Discover Your Inner Witch: Which Animal Jam Alpha Are You? - A Fun and Exciting Quiz!

Animal Jam Witch Alpha Are You?Are you a fan of Animal Jam? Do you always look for exciting new features to try on the platform? Then you must not miss out on the Animal Jam Witch Alpha campaign! This limited-time feature is one of the most popular game options that Animal Jam has ever introduced. This article highlights the key elements of this campaign and helps you identify which alpha character you are!

Animal Jam is an online gaming platform for kids where they can create their virtual avatars and interact with other players globally. The platform offers a range of exciting features that keep the players hooked. One such feature is the Witch Alpha Campaign. This campaign allows players to choose their favorite Witch Alpha character and complete quests, collect rewards, and much more.

Did you know that there are six different Witch Alpha characters in Animal Jam? Each character has its unique powers, strengths, and personalities. If you want to know which Witch Alpha you are, keep reading!

Let's start with Greely, one of the most popular Witch Alphas. He's known for his intelligence and wisdom, making him a strong and reliable leader. If you are someone who's intelligent, curious, and seeks knowledge, then you might be the Greely Witch Alpha.

If you feel a strong connection with the natural elements, then you are likely the Mira Witch Alpha. Mira possesses the power of the moon, stars, and the universe. Her calm and composed nature inspires others to find their inner peace.

The other four Witch Alphas belong to the animal kingdom - Liza, Sir Gilbert, Peck, and Cosmo. Liza is an alpha wolf with a quick mind, making her a formidable opponent. Sir Gilbert, the alpha kangaroo, is known for his bravery and loyalty to his friends.

If you have a lively personality and excel in social settings, then you might be the Peck Witch Alpha. Peck's talents are in communication and helping others, making her an ideal role model for young jammers.

Finally, Cosmo is a fun-loving koala alpha who brings smiles to everyone's faces. His charm and wit never fail to brighten up the room, and his adventurous spirit inspires others to explore new places and try new things.

Animal Jam Witch Alpha Campaign is designed to be a fun and engaging activity for children. With exciting missions and rewards, players can level up their characters and gain recognition among their peers. But most importantly, it's a way to let children explore and identify with different personalities, abilities, and strengths.

If you want to join the Animal Jam Witch Alpha Campaign, make sure to log in to your account on the platform. You can choose your favorite alpha character and start earning rewards through quests, animal discovery, and participating in adventures aroundJamaa.

In conclusion, whether you are the Greely Alpha or the Cosmo Alpha, each Witch Alpha character has unique features that will keep you entertained and engaged for hours. So, what are you waiting for? Log into Animal Jam now and find out which alpha witch you are!


Animal Jam is an online game that has become increasingly popular amongst young players. The game incorporates educational elements in a fun and interactive manner, making it all the more engaging for kids. One of the popular features of the game is the Animal Jam Witch Alpha quiz, which helps players discover which witch alpha they are. If you haven't taken the quiz yet, what are you waiting for? Let’s find out which alpha you belong to!

The Alpha Witches

Before taking the quiz, it's helpful to get to know the different witch alphas. There are six in total:

  • Mira – The fortune teller who can see the future and create potions that can be used to teleport.
  • Vanessa – An herbologist who has the ability to manipulate plants and herbs to create effective potions for every situation.
  • Portia – A seafaring witch who is an expert in sea magic, she can breathe underwater and summon sea creatures.
  • Greely – A black-magic witch with exceptional dark magic and astral projection power.
  • Graham – A fire witch with magnificent power over flames, Graham is capable of creating volcanoes and wildfires at will.
  • Liza – A forest witch who uses her powers to manipulate nature. With her powers, Liza can control animals and even transform into one.

Taking the Quiz

Taking the Animal Jam Witch Alpha quiz is very easy. Simply log into the game and click on the Play button. Then select the Games tab, followed by the Fun with Friends option. You will see the Which Witch Alpha quiz listed as one of the options. Click on it, answer the questions honestly, and voila! You will get your results.

