Discover Your Inner Animal From Zootopia: Take Our Fun Personality Quiz Now!


Are you fascinated by the world of Zootopia and its diverse range of animals? Do you ever wonder which animal character you would identify with the most? Take this quiz to find out!

But before we dive in, let's take a look at some fun facts about Zootopia. Did you know that the film took five years to make and involved a team of over 800 people? It also won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2017.

Now, back to the quiz. The first question is simple: do you consider yourself more of a leader or a follower? If you answered leader, you might be similar to Judy Hopps, the determined and ambitious rabbit who becomes the first bunny police officer in Zootopia. But if you're more of a follower, you might see yourself in Nick Wilde, the witty and sly fox who helps Judy on her quest.

Next up, how do you handle stressful situations? If you tend to get anxious and worry a lot, you might be similar to Fru Fru, the tiny but fearless arctic shrew who stands up to her mob boss father and helps Judy in the film's climax. But if you prefer to keep calm and collected under pressure, you might be more like Chief Bogo, the stoic water buffalo who runs the Zootopia Police Department.

Now, let's talk about your social habits. Are you a total extrovert who loves being the center of attention? You might be similar to Gazelle, the famous pop star and activist who uses her platform to raise awareness about interspecies harmony in Zootopia. But if you're more of an introvert who values deep connections with a few close friends, you might see yourself in Finnick, the small-time hustler who becomes Nick's loyal partner in crime.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that there are over 60 different species of animals portrayed in Zootopia, including otters, sloths, and even elephants? Each one has its own unique personality traits and quirks, just like humans do. By taking this quiz, you'll not only learn which animal character you're most like but gain a deeper appreciation for the rich world-building of Zootopia.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the quiz and discover your Zootopia spirit animal today. You might be surprised by the result!

Whether you're a die-hard Zootopia fan or just looking for a fun way to pass the time, this quiz is the perfect solution. With its engaging questions and colorful characters, it's sure to capture your interest and leave you feeling entertained. So go ahead, give it a try and see which animal from Zootopia you are destined to be!

Without a doubt, Zootopia is one of the most beloved animated movies of all time. It captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its compelling storyline and unforgettable characters. The movie portrays a world where animals live together in harmony and offers a glimpse into their unique personalities. Have you ever wondered which Zootopia animal represents you? This article will navigate through the various animals represented in the movie to help you discover which one resonates with your personality!

What is Zootopia?

Zootopia is an animated movie produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The movie was released in 2016 and was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore. The movie is set in a world that is populated by anthropomorphic animals. The plot follows Judy Hopps, a rabbit who dreams of becoming a police officer in the city of Zootopia. Her dream job turns into a reality when she becomes the first rabbit cop. She then teams up with Nick Wilde, a sly red fox, to solve a missing mammals case that leads them to unravel a bigger scheme threatening thepeaceful coexistence between predator and prey.

Zootopia Animals

One of the most remarkable things about Zootopia is how it portrays the vivid dynamics of different animal species coexisting in one city. The movie has several characters, each representing a different animal species. From the swift cheetahs to the towering giraffes, the animals possess characteristics that distinguish them from one another.


Judy Hopps is the protagonist of the movie and represents the determined and hardworking rabbit species. Throughout the movie, Judy Hopps displayed a steadfast spirit and determination to achieve her goals. If you identify yourself as a persistent and dedicated person who doesn't give up easily, then you might be a rabbit like Judy.


Nick Wilde the fox is a street-smart con artist who initially finds himself at odds with Judy but later becomes her partner. Foxes are cunning and quick-witted creatures, and their intelligence often helps them get out of tricky situations. If you are a crafty person who can think on their feet, then you might be a fox like Nick.


Lions are considered the king of the savannah, and Chief Bogo was the lion who played the role of the police chief in Zootopia. He is staunch and authoritative and often imposes his dominance over others. If you possess leadership qualities and are unafraid to take charge, you might be a lion like Chief Bogo.


The elephant is the largest mammal in Zootopia and can often be seen working as services personnel such as engineers and bureaucrats. Elephants are known for their wisdom, kindness, and patience, and help to keep the diverse city running smoothly. If you are a patient, organized, and reliable person, you might be an elephant.


