Crack the Code: How to Solve Resident Evil Zero's Animal Statue Puzzle for Ultimate Survival


Resident Evil Zero is an action-packed video game with puzzles for players to solve. In the game, players have to solve a puzzle known as the Animal Statue Puzzle. This particular puzzle has been known to be quite tricky and challenging, and it requires a lot of patience and strategizing to complete it successfully.

The Animal Statue Puzzle is found during the exploration of the Spencer Mansion. The puzzle involves four animal statues, which need to be placed in specific positions to unlock a door. The four animal statues are a wolf figurine, a serpent figurine, an eagle figurine, and a tiger figurine.

The first time you encounter this puzzle can be quite daunting. It raises a few questions: What is the correct way to solve this riddle? Are there any tips or tricks that can help solve it quickly? Is there a specific order in which the statues should be placed?

Well, the good news is that we've got you covered. We have put together some helpful tips and strategies on how to solve the Animal Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Zero. You don't have to worry about getting stuck on this puzzle anymore!

Tip #1: Pay Attention to the Clues

Resident Evil Zero's Animal Statue Puzzle features four animal figurines that represent four elements – earth, wind, fire, and water. Each statue has a unique emblem engraved on its base that hints at the corresponding element.

Pay attention to these clues as they can assist you in solving the puzzle. Be mindful of the distinct markings on the pedestals, as they suggest which of the elements the statues represent.

Tip #2: Know the Correct Order

Placement order is essential when it comes to completing the Animal Statue Puzzle. There is a specific order in which the statues must be placed for the puzzle to be solved.

The order of the animal figurines is a serpent, eagle, wolf, and tiger. Simply follow this set order and place the correct statue on the correct pedestal, and the door will unlock.

Tip #3: Patience is a Virtue

The Animal Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Zero can be challenging, but don't get discouraged. Be patient and take your time. Rushing and making mistakes can cause the puzzle to reset, forcing you to start from the beginning.

Don't be afraid to take breaks and review the clues if you're not making any headway. Keeping a clear mind and taking it one step at a time can go a long way. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Tip #4: Practice Makes Perfect

The Animal Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Zero requires some trial and error to find the perfect solution. You may need to start over a few times before finding the correct order. It's okay to practice multiple times until you gain confidence.

Once you've cracked the code, you can apply what you've learned to other puzzles that might come your way. Never give up!


In conclusion, the Animal Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Zero can be quite challenging, but with the right tips and strategies, anyone can solve it. Pay attention to the clues, know the correct order, keep calm and patient during the process, and practice as much as possible.

We hope our helpful tips and tricks have given you enough insight into completing this puzzle successfully. So go ahead and give it a try!

The Challenging Animal Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Zero: A Guide

Resident Evil Zero is a classic survival horror game that has continually challenged players to solve complex puzzles and navigate through dangerous environments. One such puzzle that stands out is the Animal Statue Puzzle found in the game's courtyard. This puzzle requires a keen eye for detail, critical thinking skills, and a bit of patience.

The Puzzle Setup

The Animal Statue Puzzle can be found in the courtyard of the Mansion. The puzzle consists of three animal statues - a deer, a wolf, and a horse. The statues are located on pedestals with different symbols inscribed on them. The puzzle's objective is to push the statues onto their corresponding pedestals with matching symbols.

The challenge is that the statues' weight prevents you from pushing them too far, and every push moves the statue onto another pedestal, leading to a non-matching solution. The puzzle seems confusing at first, but with the right guidance and strategy, it's simpler than it looks.

The Deer Statue

The Deer statue is the easiest of the three to solve. The statue's pedestal has a 'sun' symbol inscribed on it, a symbol that can also be found on the statue's back. The trick to solving the puzzle is to push the deer statue until it falls off the pedestal. Once off the pedestal, a turntable will emerge, allowing you to rotate the statue's position. Rotate the statue until the 'sun' symbol lines up, and then push it back onto its pedestal.

The Wolf and Horse Statues

The Wolf and Horse statues are a little more difficult to solve. The Horse statue's pedestal has a 'wind' symbol, and the Wolf statue's pedestal has a 'moon' symbol. Neither statue has a matching symbol inscribed on its back, making the puzzle harder to solve.

The trick to solving this puzzle is in examining the statue's details minutely. On the side of each pedestal is a small symbol with a letter engraved in it: 'C' for the Horse statue and 'D' for the Wolf statue. These letters provide a clue that hints at the puzzle's solution.

Push the wolf statue onto the deer statue's pedestal and push the horse statue onto the wolf statue's pedestal. This will free up the deer statue's pedestal for you to rotate to line up the 'sun' symbol correctly. Once the deer statue is placed correctly, push the wolf statue onto the deer statue's pedestal, and the 'moon' symbol on the wolf statue will line up with the 'wind' symbol on the horse statue's pedestal.