The Results Are In

So you’ve completed the quiz, and you're eager to know which alpha witch you are. Here's a breakdown of what each alpha signifies:

  • Mira – If you have been assigned Mira as your witch alpha, it means you're insightful, intelligent, resourceful, and always prepared for the future.
  • Vanessa – Getting Vanessa means you value peace and harmony above all else. You're kind, caring, compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand.
  • Portia – If Portia is your witch alpha, it shows that you're adventurous, bold, and not afraid of taking risks. You're fun-loving, outgoing, and always up for new experiences.
  • Greely – Greely is a symbol of power, determination, and independence. Players who get Greely usually prefer working alone and make decisions based on logic and reason rather than emotion.
  • Graham – Graham represents passion, creativity, and an appreciation for the arts. Players with Graham as their witch alpha are often artists, performers or passionate writers.
  • Liza – If Liza is your witch alpha, it signifies that you're a nurturer, protector, and love spending time in nature. You're compassionate, kind, and always willing to lend a hand to others.


Animal Jam's Witch Alpha quiz is a fun and entertaining activity that helps kids learn more about themselves. The quiz doesn't only reveal which witch alpha you are, but it also helps you discover new things about yourself, such as your strengths, weaknesses, and hidden talents. So, if you haven't taken the quiz yet, give it a try! Who knows, you might just discover a new aspect of yourself that you never knew existed.

Animal Jam Witch Alpha Are You


Animal Jam is an online game that allows players to experience life as an animal in the virtual world. One of the most popular features of Animal Jam is the Witch Alpha, a powerful and mysterious character that players can choose to embody. Each Witch Alpha has unique abilities and traits, making it difficult to decide which one to choose. In this blog post, we will compare all the available Witch Alphas to help you make an informed decision.

The Witch Alphas


Graham is the first Witch Alpha that players are introduced to. He is wise and knowledgeable and uses his powers to guide others. Graham's ability is to levitate objects and animals, which comes in handy when exploring difficult areas.


Liza is a confident and independent Witch Alpha who likes to take charge. Her power is to create and control storms, which can be used to clear paths or attack enemies. Liza is a great choice for players who enjoy high intensity and action.


Peck is a playful and curious Witch Alpha who loves to experiment. Her power is to bring objects to life, which can be used to create allies or distract enemies. Peck is a good choice for players who like to think outside the box.


Cosmo is a calm and collected Witch Alpha who has a connection to the stars. His power is to teleport, which makes him an excellent choice for players who need to move quickly and evade danger.


Bryce is a serious and focused Witch Alpha who takes his responsibilities seriously. His power is to create powerful magical shields that protect him and his allies from harm. Bryce is the perfect choice for players who prefer a defensive strategy.

Comparison Table

Below is a comparison table that outlines the different strengths and weaknesses of each Witch Alpha:

Witch Alpha Strengths Weaknesses
Graham Wise, knowledgeable, good guidance No offensive powers
Liza Confident, independent, powerful offence No defensive powers
Peck Curious, playful, creative offence Powers can be unpredictable
Cosmo Calm, collected, excellent mobility Limited offence powers
Bryce Focused, dependable, strongest defence No offensive powers


When choosing a Witch Alpha in Animal Jam, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Each Witch Alpha has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, making them all viable options. If you prefer a more defensive strategy, then Bryce may be the one for you. If you like to play with more creative and unexpected powers, then Peck might be the better option.

Ultimately, it is important to consider your own playstyle and preferences when choosing a Witch Alpha in Animal Jam. With so many options available, you are sure to find a character that suits your needs and helps you achieve your goals in the game.

Discover Which Animal Jam Witch Alpha You Are with These Simple Tips


Animal Jam is a massively multiplayer online game that is filled with exciting adventures and interesting characters. One of the most popular characters in the game is the witch alpha. Players can choose to become a witch and join the coven or interact with the witches as they explore the world of Jamaa. In this article, we will help you discover which animal jam witch alpha you are.

