Discover Your Inner Witch: Black Phillip Is My Spirit Animal - Embrace the Dark Side


Black Phillip Is My Spirit Animal: How a Goat Became My Guide to a Better Life

Are you feeling lost in life? Do you need a new sense of direction or purpose? Have you ever considered turning to an unlikely source for guidance? Allow me to introduce you to my spirit animal, Black Phillip.

You may recognize the name from the hit horror film, The Witch. Yes, Black Phillip is a goat, but he is so much more than that. He represents freedom, rebellion, and the pursuit of one's true desires. And let me tell you, since embracing Black Phillip as my guide, my life has never been better.

It all started when I was going through a rough patch. I was feeling unfulfilled in my job, my relationships were lacking, and I just couldn't shake this feeling of dissatisfaction. I stumbled upon The Witch and was immediately drawn to the character of Black Phillip. There was something about his devilish charm that spoke to me.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I could learn a lot from this goat. For starters, he knows what he wants and he goes after it without apology. How often do we hold ourselves back out of fear or a desire to please others?

And let's talk about rebellion. We're so conditioned to follow societal norms and stick to the status quo. But what if we dared to be different? To challenge the norms and forge our own paths?

Now, I know what you might be thinking. But isn't Black Phillip a villain? Sure, in the context of the movie he may be. But outside of that, he represents something deeper. He represents the part of ourselves that we often suppress - our desires, our passions, our true selves.

Embracing Black Phillip as my spirit animal has given me the courage to pursue my passions and live life on my own terms. And you know what? It's been incredibly liberating.

But how does one go about finding their own spirit animal? It's a personal journey, and one that requires some introspection. Think about the traits that you value and the animals that embody those qualities. Maybe it's a lion for strength, or a dolphin for playfulness.

Once you've identified your spirit animal, embrace it fully. Let it guide you in your decisions and remind you of who you truly are. And if anyone questions your choice of spirit animal, just remember - Black Phillip didn't need anyone's approval either.

In conclusion, if you're feeling lost or stuck in life, consider turning to an unlikely source for guidance. Embrace your inner rebel and find your own Black Phillip. I promise you won't regret it.

So what are you waiting for? Let the goat lead the way.

Have you ever seen the movie The Witch? If no, then you're missing out on one of the most fantastic horror films of all time. If yes, then you know precisely who I'm talking about when I say that Black Phillip is my spirit animal.

Who is Black Phillip?

Black Phillip is a character in The Witch, portrayed as a male goat who is either an actual devil or a vessel for Satan. He manipulates the family in the movie and eventually causes them to meet their untimely end. But despite his devious nature, I can't help but be drawn to him.

What Makes Black Phillip So Mesmerizing?

First and foremost, there's the way he looks. The filmmakers couldn't have done a better job with his design. Black Phillip's fur is jet black and silky smooth, and his horns are perfectly twisted. His eyes seem to stare into my soul, and though he never speaks an intelligible word in the film, his body language does all the talking. His movements are deliberate, and even the way he sits seems to be imbued with confidence and authority.

But it's not just his appearance that pulls me in. It's his demeanor. Black Phillip is calm, cool, and collected at all times, never giving away his true intentions until it's far too late. He manipulates those around him with ease, never breaking a sweat or losing his composure. He is the antithesis of chaos, and that's what makes him so terrifying.

Why I Consider Black Phillip My Spirit Animal

Now, here's where things get a little weird. I know that Black Phillip is a fictional character, but there's something about him that resonates with me on a spiritual level. I see him as a representation of my own desire to be confident, self-assured, and in control. Black Phillip knows who he is and what he wants, and he does whatever it takes to get it. And even though his methods are twisted and evil, there's something admirable about his determination.

I don't necessarily want to be evil or manipulative. But I do want to be more like Black Phillip in some ways. I want to have total control over my life, to never second-guess myself or falter in the face of adversity. I want to exude confidence like he does, to be able to walk into a room and command attention without ever saying a word. And I know that's a tall order, but I believe that by channeling my inner Black Phillip, I can get there.

