. The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and casualties.

Is Claire Underwood a villain?

Claire Underwood can be considered a villain in the series because of her ruthless and immoral actions to achieve power. However, some people also see her as a complex character who is a victim of the patriarchal system and is doing what she needs to do in her quest for power. Ultimately, it is up to the viewer to decide how they perceive her character.