Step 1: Understand the Witch Alphas

Before you can determine which animal jam witch alpha you are, you need to understand the different types of witch alphas that exist in the game. There are four main types of witch alphas that you can choose from, including the phantom queen, the dark mystic, the winter wonder witch, and the gloom wing.

The Phantom Queen

The phantom queen is the leader of the coven and the most powerful witch in the game. She is known for her ability to summon and control phantoms. She wears purple robes and has a scepter that glows purple.

The Dark Mystic

The dark mystic is a witch alpha that practices dark magic. She is known for her ability to summon and control dark spirits. She wears black and red robes and has a staff that glows red.

The Winter Wonder Witch

The winter wonder witch is a witch alpha that harnesses the power of winter. She is known for her ability to create snowstorms and freeze her enemies. She wears blue and white robes and has a staff that glows blue.

The Gloom Wing

The gloom wing is a witch alpha that uses her powers to spread sadness and sorrow. She wears gray and black robes and has a staff that glows gray.

Step 2: Take a Quiz

Now that you understand the different types of witch alphas, you can take a quiz to find out which one best fits your personality. There are several quizzes available online that will ask you a series of questions to determine which witch alpha you are.

Step 3: Play as Your Chosen Witch Alpha

Once you have determined which animal jam witch alpha you are, you can start playing as that character in the game. You can customize your character's outfit and accessories to match the robes and staff of your chosen witch alpha.

Step 4: Explore the World of Jamaa

As a witch alpha, you can explore the world of Jamaa and interact with other players. You can use your powers to battle phantoms, summon spirits, and create snowstorms. You can also join the coven and work together with other witches to complete quests and earn rewards.

Step 5: Learn More About Your Witch Alpha

To really immerse yourself in the world of Animal Jam, you can learn more about your chosen witch alpha. You can read stories and watch videos about each character to gain a deeper understanding of their history and personality.

Step 6: Connect with Other Players

Animal Jam is a social game, so it's important to connect with other players. You can join groups or clans that focus on witch alphas and share your experiences with other players. You can also use the game's chat feature to communicate with other players and make new friends.

Step 7: Attend Events

Animal Jam regularly hosts events and parties where players can come together and have fun. These events often have themes, such as Halloween or winter wonderland, and feature special quests and activities. As a witch alpha, you can attend these events and show off your magic skills.


Animal Jam is full of exciting adventures and characters, and the witch alphas are some of the most popular. By taking the time to understand the different types of witch alphas and taking a quiz to determine which one you are, you can fully immerse yourself in the world of Jamaa and have fun with other players.

Discover Which Animal Jam Witch Alpha Are You

Welcome to the world of Animal Jam, where you can create your own animal avatar and explore the fantastic kingdom of Jamaa. This multiplayer online game has become increasingly popular, especially among young people since its release in 2010. One of the exciting features of Animal Jam is that players can choose to play as one of six witch alphas.

Each witch alpha has their magic power, personality, and style. Knowing which witch alpha matches your traits is a fun way to personalize your gaming experience. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at each of the six Animal Jam Witch Alphas and help you discover which one suits you best.

The first witch alpha is Greely, the wolf alpha. Greely has a mysterious personality and enjoys spending time alone. He values knowledge and believes that intelligence is the key to solving problems. If you like exploring new things and solving puzzles, Greely might be for you.

The second witch alpha is Graham, the tiger alpha. Graham is charming and enthusiastic. He loves spending time with friends and has a talent for leadership. If you enjoy socializing and taking charge of a group, Graham could be the witch alpha for you.

The third witch alpha is Sir Gilbert, the bunny alpha. Sir Gilbert is brave and honorable. He likes to keep things organized and is always ready to defend his friends. If you have a strong sense of justice and feel protective of others, Sir Gilbert may be the witch alpha you identify with.

The fourth witch alpha is Liza, the panda alpha. Liza is curious and adventurous. She loves exploring new places and trying out new things. If you’re a thrill-seeker who enjoys discovering new adventures, Liza might be the witch alpha for you.