Final Thoughts

I'm not going to lie; it's a little weird to consider a fictional goat my spirit animal. But at the end of the day, I don't think it matters where inspiration comes from or how unconventional it may seem. If Black Phillip inspires me to be a better version of myself, then I'm grateful for his influence. And who knows? Maybe someday, I'll be able to channel my inner goat and become the self-assured, confident person I've always wanted to be.

So if you're a fan of horror movies or just appreciate a well-designed character, I highly recommend checking out The Witch and acquainting yourself with Black Phillip. Who knows? Maybe he'll become your spirit animal too.

Black Phillip Is My Spirit Animal: A Comparison Blog


When watching the 2015 horror film The Witch, one character stands out among the rest. Black Phillip, a mysteriously charismatic goat, becomes the embodiment of darkness and evil. Some may see him as a simple plot device, others as a manifestation of Satan himself. However, for those who resonate with his devilish power, Black Phillip becomes more than just a fictional character, he becomes a guiding spirit. This blog will explore why Black Phillip is my spirit animal through an in-depth comparison between the goat and myself.

Physical Attributes

Black Phillip is a large, black goat with sharp horns and piercing blue eyes. His fur is thick, and his stature foreboding. Comparing him to me, I am human-shaped, with no horns or blue eyes. Yet, we both share a love for standing tall and being creatures of nature. While he intimidates with his physical presence, I intimidate with my confident demeanor. We both believe in asserting our dominance in our respective habitats.

Spiritual Powers

Black Phillip's spiritual powers come from his association with Satan. He is the embodiment of darkness, offering tempting promises to those who pledge their allegiance to him. As my spirit animal, I draw inspiration from his otherworldly presence. My spiritual power lies in my ability to manipulate the world around me to my own advantage. I don't fear making choices that might lead me down darker paths if they ultimately lead to personal success.

Relationship to Humans

Black Phillip's relationship to humans is complicated. On one hand, he offers them freedom from societal expectations in exchange for their souls. On the other hand, he revels in their fear and suffering. As someone who values independence, I can relate to his desire to free humans from their own constraints. However, I don't take pleasure in inflicting pain on others as he does. Instead, I seek to build my success on the backs of others without harming them.


Black Phillip is a master manipulator. He knows exactly what people want to hear and uses it to his advantage. His intelligence surpasses that of any other animal, making him a powerful force of darkness. Comparatively, I possess my own level of intellect, but mine comes from being a keen observer of human behavior. Where Black Phillip tricks people into serving him, I convince people to serve me based on their own desires.


Black Phillip is not afraid to use his strength to get what he wants. He is quick to lash out against those who try to harm him, and his horns are a deadly weapon. While I don't possess the same physical strength as him, I do have an aggressive streak that allows me to assert my power when necessary. I don't shy away from conflict and will do whatever it takes to protect myself.


Black Phillip's offer of freedom comes at a steep price - your soul. For him, freedom means living life with no rules or boundaries. Similarly, for me, freedom means not conforming to societal norms. I strive to live my life on my own terms, despite what others may say. This shared value only strengthens our spiritual connection.


Black Phillip's sexuality is a murky subject. His flirtatious advances may be sincere or a ploy to ensnare his victims. Regardless, there is an undeniable sexual energy about him. In comparison, my sexuality is more straightforward. I embrace my own desires and allow them to guide me. There is a certain confidence that comes with knowing who I am and what I want.


Black Phillip is a born leader. His commanding presence demands respect, and his followers are willing to do whatever it takes to please him. As my spirit animal, he instills in me the confidence to lead my own life. While I may not have the same devoted followers that he does, I do have people who look up to me for guidance. I strive to be a positive influence in their lives, just as Black Phillip does for his coven.


