Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo - Providing a Safe Haven for Rescued Animals


Do you love animals? Are you interested in supporting ethical farming practices and promoting animal welfare? Look no further than the DD Farm Animal Sanctuary in Columbia, MO!

This sanctuary is home to a variety of farm animals, from cows and pigs to chickens and goats. Each animal has its own story of rescue and rehabilitation, and the sanctuary is committed to providing them with a safe and loving home.

The farm was founded by a couple who left their corporate jobs to pursue their passion for animal welfare. Today, the sanctuary continues to grow and thrive thanks to the hard work and dedication of its staff and volunteers.

Visitors to the sanctuary can take a guided tour and learn about the animals' individual stories. They can also participate in hands-on activities such as feeding and grooming the animals.

But the DD Farm Animal Sanctuary isn't just a place for animal lovers to visit and enjoy. It's also a crucial part of the movement towards more ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Factory farming, which is the standard practice in the commercial meat industry, is incredibly harmful to animals, the environment, and human health. The DD Farm Animal Sanctuary offers a way for individuals to support a more compassionate and sustainable approach to food production.

By supporting the sanctuary, you'll not only be helping to give these animals a better life, but you'll also be promoting a more ethical and environmentally responsible way of feeding ourselves.

And if you're still not convinced, consider the fact that eating a plant-based diet can be both healthier and more environmentally friendly than relying on meat as a primary food source.

Plus, by supporting the DD Farm Animal Sanctuary, you'll have the opportunity to meet some truly amazing animals and witness firsthand the positive impact that a more compassionate approach to farming can have.

So what are you waiting for? Visit the DD Farm Animal Sanctuary in Columbia, MO today and see how you can be a part of the solution!


DD Farm Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organization that provides lifelong care and shelter for abused and neglected farm animals. Located in Columbia, Missouri, the sanctuary is home to horses, cows, pigs, goats, chickens, ducks, and geese. Their mission is to provide a safe and compassionate environment where animals can live out their lives free from harm and suffering.

The History of DD Farm Animal Sanctuary

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary was established in 2012 by Dan and Dee Banta. The couple had been animal advocates for years and were running a rescue for dogs and cats. However, they soon realized that there was a huge need for a sanctuary for farm animals in their area. They decided to use their land to create a safe haven for these animals and started DD Farm Animal Sanctuary.

Over the years, the sanctuary has expanded to accommodate more animals and provide better facilities for them. Today, they have several barns, pastures, and a pond where the animals can roam freely and enjoy their lives.

The Animals at DD Farm Animal Sanctuary

The sanctuary is currently home to over 100 animals who have been rescued from abuse, neglect, or abandonment. These animals include horses, cows, pigs, goats, chickens, ducks, and geese. Each animal has their own unique story and personality, and the staff at DD Farm Animal Sanctuary works hard to ensure that they receive individualized care that meets their needs.


The sanctuary has several horses, including thoroughbreds, Tennessee Walkers, and Clydesdales. Some of them were rescued from auctions, while others were surrendered by their owners. The staff at the sanctuary provides them with proper nutrition, medical care, and grooming. They also train them to become comfortable around humans and sometimes offer them for adoption.

Cows and Pigs

The cows and pigs at DD Farm Animal Sanctuary have been saved from slaughterhouses or were confiscated by authorities due to animal cruelty. These animals get to live out their lives peacefully in the sanctuary's pastures and barns. The staff makes sure they receive a healthy and balanced diet, proper veterinary care, and lots of love and attention.

Chickens, Ducks, and Geese

The sanctuary also provides a home for chickens, ducks, and geese who were rescued from factory farms or backyard breeders. These birds get to enjoy outdoor space, fresh air, and sunshine, which is something they would never experience in commercial farms. They also get to socialize with other birds, roost in comfortable coops, and lay eggs naturally.

The Work of DD Farm Animal Sanctuary

The staff at DD Farm Animal Sanctuary work tirelessly to ensure that the animals under their care are happy and healthy. They spend countless hours feeding, cleaning, exercising, and monitoring the animals to make sure they are living comfortably. They also provide essential medical care for sick and injured animals.

The sanctuary is run entirely on donations, and the staff regularly organizes fundraising activities to support its upkeep and expansion. They also host educational programs and events to raise awareness about animal welfare issues and encourage people to adopt a plant-based lifestyle.

How You Can Help

If you are passionate about animal welfare and want to support DD Farm Animal Sanctuary, there are several ways you can help:


You can make a donation to the sanctuary online via their website or through their Facebook page. Your contribution will go towards feeding the animals, providing veterinary care, and maintaining the facilities.


If you live in or near Columbia, Missouri, you can volunteer your time at the sanctuary. The staff welcomes volunteers who can help with feeding, cleaning, maintenance, and socializing with the animals.

Sponsor an Animal

You can also sponsor one of the animals at DD Farm Animal Sanctuary by making a monthly donation. The money will go towards taking care of that animal's specific needs, such as food, shelter, or medical care.

