Discover Your Inner Spirit Animal with Animal Jam: What Animal Are You?


Are you an animal lover? Do you enjoy playing games where you can create your own avatar and explore new worlds? If that sounds like you, then Animal Jam is the perfect game for you!

Animal Jam is an online multiplayer game created by National Geographic. It allows players to create their own avatars, explore a virtual world, and learn about animals from all around the world. But before you dive into the game, the first thing you must do is decide what animal you want to be.

What animal are you in real life? Are you fast and agile, like a cheetah? Or do you prefer to take things slow and steady, like a tortoise? Whatever your personality and interests may be, there is an animal in Animal Jam that is perfect for you.

If you're a social butterfly, you might want to choose one of the more popular animals, such as a wolf or a bunny. These animals tend to attract a lot of attention and are always surrounded by other players. But if you're more introverted, you might want to choose a quieter animal, such as a koala or a sloth.

Did you know that over 160 million people have signed up to play Animal Jam since it was first released in 2010? That's a staggering number! With so many players, you're sure to find friends who share your interests and passions.

Once you've chosen your animal, it's time to start exploring the world of Jamaa. There are tons of activities to do, from collecting items and completing quests to playing mini-games and attending parties. You can even adopt and care for your own virtual pets.

But perhaps the best thing about Animal Jam is how educational it is. The game encourages players to learn about different animals and their habitats, as well as teaching important lessons about conservation and environmentalism. Plus, the in-game encyclopedia is full of fascinating facts and trivia.

So what are you waiting for? If you're looking for a fun and engaging game that combines education with entertainment, Animal Jam is the perfect choice. Whether you prefer to play alone or with friends, there's always something new to discover in Jamaa.

In conclusion, animals have always been a huge part of human culture, whether as pets, companions, or sources of inspiration. With Animal Jam, you can explore the world of animals in a fun and interactive way, all while making friends and learning new things. So why not try it out today and see what animal you are?


Animal Jam is an online gaming platform that has been around since 2010. The game was developed by WildWorks and National Geographic and it aims to educate children about animals and their habitats. One of the most exciting features of the game is that players get to create their own animal characters and explore the virtual world with them. In this article, we will discuss what animal you would be in Animal Jam.

What is Animal Jam?

Animal Jam is an online multiplayer game that allows players to explore a virtual world filled with various animals, terrains, and games. The game teaches players about animals, their habitats, and various conservation efforts. Players can customize their animal avatars, decorate their dens, and participate in mini-games, challenges, and quests.

Customizing your animal in Animal Jam

In Animal Jam, players can choose from a variety of animal avatars such as lions, tigers, wolves, pandas, and koalas. Each animal has its own set of unique features and characteristics. Players can customize their animal avatars by changing their fur colors, pattern designs, eye shape, and accessories.

What animal are you in Animal Jam?

What animal would you be in Animal Jam? This is a question that many players ask themselves when they first start playing the game. The answer depends on various factors such as your personality traits, preferences, and behavior. Here are some examples of what animal you might be based on your personality:

If you are adventurous:

If you are a thrill-seeker who loves exploring new lands and territories, then you might be a wolf or a fox. These animals are known for their curious and adventurous nature. They are also highly social animals that enjoy playing and hunting in packs.

If you are creative:

If you have a creative and imaginative personality, then you might be a peacock or a panda. These animals are known for their unique and beautiful appearances. They are also highly intelligent animals that enjoy using their creativity to solve problems and create art.

If you are kind-hearted:

If you are a compassionate person who cares about the well-being of others, then you might be an elephant or a giraffe. These animals are known for their gentle and kind personalities. They are also highly social animals that enjoy spending time with family and friends.

If you are independent:

If you prefer to do things on your own and value your independence, then you might be a tiger or a lion. These animals are known for their strong and independent personalities. They are also highly skilled hunters that can take down prey by themselves.