Black Phillip's morality is as dark as his soul. He delights in fear and suffering, and his ultimate goal is selfish. Comparatively, my morality is more flexible. I understand that sometimes the ends justify the means, but I draw the line at causing undue harm. My decisions are guided by what benefits me, but I try to minimize the negative impact on others.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Black Phillip is more than just a fictional goat; he is my guiding spirit animal. Our shared values of freedom, aggressiveness, confidence, and leadership make me feel empowered and assured that I am living my best life. While some may see him as evil incarnate, I see him as a positive force in my life. And while I may never achieve the same level of darkness as him, having him as my spirit animal gives me the confidence to try.

Black Phillip Is My Spirit Animal- A Guide to Understanding


Are you a fan of horror movies and folk tales? If so, then you must have come across the movie The Witch. This movie created quite a buzz when it was released in 2015, and for good reason. It's an eerie and atmospheric film that explores isolation, fear, and paranoia. But what really stands out in the movie is the character of Black Phillip, a malevolent goat. Despite being on screen for less than ten minutes, Black Phillip has become a cult icon and the subject of numerous memes and fan art. In this guide, we'll try to understand why Black Phillip has become such a hit and why he's become the spirit animal of so many.

The Legend of Black Phillip

Before we delve into Black Phillip's allure, let's first talk about his origins. Folklore and fairytales have always been rich grounds for spooky characters, and the story of Black Phillip is no exception. In some old English and Scottish stories, witches would often have a familiar, an animal companion who served them and helped them perform their magic. Familiars were often thought to be demons or spirits in disguise, taking animal forms. In some tales, the familiar would take the form of a cat or a toad, but in others, it would appear as a goat. It's this myth that The Witch draws from when it introduces Black Phillip as the witch's familiar.

The Symbolism of Black Phillip

So what makes Black Phillip so compelling? Firstly, there's his design. Director Robert Eggers and his team went to great lengths to make Black Phillip look as intimidating and otherworldly as possible. His horns are twisted and gnarled, and his eyes glow with an ominous light. But Black Phillip's appeal goes beyond his looks. He represents something that's primal and universal- the dark side of human nature. Black Phillip is the embodiment of temptation, desire, and evil. In the movie, he's the devil in disguise, luring the protagonist to embrace her power and do the unthinkable.

Why Black Phillip Resonates with Audiences

It's no wonder that so many viewers have fallen under Black Phillip's spell. He speaks to something deep within us, something that we often suppress or ignore. He represents our innermost desires, the things we yearn for but can't admit to ourselves. Black Phillip invites us to throw caution to the wind and embrace our wild side, to revel in our own darkness. In a world that often expects us to be polite, respectable, and well-behaved, Black Phillip is a breath of fresh air. He's a reminder that we're all capable of primal urges and dark passions, and that we shouldn't be ashamed of them.

How to Connect with Black Phillip

If you're feeling a connection with Black Phillip, there are a few ways to deepen that connection. Firstly, you could watch The Witch again and pay special attention to Black Phillip's scenes. Try to tap into the emotions he evokes in you- fear, fascination, desire- and see where they take you. You could also create your own art or writing inspired by Black Phillip. Let your imagination run wild and see what kind of creature he inspires in you. Finally, you could incorporate Black Phillip into your spiritual or magical practice. Some people believe that working with demons or dark spirits can be empowering and transformative, as long as it's done with respect and caution.

The Dangers of Black Phillip

While working with Black Phillip can be exciting and liberating, it's important to remember that he's not a cuddly pet. He's a malevolent force, one that seeks to corrupt and destroy. In the movie, Black Phillip is responsible for some of the most gruesome and disturbing moments. In real life, working with demons or dark spirits can have serious consequences if it's not done properly. It's important to do your research, consult with experienced practitioners, and have a strong sense of boundaries and self-preservation.


Black Phillip may be a fictional character, but he's captured the hearts and minds of many. He represents the allure of darkness, the dangers of temptation, and the power of primal urges. Whether we see him as a symbol of rebellion, a manifestation of our inner demons, or something else entirely, Black Phillip will continue to fascinate and terrify us. As long as we approach him with respect and caution, he'll remain an intriguing and empowering spirit animal.