Spread the Word

Lastly, you can help raise awareness about the sanctuary's work by sharing their story on social media or telling your friends and family about them. The more people know about DD Farm Animal Sanctuary, the more support they can receive.


DD Farm Animal Sanctuary is a beacon of hope for abused and neglected farm animals. The staff and volunteers at the sanctuary provide a safe and compassionate environment where these animals can heal and enjoy their lives. By supporting their work, we can make a difference in the lives of these innocent creatures and help create a world where all animals are treated with love and respect.

Comparing DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo

About DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organization located in Columbia, Missouri. This animal sanctuary provides a home for rescued farm animals such as pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens. Their mission is to rescue and provide lifelong care to animals who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned.

The Facilities

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary has a 40-acre land with various shelters, enclosures, and fences, making it the perfect place for animals to roam around freely. The facilities are clean and well-maintained, with staff and volunteers taking time to ensure the safety and comfort of the animals.

Adoption Policy

Unlike other animal shelters, DD Farm Animal Sanctuary doesn't offer adoptions for their animals, because they believe that each animal deserves to spend the rest of their lives in the sanctuary where they can receive proper care and attention.


One of the ways you can support DD Farm Animal Sanctuary is by volunteering. Volunteers can help with various activities such as cleaning barns, feeding animals, and other farm tasks. They can also participate in events and fund-raisers.

About Happy Acres Sanctuary

Happy Acres Sanctuary is a non-profit animal sanctuary located in eastern Missouri. They provide lifelong care and rehabilitation to animals that were once considered livestock but are now considered family members. They advocate for animal rights and promote veganism and plant-based diets.

The Facilities

Happy Acres Sanctuary spans over 60 acres of pastures, forests, and streams. They have an array of shelter options for the animals ranging from barns, coops, and houses. Each enclosure is made specific to the needs of each animal.

Adoption Policy

Happy Acres Sanctuary doesn't offer adoptions as they aim to provide a permanent, loving home for their animal residents.


Volunteers can help Happy Acres Sanctuary with farm tasks and other activities such as fundraising events. Volunteers also have the opportunity to work with the animals and gain hands-on experience in animal care.


| DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo | Happy Acres Sanctuary || --- | --- || Founded: 2005 | Founded: 2011 || Location: Columbia, Missouri | Location: Saint Louis, Missouri || Total Acres: 40 | Total Acres: 60+ || Animals: pigs, cows, horses, goats, chickens | Animals: cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, dogs, cats, and many more || Adoption Policy: No adoptions | Adoption Policy: No adoptions || Volunteer Options: farm tasks and fundraising | Volunteer Options: farm tasks, events, and animal care |


Both DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo and Happy Acres Sanctuary share similar values and goals, which is rescuing and providing lifelong care to animals. While their adoption policies are different, they both believe in giving animals the best life they deserve. Their facilities are thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of the animals. Volunteer options in both sanctuaries provide opportunities to connect with animals and make a difference. Ultimately, supporting any animal sanctuary is significant in improving animal welfare and promoting compassion towards all living beings.

Tips and Tricks for Visiting DD Farm Animal Sanctuary in Columbia, MO

If you're looking for a meaningful way to connect with animals and support ethical farming practices, a visit to the DD Farm Animal Sanctuary in Columbia, MO is a must. This family-owned sanctuary offers an up-close and personal experience with a variety of farm animals, from cows and pigs to chickens and goats. To make the most of your visit, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind.

Plan Ahead

Before you make the trip to DD Farm, make sure to check their website for information on hours of operation, admission fees, and any special events or tours that may be happening during your visit. You'll also want to dress appropriately - the sanctuary is located on a working farm, so sturdy shoes and clothing that can get dirty are recommended.

Bring Along Some Snacks

While there are plenty of animals to admire at DD Farm, there aren't many food options available on-site. Pack a picnic lunch or bring along some snacks to enjoy while you explore the sanctuary. There are plenty of picnic tables and benches scattered throughout the property, so finding a comfortable spot to relax and refuel shouldn't be a problem.

Say Hello to the Animals

One of the main draws of DD Farm is the chance to get up close and personal with a variety of farm animals. Don't be shy - say hello to the cows, pigs, chickens, and goats that call the sanctuary home. Many of these animals have unique personalities and love interacting with visitors.

Respect Boundaries

While the animals at DD Farm are generally friendly and accustomed to human interaction, it's important to respect their boundaries. Don't touch or approach any animal that appears uncomfortable or agitated. And be mindful of any signs or barriers that indicate certain areas are off-limits to visitors.

Ask Questions

The staff at DD Farm are passionate about animal welfare and sustainable farming practices. Don't hesitate to ask questions or strike up a conversation with them during your visit. They're happy to share information and insights on everything from animal care to the challenges of running a small-scale farm.

Support the Farm

DD Farm is a non-profit organization that relies on the support of visitors and donors to sustain its operations. Consider making a donation during your visit, or purchase some farm-fresh produce or merchandise from the gift shop to take home as a souvenir.

Volunteer Your Time

If you're particularly passionate about animal welfare or sustainable agriculture, consider volunteering at DD Farm. The sanctuary offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, from assisting with animal care to helping out with special events and outreach programs.