In conclusion, Animal Jam is a fun and educational game that allows players to create their own animal avatars and explore a virtual world filled with various animals and terrains. Your animal avatar in Animal Jam reflects your personality, preferences, and behavior. Whether you are adventurous, creative, kind-hearted, or independent, there is an animal avatar in Animal Jam that best suits you. So what are you waiting for? Start playing Animal Jam today and find out what animal you are!

Animal Jam: What Animal Are You?

The Basics

Animal Jam is an online game that allows players to create their own animal characters and explore different virtual worlds. The game has been around since 2010 and has gained a large following of both kids and adults alike. One of the main features of Animal Jam is the ability to choose what animal you are.

Animal Jam vs Other Similar Games

Animal Jam is not the only online game where you can choose your animal, but it stands out from others for a few reasons. Unlike many other games, Animal Jam has a heavy focus on education and teaches players about animals and the environment. Additionally, the game is safe and moderated, making it a great choice for parents who want their kids to have fun without worries.

The Process of Choosing Your Animal in Animal Jam

When you first start playing Animal Jam, you get to choose what animal you want to be. There are currently over 100 different animals to choose from, including common ones like dogs and cats, as well as more exotic animals like kangaroos and flamingos. After choosing your animal, you can customize its colors and features to make it unique.

Types of Animals in Animal Jam

Animals in Animal Jam are divided into several different categories, including land animals, ocean animals, birds, and even mythical creatures like dragons and unicorns. Each type of animal comes with its own unique abilities and special features, making them all fun to play as.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Animal Types

Animal Type Strengths Weaknesses
Land Animals Fast on land, can climb and dig Not as fast in water
Ocean Animals Fast in water, can hold breath for a long time Not as fast on land
Birds Can fly, good vision Weaker on the ground or in water
Mythical Creatures Have special powers like breathing fire or healing May not be as realistic or relatable as other animals

Opinions On Animal Types

Personally, I enjoy playing as ocean animals the most. It's fun to swim around quickly and explore underwater areas. However, I also like playing as birds because of the ability to fly and see things from above. Land animals are good for exploring all types of terrain, but they can be a bit boring after a while.

The Roleplay Aspect of Animal Jam

Another fun aspect of Animal Jam is the roleplay aspect. Many players like to pretend that they are their animal characters and interact with others in different ways. This can involve creating stories, going on adventures, or just hanging out in virtual spaces. It adds a social element to the game that makes it even more enjoyable.

Animal Jam Membership

While Animal Jam is free to play, there is a membership option that allows players to access more features, animals, and customization options. Memberships are available for different durations and come with various benefits. Some players choose to purchase memberships while others stick with the free version.


Overall, Animal Jam is a fun and educational game that lets you play as all sorts of different animals. There are strengths and weaknesses to each type of animal, so it's worth trying out a few to see which one you like best. Whether you're playing by yourself or with friends, Animal Jam offers a lot of opportunities for creativity and adventure.

Discover Your Inner Animal with Animal Jam - What Animal Are You

If you are a lover of online multiplayer games, then you might have already heard of Animal Jam. This popular game allows you to explore the beautiful world of Jamaa with your animal avatar, indulge in games, and learn about animals. With so much customization available in the game, choosing the right animal can be confusing. But worry not, this article will help you discover your inner animal with Animal Jam - what animal are you?

1. Understand Animal Jam and its Concept

Animal Jam is an online game that allows players to create their own animal avatar and explore the virtual world of Jamaa. The game is centered around an educational concept where children learn about different kinds of animals, their habitats, and conservation efforts. The game offers a variety of activities, including mini-games, puzzles, and quizzes related to the animal kingdom. Each player has their den, which they can decorate and invite friends to visit. As you progress level by level, you unlock new features and items.

