Discover the Enchanting Lyrics of In The Flowers by Animal Collective


Animal Collective's In The Flowers is a mystifying song that invites its listeners to a world of ethereal melodies and cryptic lyrics. Despite being released over a decade ago, it remains one of their most popular songs that people can't seem to get enough of.

Have you ever listened to a song that made you feel like you were in a dream? In The Flowers does just that with its otherworldly instrumentation that is reminiscent of a lullaby and its lyrics that seem to have been plucked out of a magical storybook.

The band's poetic choice of words transports you right into nature's arms where the flowers, trees, and beasts come alive. The song's opening line, If I could just leave my body for the night, paints a vivid image of an out-of-body experience where the narrator is no longer limited by his physical form.

Don't you just hate it when someone tells you what a song is about, and you don't agree with their interpretation? Luckily, In The Flowers leaves room for various interpretations, and every listener can take away something different from it.

The song's chorus If I could just come in, I swear I'll behave acts as a mantra that the narrator repeats as if he is trying to convince himself that he will conform to society's norms if only given the chance. The chorus's juxtaposition with the song's tribal drum beats and eerie synths could indicate the narrator's faltering determination to reject conformity.

Animal Collective is notorious for their experimentation with genres and their blending of unconventional sounds to create something uniquely beautiful. In The Flowers is no exception.

The song's extended instrumental break halfway through is an otherworldly concoction of synths, guitars, and pounding drums that seemingly build up to a climax before breaking apart and returning to the soothing vocals that first drew you in.

Did you know that In The Flowers is often used in many creative projects like films, TV shows, and commercials? Its hypnotic melody and otherworldly feel make it perfect for creating an atmosphere of surrealism and whimsy.

The song's bridge, And all I need is that one thing/ And that one thing is everything, could be interpreted as a commentary on the fleeting nature of material pursuits and how they pale in comparison to the abundance of beauty and wonder already present in nature.

In The Flowers is a song that cleaves through genres, evokes imagery of magic and nature, and envelops its listener in a cocoon of cozy melodies and cryptic lyrics. It's no wonder why it continues to be a fan favorite even after a decade since its release.

If you're looking for a song that will help you drift off into a world of dreams and wonder, In The Flowers by Animal Collective might just be the answer you've been searching for.


Animal Collective is an experimental indie rock band from Baltimore, Maryland. They are known for their unconventional sound and lyrics that are often abstract in nature. In the Flowers is one of the most famous songs from the band's album Merriweather Post Pavilion and has captivated fans with its unique lyrics that capture a range of emotions.

Verse 1

The song opens with the lyrics:

If I could just leave my body for the night

This line suggests that the speaker is looking to escape or detach themselves from their physical form, perhaps seeking refuge from the stresses of daily life.

Then we could be dancing, no more missing you

In this line, the speaker seems to be saying that they could fully enjoy themselves if they were free from the burden of longing for someone who is not present.

Keep my eyes closed, try to feel you inside of me

Here, the speaker expresses a desire to connect with someone on a deeper level, beyond just physical contact.


The chorus of In the Flowers goes:

In the flowers, you can have me in the flowers

It's not clear what the reference to flowers means, but it seems to be a metaphorical space where the speaker can be fully present with their lover.

And we will dance, with our hands above our heads

These lines suggest a sense of abandon and freedom that comes from being fully immersed in the moment.

Verse 2

The second verse of the song begins with:

Can't stop, I'm becoming

It's unclear exactly what the speaker is becoming, but there is a sense of transformation and growth in this line.

All the time, I am changing

Here, we get a sense that the speaker is in a state of flux, constantly evolving and adapting to their environment.

It's becoming something new

This line reinforces the idea of change and suggests that whatever the speaker is becoming, it is entirely different from what they were before.


Once again, the chorus brings us back to the image of dancing and being fully present:

In the flowers, you can be me, and I will be inside

These lines suggest a complete merging of bodies and identities, where the speaker and their lover become one.

You can feed me, now you need me

This line implies a mutual dependence, where each partner nurtures and cares for the other.


The song's bridge features a repeated refrain:

Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you

Here, the speaker expresses a fear common to many relationships – the possibility of losing the one they love.

Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you, I'd rather lose myself

This line suggests that the speaker would rather give up their own identity than lose their lover.