DD Farm Animal Sanctuary is a wonderful destination for animal lovers and those interested in supporting sustainable farming practices. With a little planning and preparation, you can make the most of your visit and connect with these amazing animals in a meaningful way. So pack a picnic, put on your boots, and head out to Columbia, MO to experience the magic of DD Farm for yourself.

Learn More About Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary in Columbia, MO

If you're an animal lover and find yourself in the Columbia, MO area, then there's one place that you should put on your to-visit list - Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary. This non-profit organization is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and providing a forever home to multiple animals, such as horses, cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and more.

The sanctuary was founded in 2015 by Danielle and Derek, who dreamt of providing a safe haven for abused, neglected, and abandoned farm animals. The couple came across several animals who were abused and thought they would give them a home. As they started helping more and more animals, they realized the need for such an organization in the community.

Danielle, being a lifelong vegan, believes that all animals deserve love, respect, and freedom. And that's precisely what she and her team at Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary strive to provide. The community has grown over the years, and it now includes several volunteers, donors, and supporters who share their vision.

The animals residing at Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary are all unique, with different personalities and quirks. They all have their stories of survival and resilience, which are heart-warming and inspiring. During your visit, you'll get to see these animals up close, learn about their past, and see how they're thriving in their new home.

One of the recent residents at the sanctuary is Sammy, a pig who had been suffering from a severe respiratory infection. Sammy is now living his best life, enjoying the sunshine and cuddles from his human friends. Another resident, Bonnie, was found wandering on the side of the road. She's now thriving and loves meeting visitors who come to the sanctuary.

You'll also meet some feathered friends at Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary, such as turkeys, chickens, and ducks. You'll learn about their personalities and how intelligent and social they are. Bonnie and Clyde, the two turkeys at the sanctuary, are inseparable, and you'll see them mostly together, enjoying their freedom.

If you're lucky, you may get to meet the horses who've found a forever home at the sanctuary. Horses like Remmie, who was rescued with her herd from a kill buyer's yard. After arriving at the sanctuary, Remmie quickly became known for her curious and affectionate nature. She's now one of the most popular residents and loves meeting visitors who come to the sanctuary.

At Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary, you can not only meet these gentle beings but can also learn about their lives and how you can help make a difference in their lives. The sanctuary holds various events throughout the year, such as vegan potlucks and animal welfare workshops, which are all focused on promoting compassion towards animals.

If you're interested in supporting the sanctuary's mission, you can donate, sponsor an animal or become a volunteer. Each contribution goes towards providing food, shelter, and medical care to the animals living at the sanctuary. All volunteers receive proper training before working with the animals, and there's no experience needed.

In conclusion, Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary is an excellent place to visit if you're looking to meet some friendly and furry friends, learn about animal welfare, and show some love to the animals who call the sanctuary their forever home. Not only that, but you can also play a vital role in their welfare by becoming a volunteer or making a donation. A trip to the sanctuary can be an educational and enlightening experience that will stay with you long after you've left.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you soon at Dd Farm Animal Sanctuary!

People Also Ask About DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo

What is DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo?

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo is a non-profit organization that provides a safe haven for abused, neglected, and unwanted farm animals. The sanctuary aims to promote animal welfare and educate people about the proper care and treatment of farm animals.

What kinds of animals are at the sanctuary?

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo takes in various types of farm animals, including cows, pigs, chickens, goats, sheep, horses, and donkeys. Most of these animals have been rescued from abusive or neglectful situations and are in need of medical care, rehabilitation, and a new home.

How can I help support DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo?

You can support DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo by donating money, volunteering your time, adopting an animal, or sponsoring an animal. The sanctuary also accepts donations of food, supplies, and other resources. You can visit their website to learn more about how to support their cause.

Can I visit the sanctuary?

Yes, you can visit DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo by scheduling a guided tour in advance. The sanctuary offers educational tours for individuals, groups, and schools, where you can learn about the animals and the work that they do.

Are there any events or activities at the sanctuary?

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo sometimes holds special events and activities, such as fundraising events, volunteer workdays, and educational programs. You can check their website or social media pages to stay up-to-date on any upcoming events or activities.

Does the sanctuary offer any internship or work opportunities?

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo does occasionally offer internship and work opportunities for individuals interested in animal welfare and farm animal care. You can contact the sanctuary to inquire about any available positions or opportunities.

How is DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo funded?

DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo is primarily funded through donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations that support their cause. The sanctuary also receives grants and other funding from various sources to help support their operations and programs.

What is the mission of DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo?

The mission of DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo is to provide a peaceful and compassionate environment for farm animals in need, to promote animal welfare, and to educate the public about the importance of treating all animals with kindness and respect.

Overall, DD Farm Animal Sanctuary Columbia Mo is a worthy organization that deserves support from anyone who cares about animal welfare and wants to help provide a safe haven for farm animals in need. Whether you donate money, volunteer your time, or simply spread the word about their cause, you can make a difference in the lives of these animals and help promote a more compassionate world.