Gazelle is a pop superstar singer in Zootopia and represents the glamorous side of life. She is graceful, charming, and has a beautiful set of vocals. If you are vivacious, outgoing, and have an affinity for music, you might be a Gazelle.


Zootopia has shown us how different animal species can coexist peacefully in a single city despite their differences. Each animal in the movie embodied unique characteristics that made it stand out. By exploring their personalities, we can identify which one we resonate with the most. Understanding our personalities can help us understand ourselves better and improve our relationships with others. So the next time someone asks you what animal you would be in Zootopia, you know exactly what to say!

What Animal From Zootopia Am I?


Zootopia is a world where anthropomorphic animals live and interact with each other. The movie centers around the main character, Judy Hopps, a bunny who dreams of becoming a police officer in the big city. As she navigates through her adventure, she meets different animals that have unique personalities and traits. In this article, we will compare and contrast some of these animals to help you determine which one you can relate to the most.

The Cunning Fox - Nick Wilde

One of the main characters in the movie is Nick Wilde, a red fox with a sly personality. He is known for his street-smart cunningness and his ability to manipulate situations to his advantage. Nick is also a charming character that can easily win over anyone he crosses paths with. If you find yourself being able to charm your way out of difficult situations or have a love for wit and humor, then you might be like Nick Wilde.


Nick's cunning nature is both appealing and dangerous. While being able to get yourself out of troubles with quick thinking is admirable, it can also lead to a habit of lying and manipulation. It is important to balance charm and honesty so that people can trust you.

The Determined Bunny - Judy Hopps

Judy Hopps is the protagonist of the movie and the first bunny to become a police officer. She is a determined character that strives to make a difference in the world. Her optimistic attitude and persistence help her overcome challenges as she tries to solve the mystery behind the missing predators. If you are a person that does not let obstacles hold you back and has a positive outlook on life, then you might be like Judy Hopps.


Judy's determination is an admirable trait, but it is important to remember that setbacks are a natural part of life. It is essential to acknowledge and learn from these challenges rather than ignore them. Also, being overly optimistic can lead to unrealistic expectations that can set you up for disappointment.

The Laid-Back Sloth - Flash

Flash, the sloth, works at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Zootopia. He is known for his slow movements and his lack of enthusiasm. However, his laid-back persona also allows him to stay calm under pressure. If you are a person that likes to take things at a slower pace and does not let stress get to you, then you might be like Flash.


While it is important to stay calm under pressure, being too laid-back can lead to a lack of motivation. It is essential to have a balance between relaxation and productivity to achieve your goals.

The Protective Elephant - Mrs. Otterton

Mrs. Otterton is the distressed wife of a missing otter and seeks help from Judy and Nick. She is an elephant that stands out from the other animals because of her size and protective nature. If you are a person that worries for the safety of loved ones and goes out of your way to protect them, then you might be like Mrs. Otterton.


Being protective of loved ones is a natural instinct, but it is important to remember that everyone has their own journey. It is essential to support and guide rather than control the decisions of others.

The Ambitious Lion - Chief Bogo

Chief Bogo is the head police officer in Zootopia and shows off his aggressive personality as he demands for results from the new recruits. He is an ambitious character that takes his responsibilities seriously. If you are a person that has high expectations for yourself and others, then you might be like Chief Bogo.


Having ambition is a key aspect of growth, but it is essential to remember that everyone works at their own pace. It is important to set realistic goals and acknowledge progress rather than only focusing on the end result.

The Jokester Gazelle - Gazelle

Gazelle is a popular pop-star in Zootopia that sings anthems about peace and unity. She is known for her upbeat personality and her catchy tunes. If you are a person that loves to make others laugh and spread positivity, then you might be like Gazelle.


Spreading joy and happiness is an admirable thing, but it is also essential to remember to take care of yourself. Putting others' needs constantly before yours can lead to burnout, so prioritizing self-care is crucial to maintain mental wellbeing.

The Creative Chameleon - Finnick

Finnick is a small-time hustler and Nick's partner in crime. He is a chameleon that uses his ability to change colors to his advantage when manipulating others. If you are a person that values creativity and finding unique ways to solve problems, then you might be like Finnick.


Creativity is a valuable trait, but using it for malicious purposes is not ethical. It is important to use your talents for positive and constructive reasons to build yourself and others up.