2. Know the Different Animal Types in Animal Jam

Animal Jam has a variety of animals to choose from, ranging from herbivores to carnivores and even legendary animals with magical powers. Here's a list of the different animal types in Animal Jam:
  • Mammals: wolf, tiger, lion, horse, rabbit, etc.
  • Birds: eagle, penguin, flamingo, owl, etc.
  • Reptiles: snake, crocodile, turtle, lizard, etc.
  • Amphibians: frog, salamander, etc.
  • Arthropods: spider, scorpion, etc.
  • Fish: shark, dolphin, octopus, etc.
  • Legendary Animals: dragons, unicorns, etc.

3. Identify Your Personality Traits

Choosing your animal avatar in Animal Jam is all about reflecting your personality and preferences. Do you consider yourself a strong leader like a lion or prefer a more low-key demeanor like a rabbit? Here are some traits that can help you identify which animal fits:
  • Lion: confident, protective
  • Tiger: fierce, adventurous
  • Wolf: loyal, team player
  • Bunny: shy, gentle, good listener
  • Snake: intelligent, calm
  • Penguin: playful, sociable
  • Octopus: multitasker, adaptable

4. Determine Your Habitat Preference

Each animal in Animal Jam has its preferred habitat and surroundings. Do you prefer the tropical forest like the toucan or the cold Antarctica like the penguin? Knowing your habitat preference can give an insight into what type of animal suits you best.
  • Jungle: tiger, monkey
  • Arctic: polar bear, penguin
  • Desert: camel, cactus
  • Savannah: lion, zebra
  • Ocean: dolphin, shark

5. Identify Your Favorite Activities in Animal Jam

Animal Jam is full of fun activities that can appeal to different interests. Some players may enjoy playing mini-games, while others may prefer collecting items to decorate their den. The following are some common activities in the game:
  • Adventure: exploring different parts of Jamaa
  • Puzzles: solving jigsaw puzzles and quizzes
  • Mini-games: playing games such as Bubble Trouble and Falling Phantoms
  • Decorating: using items to decorate your animal avatar and den

6. Consider Your Friends in Animal Jam

Animal Jam is a social game, which means that you can connect and interact with players from all over the world. Choosing an animal avatar that complements your friends' choice can also be a great idea. Perhaps you want to create a pack of wolves or a family of rabbits.

7. Use the Animal Jam Quiz

If you still find it challenging to figure out what animal avatar fits you best, you can take the Animal Jam quiz. The quiz asks you ten questions about your personality, hobbies, and interests before giving you a suggested animal avatar.

8. Don't Be Afraid to Experiment

You don't have to stick with one animal avatar forever. In Animal Jam, you can switch between animals at any time to fit your mood or preference. Why not create multiple accounts to explore and experiment with different animal types?

9. Follow Your Instincts

At the end of the day, go with what feels right for you. Your instincts are usually spot on. If a particular animal avatar catches your eye and resonates with you, then follow that instinct.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, Animal Jam offers a fantastic opportunity to explore the world of animals and learn about their habitats and conservation efforts while having fun. Choosing the right animal avatar can be overwhelming, but by identifying your personality traits, habitat preference, and favorite activities, you can discover your inner animal with Animal Jam - and who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about the real animals as well!

Discover Your Inner Animal: What Animal Are You on Animal Jam?

Welcome to Animal Jam, where you can unleash your inner animal and explore a virtual world filled with fun and adventure! At Animal Jam, you get to create your own animal character and take part in exciting quests and activities to earn rewards and level up.

One of the most exciting things about Animal Jam is discovering which animal best reflects your personality. With so many different animal options to choose from, it can be hard to decide! In this blog post, we will explore some of the different animals available on Animal Jam and give you a few tips on how to choose the best one for you!

The Fierce and Mighty Lion

If you are a natural leader and love to be in charge, the lion might be the perfect animal for you. With their powerful roars and majestic manes, lions are known for their strength and bravery. As a lion in Animal Jam, you can lead other animals on exciting adventures and explore the vast landscape of Jamaa.