The final chorus of In the Flowers repeats many of the same lines, reinforcing the themes of unity and presence:

In the flowers, we will meet again

These lines suggest that the space created by the metaphorical flowers is a place where the two partners can always come together.

And we will dance, and we will dance

Once again, the song ends with the image of dancing, suggesting a joyous celebration of love and life.


In the Flowers is a beautiful and captivating song that captures the complexities of love and human connection. The abstract lyrics leave room for interpretation, allowing each listener to find their own meaning in the words. Animal Collective is known for their experimental sound and this song is no exception, combining unique instrumentation with evocative lyrics to create an unforgettable listening experience.

Comparing In The Flowers Animal Collective Lyrics – A Journey through Melody and Lyrics

Animal Collective is one of the most significant musical groups in the alternative rock scene, thanks to their unique sound and innovative lyrics. In The Flowers is one of their most revered songs, and its lyrics are deep and thought-provoking. In this blog post, we will compare the lyrics and melody of In The Flowers using various aspects such as imagery, metaphor, rhyme scheme, and the overall mood of the song.

Imagery: The Power of Description

In the Flowers has a lot of vivid imagery that sets the tone for the rest of the song. The opening lyrics of the song, If I could just leave my body for a night, are enough to transport the listener into a different world. The imagery used in this song is inspired by nature and the universe, which gives it a larger than life quality.

The juxtaposition of imagery is also important; for example, the line I'd open my heart, and let in contrasts with the previous line, which describes the crushing weight of everyday life. This contrast is a clever way of highlighting life's duality.

The repeated use of natural imagery like flowers, trees, and oceans adds another layer of depth to the song. It speaks of the human desire to connect with nature and reconnect with our primal selves.

Metaphors: Connecting Nature and Life

In The Flowers is filled with rich metaphors that speak directly to the human condition. At its core, the song is about rediscovering the beauty and wonder of life. One of the most striking metaphors used in the song is Through the glow of your rise/Like a light in the sky/And all of the dogs gonna bark. This line refers to the moment of epiphany and realization that comes with an intense emotional experience, which can be seen as a beacon of hope.

The song also utilizes more abstract metaphors, such as: And it's alright now/But forget about me. This metaphor speaks to the impermanence of life and how everything is temporary. It also touches on the idea of letting go of the past so that we can move forward.

Rhyme Scheme: Creating a Lyrical Flow

Animal Collective is known for their unconventional music and lyrics, but In The Flowers is an exception. The song features a rhyming scheme that flows well with the melody. The first verse ends with It's nice to have you here, which rhymes with the next verse's ending of In a world that's been torn apart. The simplicity of the rhyme scheme creates an easy to follow rhythm, which enhances the overall quality of the song.

Mood: The Power of Music and Lyrics

In The Flowers has a mellow, dreamy quality that puts the listener in a trance. The song's ethereal quality makes it ideal for introspection and meditation. The lyrics are thought-provoking and speak directly to the human condition. Most listeners will find themselves caught up in the message of the song, which appears to be about overcoming pain and negativity to find a better life.

Overall, In The Flowers is an exceptional piece of music that exhibits Animal Collective's incredible artistry in both lyrics and music. The song's message is universal, speaking to anyone who has ever felt lost, or disconnected. The lyrics utilize rich imagery and metaphors to send a powerful message, while the music and melody create a dreamy soundscape that draws the listener in. There's no doubt that In The Flowers is a masterpiece of both music and lyrical artistry.

Table Comparison

Aspect Description
Imagery Vivid imagery inspired by nature and the universe that highlights life's duality.
Metaphors The use of metaphors speaks to the human condition, life’s impermanence, letting go of the past, and rediscovering the beauty of life.
Rhyme Scheme A simple rhyming scheme that flows well with the melody.
Mood The song has a mellow, dreamy quality that can put the listener in a trance while providing a thought-provoking message.

Final Thoughts

In The Flowers is a fantastic piece of music that stands the test of time. Its beautiful melody and powerful lyrics are still relevant and resonate with listeners even after all these years. The song speaks to the human condition, highlighting the duality of life, the importance of reconnecting with nature, and the power of letting go of past hurts. Overall, In The Flowers is an exceptional experience that every music lover should enjoy.