The fifth witch alpha is Cosmo, the koala alpha. Cosmo values patience and serenity. She has a relaxed personality and enjoys practicing meditation. If you enjoy taking a step back from busy life and finding moments of peace, Cosmo could be the witch alpha for you.

The sixth witch alpha is Peck, the rabbit alpha. Peck is energetic and playful. She loves exploring the beauty of nature, dancing, and singing. If you’re an outgoing and imaginative person, Peck might be the witch alpha for you.

Now that we’ve introduced all six Animal Jam Witch Alphas let’s move on to discover which witch alpha is best suited for you. Think about your personality traits, interests, and how you typically react to daily situations.

If you’re creative and outgoing, Peck might be your perfect match. But, if you’re more mysterious and love solving puzzles, Greely is the witch alpha for you. Additionally, if you have a sense of justice or like helping others, Sir Gilbert might be a strong fit.

To take it a step further, you can even take an “Animal Jam Witch Alpha Quiz” online. This quiz asks you various questions related to Animal Jam and gives you feedback on which witch alpha would be a suitable match for you.

Of course, this quiz is just for fun, as only you can know yourself well enough to make the final call. However, answering questions about topics related to the witches' powers and traits will help you determine your desirable match and create a profile that reflects your true self.

Playing Animal Jam with your preferred witch alpha will enhance your gaming experience. The game encourages exploration, creativity, and learning through a fun virtual world. So why not give it a try? You can jump into the magical world of Jamaa and discover which animal you are and which witch alpha suit you best.

Overall, the six Animal Jam Witch Alphas all offer different traits and personalities that are relatable to different people. By selecting your preferred witch alpha and exploring the Jamaa kingdom with this avatar, you can have fun, meet new friends, and learn more about Animal Jam magic world. Good luck on your virtual adventures!

Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoyed discovering the world of Animal Jam Witch Alphas. Please leave comments below to tell us which witch alpha suits you and your opinions on Animal Jam. We’d love to hear from you!

People Also Ask About Animal Jam Witch Alpha Are You

What is Animal Jam Witch Alpha?

Animal Jam Witch Alpha refers to the Jammers who possess extraordinary powers and are considered leaders of the witches' coven in Animal Jam. Each witch alpha has their own unique characteristics and abilities.

How many types of Witch Alphas are there in Animal Jam?

Currently, there are eight types of Witch Alphas in Animal Jam: Bubble Witch Alpha, Ember Witch Alpha, Frost Witch Alpha, Mira Witch Alpha, Night Witch Alpha, Storm Witch Alpha, Willow Witch Alpha, and a secret phantom Witch Alpha.

How can I become an Animal Jam Witch Alpha?

Unfortunately, becoming an Animal Jam Witch Alpha is not a simple task. Firstly, you must master all the magic skills in the game. Then, you need to befriend one of the Witch Alphas and undergo a series of challenges to prove yourself worthy of becoming a Witch Alpha. Alternatively, you can wait for the next recruitment events and participate to be selected as one of the new Witch Alphas.

What are the special powers of each Witch Alpha?

  1. Bubble Witch Alpha - creates magical bubbles used for transportation and protection.
  2. Ember Witch Alpha - controls fire and flames.
  3. Frost Witch Alpha - manipulates ice and snow.
  4. Mira Witch Alpha - sees beyond what the eye can see.
  5. Night Witch Alpha - commands the power of the moon and darkness.
  6. Storm Witch Alpha - controls the force of the storms.
  7. Willow Witch Alpha - communicates with nature and animals.
  8. Secret Phantom Witch Alpha - yet to be revealed.

What are the benefits of being an Animal Jam Witch Alpha?

Besides having unique powers and abilities, being an Animal Jam Witch Alpha also means that you are a leader of one of the most powerful groups in the game. You gain respect and recognition from other players, and have access to exclusive items and areas within the game.