The Analytical Jaguar - Ben Clawhauser

Ben is the jovial cheetah with a knack for operating sit-throughs and a sweet tooth for doughnuts. He is also great at working the police records and computer systems. If you are a person who likes to solve puzzles, gather data, and find patterns, you might be like Ben Clawhauser.


Analytical minds are essential to innovation and problem-solving, but sometimes getting lost in numbers and logic is not the full picture. It is important to remember the emotional side of life and think outside the box to fully understand a situation.

The Loyal Sidekick - Bellwether

Bellwether was Judy's first friend in Zootopia and eventually revealed herself as the villainous mastermind of the missing predator case. As an assistant mayor, she also worked under Mayor Lionheart. If you are a person who values loyalty and are emotionally invested in people close to you, then you might be like Bellwether.


Loyalty is a trait that builds strong relationships and connections, but blind loyalty can be dangerous. It is important to acknowledge personal beliefs and values and ensure that they align with those you are loyal to before blindly following them.


In conclusion, these are just some of the many animals from Zootopia that have unique personalities and traits that we can relate to. Whether it be Nick Wilde's cunningness, Judy Hopps' determination, or Flash's laid-back nature, there is an animal for everyone. It is essential to acknowledge and appreciate the diverse set of traits that each character possesses and reflect on our own personalities to obtain personal growth.
Animal Trait
Nick Wilde Cunning
Judy Hopps Determination
Flash Laid-back
Mrs. Otterton Protective
Chief Bogo Ambitious
Gazelle Jokester
Finnick Creative
Ben Clawhauser Analytical
Bellwether Loyal

What Animal from Zootopia Am I? A Guide to Finding Your Inner Beast


Are you a fan of the hit animated movie Zootopia, and are wondering which animal you would be in the world of mammals? The film offers a diversity of anthropomorphic creatures that come in all shapes and sizes, each representing specific personalities and traits. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the main characters’ animal counterparts, their unique features, and personalities, and help you discover what creature represents your inner beast.

The Characteristics of Zootopian Species

Before diving into individual animals, it’s helpful to understand the unique characteristics of Zootopia's species. The movie portrays various types of mammals, including predators and prey, living together in a harmonious society. Each species has its unique biological traits that define them and dictate how they interact with the world around them. For instance, predators have sharp teeth, claws, and heightened sense of smell, while prey species have evolved to be fast, agile, and alert to defend themselves against predators.

The Protagonists: Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde

Let's start with the main characters of the movie, Judy Hopps, and Nick Wilde. Judy is a rabbit who is optimistic, altruistic, determined in her goals, and always sees the best in others. On the other hand, Nick Wilde is a sly fox, sarcastic, and clever. He has a history of skirting the law but ultimately comes around to do the right thing. If you see yourself as a natural born leader with a heart of gold, you might just be a rabbit. However, if you're street smart, quick-witted and tend to find loopholes in difficult situations, a fox might be the perfect fit.

The Predators

Predator animals in the movie tend to be characterized as opportunistic, confident, and domineering. They are visually powerful, with sharp, massive teeth and muscular build. Some prominent predators in the movie include tigers, lions, jaguars, and wolves. If you're assertive, passionate and comfortable taking risks to get what you want, perhaps one of these animals fits your personality.

The Prey Species

On the other hand, prey mammals in the movie are small, timid, and always alert. They're the survivalists, who have evolved to outsmart their stronger, carnivorous counterparts. Some examples include rabbits, sheep, and mice. If you're smart, adaptable, and able to use your wits to overcome obstacles, maybe you fit into this category.


Whether you relate to a predator or prey, Zootopia's range of species can align with our unique personalities. Perhaps some of us exhibit several characteristics from different species, or we identify with the animal we least expect to. Discovering what type of animal suits us best can be fun and insightful, fostering an understanding of our innate characteristics and the traits we hold in common with our furry friends. So, what animal from Zootopia are you?

What Animal from Zootopia Am I?

Have you ever wondered what animal you would be if you lived in the Zootopia universe? Zootopia is an animated movie that features a diverse cast of animals living in a bustling city. Each animal has its own unique characteristics and personalities that make them stand out from the others.

In this blog post, we will explore the different animals from Zootopia and help you find out which animal you would be based on your personality traits. So, grab a pen and paper, and let's get started!