Tips on Understanding and Appreciating Animal Collective’s “In The Flowers” Lyrics


Animal Collective is one of the most experimental and innovative bands of the 21st century, known for their unique blend of psychedelic, electronic, and folk elements. One of their most popular and enduring songs is “In The Flowers,” which features lyrics that are both abstract and poetic. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips and insights for understanding and appreciating the lyrics of “In The Flowers.”

1. Pay attention to the imagery

The lyrics of “In The Flowers” are full of vivid and surreal imagery that can be interpreted in a variety of ways. For example, the song begins with the lines, “If I could just leave my body for the night / Then we could be dancing, no worries in sight.” This creates a sense of escape and liberation, as if the narrator wants to transcend their physical form and experience something more transcendent and spiritual.

2. Look for themes of nature and spirituality

Animal Collective is known for their fascination with the natural world, and “In The Flowers” is no exception. The lyrics are full of references to flowers, trees, stars, and other natural elements. At the same time, there’s a sense of spirituality and mysticism that runs throughout the song, as if the narrator is seeking a deeper connection with the universe.

3. Consider the role of repetition

One of the hallmarks of Animal Collective’s music is their use of repetition. In “In The Flowers,” certain phrases and lines are repeated multiple times throughout the song. For example, the chorus (“If I could just leave my worries and my doubts”) is repeated several times, creating a hypnotic and meditative effect.

4. Think about the song’s structure

Another aspect of “In The Flowers” that can help you better understand and appreciate the lyrics is its structure. The song is divided into several distinct sections that each have their own unique sound and mood. This creates a sense of progression and development, as if the narrator is going on a journey through different emotional states.

5. Listen to the music itself

While this blog post is focused on the lyrics of “In The Flowers,” it’s important to remember that the music itself is just as important. Animal Collective’s music is known for its complex rhythms, intricate textures, and use of unconventional instruments and techniques. Paying close attention to the way the music interacts with the lyrics can help you gain a deeper appreciation for the song as a whole.

6. Embrace the ambiguity

One of the challenges of interpreting Animal Collective’s lyrics is that they are often intentionally unclear and ambiguous. Rather than trying to pin down a single “correct” interpretation of the song, it can be more rewarding to embrace the multiple meanings and possibilities that the lyrics suggest.

7. Consider the context of the album

“In The Flowers” is the opening track on Animal Collective’s 2009 album “Merriweather Post Pavilion,” which is widely regarded as one of their best and most influential works. The themes and moods of the album as a whole can shed light on the meaning of “In The Flowers,” so it can be helpful to listen to the entire album in sequence.

8. Explore other interpretations

Animal Collective’s music has inspired a passionate fan community, many of whom have developed their own interpretations and analyses of “In The Flowers” and other songs. Taking some time to read and engage with these perspectives can be a valuable way to broaden your own understanding of the song.

9. Pay attention to live performances

Animal Collective is known for their dynamic and unpredictable live shows, which often feature extended improvisational sections and unique arrangements of their songs. Watching live performances of “In The Flowers” can give you a different perspective on the song and help you appreciate its musical and lyrical intricacies even more.

10. Don’t be afraid to let the song speak for itself

Finally, it’s worth remembering that one of the beauties of music is that it can have a powerful emotional impact even if we don’t fully understand or articulate the lyrics. If you find yourself struggling to interpret the meaning of “In The Flowers,” try simply letting the music wash over you and enjoying the experience of listening to a beautiful and mesmerizing song.


“In The Flowers” is a rich and rewarding song that rewards careful and attentive listening. While the lyrics are admittedly elusive and open to multiple interpretations, taking the time to explore their imagery, themes, and structure can reveal new layers of meaning and appreciation. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Animal Collective or new to their music, “In The Flowers” is a song that offers something fresh and exciting each time you listen to it.

In The Flowers Animal Collective Lyrics

Animal Collective, the Baltimore-based experimental pop band that formed in 2003, is well-known for their psychedelic and often abstract approach to music. One of their most beloved tracks, In The Flowers, is a perfect example of this approach.

Released as the first single from their 2009 album Merriweather Post Pavilion, In The Flowers immediately became a fan favorite thanks to its driving beat, layered vocal harmonies, and cryptic lyrics. It's a song that feels both otherworldly and deeply personal at the same time.