The Animal Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Zero is one of the most challenging puzzles in the game. However, with these simple strategies to solve it, players can conquer the puzzle easily. Although it might seem tough at first, the satisfaction one receives after solving the puzzle is worth the effort. So gear up your critical thinking skills, be patient, and enjoy the thrill of solving another classic Resident Evil puzzle.

Resident Evil Zero Animal Statue Puzzle: A Comparison


Resident Evil Zero is a classic survival-horror game that has been praised for its challenging puzzles. One of the most memorable and frustrating puzzles in the game is the Animal Statue Puzzle. This puzzle requires players to place animal statues on pedestals in a specific order to progress to the next area. In this article, we will compare two different approaches to solving this puzzle and provide our opinion on which method is more effective.

Method 1: Trial and Error

Many players approach the Animal Statue Puzzle with a trial and error method. They will randomly place the statues on the pedestals until they find the correct order. This method is time-consuming and frustrating because there are many possible combinations to try.

For example, there are four animal statues: a wolf, a jaguar, an eagle, and a snake. There are also four pedestals. Using the trial and error method, there are 24 different ways to arrange the statues on the pedestals. This means that players could potentially try all 24 combinations before stumbling onto the correct answer.


  • This method does not require any prior knowledge or strategy.
  • Players can eventually find the correct answer through persistence.


  • This method can be time-consuming and frustrating.
  • Players may lose patience and give up on the puzzle.

Method 2: The Zodiac Sign Strategy

Another approach to solving the Animal Statue Puzzle is to use the Zodiac sign strategy. This strategy involves using the information provided in earlier parts of the game to determine the correct order of the animal statues.

Before entering the puzzle area, players can find a document that explains the Zodiac signs. Each sign is associated with a specific animal: the wolf is associated with Aquarius, the jaguar is associated with Leo, the eagle is associated with Scorpio, and the snake is associated with Taurus.

Using this information, players can deduce the correct order for the animal statues. Starting with the pedestal that represents Aquarius, players can place the wolf statue. They can then move to Leo and place the jaguar statue, followed by Scorpio and the eagle statue, and finally Taurus and the snake statue.


  • This method is quicker and more efficient than the trial and error method.
  • Players can use their problem-solving skills to decipher the correct order.


  • This method requires prior knowledge of the Zodiac signs.
  • Players may not have paid close enough attention to the information provided earlier in the game.

Comparison Table

Trial and Error-Does not require any prior knowledge or strategy
-Players can eventually find the correct answer through persistence.
-Can be time-consuming and frustrating
-Players may lose patience and give up on the puzzle
The Zodiac Sign Strategy-Quicker and more efficient than the trial and error method
-Players can use their problem-solving skills to decipher the correct order.
-Requires prior knowledge of the Zodiac signs
-Players may not have paid close enough attention to the information provided earlier in the game.


Both methods can be effective in solving the Animal Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Zero. However, we believe that the Zodiac sign strategy is superior because it is quicker and more efficient. While the trial and error method can eventually lead players to the correct answer, it can also be frustrating and time-consuming. The Zodiac sign strategy requires some prior knowledge but rewards players who pay attention to the details provided in the game. Ultimately, it is up to each player to decide which method they prefer and which works best for them.

Resident Evil Zero: How to Solve the Animal Statue Puzzle

If you are a fan of puzzles and mystery, then Resident Evil Zero is the perfect game for you. In the early stages of the game, players are tasked with solving an intriguing puzzle involving animal statues. The puzzle may be a bit challenging, but with the right guide, it can be solved with ease. In this article, we will take a look at how to solve the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero.

The Animal Statue Puzzle Explained

The animal statue puzzle is found in the Main Hall of the Training Facility. To access the Main Hall, you must first get the key from the Dining Room on the first floor. Once you have the key, exit the room, go down the hallway and turn right. Follow the path until you reach the door that leads to the Main Hall.Once you are inside the Main Hall, you will see four animal statues: two elephants, a lion, and a unicorn. The objective of the puzzle is to arrange these statues in a certain order to open the door that leads to the next room. Each statue has a distinctive color: the two elephants are brown and blue, the lion is green, and the unicorn is white. Moreover, each statue has a plaquette beside it with some cryptic instructions on how to arrange them.

How to Solve the Puzzle

To solve the animal statue puzzle, follow these steps:

Step 1: Read the Instructions Carefully

Examine the plaquettes beside each statue and read the instructions carefully. Each plaque has a unique set of hints to help you solve the puzzle.