If you are someone who is ambitious, goal-oriented and fearless, you might be a fox. Foxes in Zootopia are known for their cunning and resourcefulness. They are also natural born hustlers who know how to get what they want, no matter what it takes.

On the other hand, if you are someone who is calm, collected and always thinks before acting, you might be a sloth. Sloths in Zootopia are the epitome of zen. They take things slow and steady, and never rush into anything without first considering all the options.

Are you someone who is easy-going, carefree, and loves to have fun? You might be a weasel. Weasels in Zootopia are natural pranksters who love to make others laugh. They are also very social animals and love being surrounded by friends and family.

Alternatively, if you are someone who is always organized, punctual, and reliable, you might be a beaver. Beavers in Zootopia are known for their work ethic and attention to detail. They are always busy building something new and are never content with just sitting around doing nothing.

Are you someone who is kind, compassionate and always puts others before yourself? You might be a bunny. Bunnies in Zootopia are known for their kindness and generosity. They are also very social animals and love to make new friends wherever they go.

On the other hand, if you are someone who is independent, strong-willed, and likes to take matters into your own hands, you might be a jaguar. Jaguars in Zootopia are fierce predators who are never afraid to take on a challenge. They are also highly intuitive and have a keen sense of danger.

If you are someone who is curious, adventurous, and loves to explore new things, you might be a raccoon. Raccoons in Zootopia are natural-born explorers who love to discover new places and things. They are also very cunning and resourceful, and can often be found rummaging through trash cans for their next big find.

Alternatively, if you are someone who is always trying to make the world a better place, you might be a bear. Bears in Zootopia are known for their nurturing nature and their desire to help others. They are also very protective of their loved ones and will do anything to keep them safe.

Are you someone who is creative, artistic, and loves to express yourself? You might be an otter. Otters in Zootopia are natural performers who love to put on a show for others. They are also very expressive and love to communicate through art and music.

Finally, if you are someone who is loyal, trustworthy, and always there for your friends, you might be a dog. Dogs in Zootopia are known for their loyalty and their unwavering dedication to their friends and family. They are also very friendly and outgoing, and love to make new friends wherever they go.

So, what animal from Zootopia are you? Remember, this is just a fun exercise to help you learn more about your personality traits. Whether you identify with a fox, a sloth, a weasel, a beaver, a bunny, a jaguar, a raccoon, a bear, an otter, or a dog, embrace your inner animal and let your unique characteristics shine!

Thank you for reading this blog post. We hope you had fun discovering your Inner Zootopian Animal.

What Animal From Zootopia Am I?

What is the plot of Zootopia?

Zootopia is a Disney animated movie that follows the story of Judy Hopps, a rabbit from rural Bunnyburrow, who dreams of becoming a police officer in the world of anthropomorphic animals. Upon her arrival in the city of Zootopia, she discovers that the task ahead of her won't be easy.

What kind of animals are in Zootopia?

There are a wide range of animals featured in Zootopia, such as rabbits, foxes, lions, tigers, cheetahs, bears, elephants, and many more.

Which Zootopia character are you?

1. Do you value honesty and hard work?

  • If yes, you might be Judy Hopps, a determined rabbit who never gives up on her goals.
  • If no, you could be Nick Wilde, a sly fox who tends to bend the rules to get what he wants.

2. Are you outgoing or introverted?

  • If outgoing, you might be Gazelle, a lively and sparkling pop star.
  • If introverted, you could be Flash, a slow-moving sloth with a dry sense of humor.

3. Are you a natural leader or a follower?

  • If a leader, you might be Chief Bogo, a tough-minded buffalo who demands respect.
  • If a follower, you could be Finnick, a fennec fox who sticks to his best friend's side through thick and thin.

4. Are you adventurous or cautious?

  • If adventurous, you might be Clawhauser, a cheetah who loves donuts and enjoys living life to the fullest.
  • If cautious, you could be Benjamin Clawhauser, a dependable rhino who values safety and security over excitement.

5. Are you ambitious or content?

  • If ambitious, you might be Dawn Bellwether, a sheep who wants to climb the ladder of success at any cost.
  • If content, you could be Jerry Jumbeaux Jr., an affable elephant who runs a popular ice cream parlor in Savanna Central.

No matter which character you identify with, Zootopia teaches us that our differences make us unique and beautiful, and that we should always strive for inclusion and equality.