The opening lyrics of the song set the stage for the rest of the track: If I could just leave my body for a night / Then I would be able to see / All the things that haunt me in my life / I'd face them and say, 'It's just me.' These words perfectly capture the sense of detachment and self-discovery that permeates the entire song.

As the song progresses, the music builds in intensity, with layer upon layer of loops and samples creating a hypnotic and almost trance-like effect. The vocals become more urgent, with lead singer Avey Tare singing lines like Will I like what I see? and I'm not ready to go.

The middle section of In The Flowers is particularly memorable, with a dizzying array of sounds and textures coming together to create a kind of sonic collage. It's a testament to Animal Collective's creativity and willingness to push boundaries that they can make such an abstract and experimental piece of music feel so cohesive and engaging.

One of the most fascinating aspects of In The Flowers is its ambiguous lyrics. On the surface, the song seems to be about self-discovery and facing one's fears. But there are also hints of darker themes, like addiction and mental illness. Lines like I don't want to disappear / Please let me stay here could be read as a plea for help or a statement of resignation.

Ultimately, the meaning of In The Flowers is left up to interpretation, which is part of what makes it so powerful. It's a song that can resonate on many different levels depending on the listener's own experiences and emotional state.

On a purely musical level, In The Flowers is a triumph of creativity and experimentation. Animal Collective manages to blend elements of folk, electronic music, and rock into a seamless whole, creating a sound that is both timeless and forward-thinking.

In conclusion, Animal Collective's In The Flowers is a song that defies easy categorization. It's a song that can be both uplifting and haunting, depending on the listener's perspective. But regardless of how one interprets its lyrics or musical elements, there's no denying the power and beauty of this track.

Thank you for reading about In The Flowers Animal Collective Lyrics. We hope you've enjoyed learning more about this fascinating and enigmatic piece of music. Be sure to check out the rest of Merriweather Post Pavilion and Animal Collective's other albums for more mind-bending sonic adventures.

People Also Ask About In The Flowers Animal Collective Lyrics

What is the meaning behind In The Flowers by Animal Collective?

Animal Collective's In The Flowers is a song that explores themes of interconnectedness, transcendence, and the beauty of nature. The lyrics describe a surreal journey through a forest, where the narrator seems to be experiencing a moment of enlightenment or spiritual awakening. The repetitive melody and dreamlike quality of the song create a sense of trance and euphoria, highlighting the power of connection to the natural world.

What inspired the lyrics of In The Flowers by Animal Collective?

The members of Animal Collective are known for their eclectic and experimental approach to music-making, drawing inspiration from a wide range of genres and influences. In interviews, they have mentioned their interest in eastern spirituality, psychedelics, and surrealism as sources of inspiration for their lyrics. The lyrics of In The Flowers reflect these themes, as well as the band's fascination with the natural world and the human desire for transcendence.

How does In The Flowers fit into Animal Collective's discography?

In The Flowers is one of the most beloved songs from Animal Collective's critically acclaimed album Merriweather Post Pavilion, released in 2009. The album marked a turning point in the band's sound, showcasing a more polished and accessible style that still retained their signature experimentalism. In The Flowers stands out on the album for its intricate harmonies, driving beat, and emotive vocals, making it a fan favorite and a standout in the band's discography.

What makes In The Flowers by Animal Collective so memorable?

There are many factors that contribute to the enduring popularity of In The Flowers by Animal Collective. The song's lush production, intricate harmonies, and driving beat create a mesmerizing listening experience that draws the listener in. The surreal lyrics and dreamlike melody capture the feeling of transcendence and euphoria, making it a favorite of fans and critics alike. Additionally, the song's appearance in popular media, such as the video game The Sims 3, has helped to introduce its unique sound to a wider audience.

What is the significance of the title In The Flowers?

The title In The Flowers captures the central theme of the song, which is the power of connection to nature. The lyrics describe a journey through a forest, where the narrator feels a sense of oneness with the environment around them. The title suggests a deep immersion in the natural world, highlighting its beauty and majesty. It also reflects the band's interest in surrealist imagery and association, adding a layer of mystery and intrigue to the song.

Overall, In The Flowers by Animal Collective is a beloved and memorable song that captures the evocative and experimental spirit of the band's music. Its timeless appeal and enduring popularity make it a standout in their discography, appealing to both longtime fans and newcomers alike.