As a lion, you have access to some powerful abilities that will help you on your adventures. For example, lions can use their roar to stun enemies and knock them back. This can be especially helpful when trying to defeat tougher opponents in combat.

The Cute and Cuddly Panda

If you prefer something a little less aggressive and more adorable, then the panda might be the perfect animal for you. Known for their playful nature and black-and-white coloring, pandas are some of the most beloved animals in the world.

In Animal Jam, pandas have access to some cool abilities that reflect their love of bamboo and their mellow personalities. For example, pandas can use their bamboo launcher to shoot bamboo at enemies and obstacles.

The Sly and Cunning Arctic Fox

For those who are crafty and clever, the arctic fox might be the perfect animal. These sneaky creatures are known for their gorgeous white coats and sly personalities. Arctic foxes are highly adaptable and can survive in some of the harshest climates on Earth.

In Animal Jam, arctic foxes have access to some tricky abilities that reflect their cunning nature. For example, they can use their slippery slide ability to slide past opponents and obstacles without getting caught. They can also use their freezing breath ability to slow down enemies and give themselves a strategic advantage in battle.

The Strong and Hardy Gorilla

If you are a fan of brute strength and raw power, the gorilla might be the perfect animal for you. These massive primates are known for their incredible strength and intelligence, and they are some of the most formidable animals in the world.

In Animal Jam, gorillas have access to some pretty powerful abilities that reflect their ferocity and might. For example, they can use their primal smash ability to deal heavy damage to opponents and break through obstacles. They can also use their mighty roar ability to intimidate enemies and stun them with fear.

The Adaptable and Intelligent Snow Leopard

If you are looking for an animal that is both intelligent and agile, the snow leopard might be the perfect choice for you. These elusive cats are known for their incredible speed and grace, as well as their acute senses and stealthy nature.

In Animal Jam, snow leopards have access to some cool abilities that reflect their agility and intelligence. For example, they can use their pounce ability to launch themselves at opponents and deal damage. They can also use their sensory power ability to detect hidden objects and clues that other animals might miss.

Choosing Your Animal on Animal Jam

When it comes to choosing your animal on Animal Jam, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, choose an animal that reflects your personality and play style. If you love leading others, then the lion might be perfect for you. If you prefer a more tactical approach, then the arctic fox might be more your speed.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you can always switch animals if you decide that the one you chose isn't quite right for you. The world of Animal Jam is vast and full of possibilities, so don't be afraid to experiment with different animals until you find the one that suits you best!

Closing Message for Visitors

We hope this blog post has helped you discover which animal you are on Animal Jam! Whether you choose to be a powerful lion or a cunning arctic fox, remember that the most important thing is to have fun and let your true nature shine through. So come join us on Animal Jam and explore a world filled with adventure and excitement!

People Also Ask About Animal Jam: What Animal Are You?

1. What is Animal Jam?

Animal Jam is an online game designed for children which allows them to create and customize their own animal avatars, socialize with other players, and explore virtual ecosystems.

2. How do you determine what animal you are in Animal Jam?

When creating a new avatar, players can select from various animal options including tigers, pandas, wolves, eagles, and otters. They can also choose what color and pattern they want their animal to be.

3. Can you change your animal in Animal Jam?

Yes, you can change your animal by going to the character customization menu and selecting a new animal. However, each animal has its own set of unique abilities and features, so it is important to choose an animal that suits your interests and playing style.

4. How does your animal affect gameplay in Animal Jam?

Each animal in Animal Jam has its own set of unique strengths and weaknesses. For example, tigers are fast and powerful, while pandas are skilled at climbing and eating bamboo. These abilities can affect gameplay in various ways, such as allowing players to complete certain challenges or access different areas of the virtual world.

5. Are certain animals more popular than others in Animal Jam?

Yes, some animals are more popular than others among Animal Jam players. For example, tigers and wolves are two of the most commonly chosen animals, likely due to their fierce and powerful reputations. However, all animals in Animal Jam have their own unique appeal and strengths.