Black Phillip Is My Spirit Animal

Welcome, and harken to my tale of the Great Black Phillip – the star of Robert Eggers' horror masterpiece The Witch. In the movie, the devil in goat form makes a compelling case as to why he is not only a good creature to have around but also a spirit animal to follow. Supernatural occurrences aside, there is something fascinating about Black Phillip's demeanor that has drawn audiences close to him. Allow me to make my case that Black Phillip is indeed a spirit animal worth having.

Firstly, Black Phillip exudes confidence and fearlessness. From the start of the movie, he appears as a calm and assured presence, unfazed even in the face of his curious new human companions. He barely utters a word, but his body language alone implies that he is unwavering in his beliefs. Indeed, Black Phillip does not shy away from using his powers to bend those who dare cross him to his will. This air of confidence that he effortlessly wears begs the question, why don't we manifest such conviction in our lives?

Secondly, Black Phillip shares multiple traits with other admirable animals. For instance, goats are symbols of determination and resilience, able to persevere through adverse conditions. Black Phillip fits this mold perfectly, especially when he helps Tomasin out of her misery. Moreover, goats are associated with earthly pleasures, and Black Phillip is often seen enjoying himself- lying around in the sun or nibbling on some greens. He emphasizes the idea that indulging in simple joys should be an integral part of everyone's lives.

Continuing down the list of admirable qualities, we come to another excellent trait displayed – simplicity. Black Phillip exists entirely off the grid, so to speak. He is comfortable being alone and does not require much in the way of worldly possessions to thrive. This idea is one that feels universally appealing – a life free of the complexities of our current world, one devoid of unneeded societal pressures and expectations.

One more factor that makes Black Phillip an appealing spirit animal is his connection to the natural world. He roams freely in his wild surroundings, embodying the notion of being in harmony with nature. Environmentalism advocates such as David Suzuki promote the idea that we should live in accordance with nature. In his book, The Sacred Balance, Suzuki even goes as far as to highlight nature as being sacred; from this enlightened perspective, humans have much to learn from animals like Black Phillip.

In conclusion, Black Phillip is indeed a spirit animal worth having for multiple reasons. His confidence, resilience, simplicity, and connection with nature are traits that one can aspire to develop. Following him may bring about some positive changes in one's life. As Robert Eggers' star creation has taught us, it doesn't take much to attain a profound sense of fulfillment - all we have to do is let go of the material world and strive to live in harmony with nature.

Thank you for reading and allowing me to share my thoughts on why Black Phillip is a spirit animal that could serve us well. Perhaps it is now up to the individual reader – will they choose to adopt Black Phillip's spirit?

People Also Ask about Black Phillip Is My Spirit Animal

What is a spirit animal?

A spirit animal is believed to symbolize certain qualities and characteristics that a person embodies or aspires to possess. It can also serve as a guide or protector in spiritual practices.

Who is Black Phillip?

Black Phillip is a character in the 2015 horror film, The Witch. He is portrayed as a talking goat who is revealed to be a manifestation of Satan. In the film, he offers the main character, Thomasin, a chance to join him and his coven by signing her name in his book.

Why do people consider Black Phillip as their spirit animal?

Some people who resonate with the character of Black Phillip may see him as a symbol of rebellion, independence, and taking control of their own destiny. Others may see him as a representation of their dark or primal instincts.

What are some other popular spirit animals?

  • Wolf - loyalty, family, and intuition
  • Bear - strength, courage, and protection
  • Eagle - freedom, vision, and spirituality
  • Turtle - patience, longevity, and grounding
  • Hawk - focus, leadership, and insight

Is it cultural appropriation to have a spirit animal?

The concept of spirit animals originated from many indigenous cultures, and some believe that it is disrespectful for non-indigenous people to adopt it without understanding its cultural significance. It is important to educate oneself and show respect for the culture from which this belief stems.

Can a spirit animal change over time?

Some people believe that a spirit animal can change depending on the journey and experiences of an individual. It is also possible to have multiple spirit animals or guide animals at the same time.