Step 2: Arrange the Statues

Arrange the statues in the correct order according to the hints on the plaquettes. The order should be: - Blue Elephant- White Unicorn- Green Lion- Brown Elephant

Step 3: Verify the Order

Walk over to the door and press the action button. If you have arranged the statues in the correct order, the door will open, and you can proceed to the next room.

Some Tips to Keep in Mind

Here are some tips to help you solve the animal statue puzzle:1. Take your time and read the instructions carefully. The clues are there to help you.2. Examine each statue and take note of its color and design. This will make it easier for you to arrange them correctly.3. If you get stuck, try different combinations until you find the right one. Don't give up!4. Keep in mind that the blue elephant and the brown elephant look very similar. Pay close attention to their positions and colors to avoid confusion.


Solving the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero is not too difficult if you follow the steps above. Just remember to read the instructions carefully, arrange the statues in the correct order, and verify the order by pressing the action button near the door. With a bit of patience, you will be able to solve this puzzle and move on to the next stage of the game. Good luck!

Resident Evil Zero Animal Statue Puzzle: Solving the Mystery

Resident Evil Zero is a survival horror game that requires players to solve puzzles and navigate through various challenges. One of the most prominent puzzles is the animal statue puzzle, which involves moving statues and solving riddles. In this blog, we will be discussing the basics of the Resident Evil Zero animal statue puzzle and how to solve it efficiently.

Firstly, players must find three animal statues, each representing a different animal - a deer, a wolf, and a eagle. These statues can be found in different locations throughout the game, and you must retrieve them to unlock access to a new area.

Once you have all three statues, head to the main hall with the clock tower. Place all statues in the correct locations - the wolf statue on the left pedestal, the eagle statue on the right, and the deer statue in the center.

Now, you must solve a riddle to open the door to access the new area. The riddle reads - When light is after six and preys on despair, the moon will reveal the path. To solve this riddle, turn off the lights in the room, then turn the clock hands to 6 o'clock. Then go out to the balcony, and you'll see the moon reflecting on the pool. Follow the path of the reflection, and you'll be able to access the new area.

The animal statue puzzle can be tricky and even frustrating for some players. However, there are a few tips to help solve it more efficiently. Firstly, make sure you have all three statues and that they are placed correctly. Secondly, don't hesitate to use hints and guides if you're unsure about anything. Lastly, take your time and explore the environment thoroughly to find clues.

Another key aspect of Resident Evil Zero is the importance of inventory management. As you progress through the game, you'll gather different items and resources that are essential for survival. Maintaining a clean and organized inventory is crucial, as it will save you time and increase your chances of survival.

Additionally, Resident Evil Zero has various other puzzles that players must solve to progress. These puzzles can range from simple riddles to intricate challenges that require extensive skills and knowledge. It's important to take each puzzle seriously and approach them with a clear mind, attention to detail, and patience.

As you progress through Resident Evil Zero and unravel the mysteries, you'll encounter tough enemies and fierce bosses. It's important to keep calm, assess the situation, and act quickly to survive. Utilize different strategies and weapons, and stay alert to avoid getting caught off guard.

In conclusion, the Resident Evil Zero animal statue puzzle is a challenging yet rewarding aspect of the game. With the tips and strategies mentioned above, players can solve the puzzle efficiently and progress smoothly through the game. Remember to remain calm, take your time, explore thoroughly, and manage your inventory efficiently. Happy gaming!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog on the Resident Evil Zero animal statue puzzle. We hope this has helped enhance your gaming experience and make solving the puzzle easier. We welcome any feedback and suggestions and look forward to sharing more insightful blogs in the future.

People Also Ask About Resident Evil Zero Animal Statue Puzzle

What is the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero?

The animal statue puzzle is a puzzle in Resident Evil Zero that requires the player to align a set of animal statues in a specific pattern in order to progress further into the game.

Where is the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero?

The animal statue puzzle can be found in the Church area of Resident Evil Zero, after you have defeated the boss in the Cemetery.

How do you solve the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero?

To solve the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero, you will need to arrange a set of four animal statues in a specific order. The order is as follows: Deer (1), Wolf (2), Horse (3), Lion (4).

What happens after you solve the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero?

After you solve the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero, a door will open which will lead you further into the game's story and gameplay.

Are there any tips for solving the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero?

Here are some tips for solving the animal statue puzzle in Resident Evil Zero:

  • Take a good look at the pedestal in front of the statues, which has clues on how to arrange the statues.
  • Make a note of the numbers found on the plaques at the base of each statue; these correspond to the correct sequence for arranging them.
  • If you make a mistake in the arrangement, try swapping the two statues that are in the wrong places.