Learn How to Make a Cute Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal: Step-by-Step Guide


Are you in need of a quick and easy balloon animal design that is guaranteed to impress? Look no further than the monkey in a tree balloon animal!

This adorable design is perfect for children's parties, jungle-themed events, or simply as a fun addition to your balloon twisting repertoire.

But how exactly do you create this charming monkey in a tree? First, you will need a brown balloon for the monkey's body and a green balloon for the tree.

Begin by inflating the brown balloon and leaving about four inches at the end. Make a loop for the head, followed by a small bubble for the nose. Then, create two larger bubbles for the ears and twist them together in the middle to create a base for the head.

Next, continue with another small bubble for the mouth and two more larger bubbles for the front legs. Twist the remaining balloon into a series of smaller bubbles for the monkey's tail.

Now onto the tree! Inflate the green balloon and leave about six inches at the end. Make a small loop for the top of the tree and then create several small bubbles for the branches.

Once you have created all of the necessary bubbles, it's time to assemble your monkey in a tree. Attach the monkey's body to the tree by twisting the tail around one of the branches and securing it in place.

Then, use a small piece of scrap balloon to attach the monkey's arms to the tree trunk. Voila! You have successfully created a monkey in a tree balloon animal.

But why stop there? Get creative and add some extra touches to really make your balloon animal stand out. Perhaps you could give your monkey a tiny balloon banana or add some leaves to the tree.

Your guests are sure to be impressed by the skill and creativity required to create this charming balloon animal. Plus, it's a great way to keep the kids entertained at any event.

In conclusion, the monkey in a tree balloon animal is a fun and easy design that is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're a seasoned balloon twister or just starting out, this design is sure to impress.

So why not give it a try at your next party or event? Your guests will be thrilled with the results and you'll have a blast creating this adorable design.

The Art of Balloon Twisting

Balloon animals are a classic and entertaining party favor that has been around for decades. Balloon twisting, also known as balloon art or balloon sculpting, has been an iconic feature in events all over the world. From birthday parties to street carnivals, to weddings and corporate events, the art of balloon twisting never seems to go out of style. Among the most popular balloon animal designs is the monkey in a tree.

The History of Balloon Twisting

The origins of balloon twisting can be traced back to various places around the world, including Italy, France, and Japan. However, it was in the United States where balloon artistry flourished. In the early 20th century, entertainers in Vaudeville shows began incorporating balloons into their acts, captivating audiences with the unexpected creations they could make using just simple latex tubes.

As time progressed, balloon twisting expanded beyond entertainment and became a staple in various celebrations—from small family gatherings to large corporate events. Today, balloon sculpting is not just a pastime or job for entertainers but is also a genuine art form respected by many.

The Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal

One of the most sought-after balloon animal designs is the monkey in a tree, which features the classic image of a monkey hanging from a tree branch. Creating this iconic design may seem complicated at first, but with practice and the right instructions, anyone can learn to make it.

What You'll Need

To create a monkey in a tree balloon animal, you'll need three balloons of varying colors, a pump, and a little bit of patience. The first balloon will be used to create the monkey's head and body, while the second and third balloons will be used for the tree.


Start by inflating the first balloon about three-quarters of the way full, leaving a few inches of un-inflated space at the end. Make a small bubble for the monkey's head, followed by another large bubble for the torso. Twist two small bubbles on either side of the large bubble to form the legs, and then twist five small bubbles on each side to create the arms and hands. Finally, make another small bubble for the tail, followed by twisting the leftover balloon to secure the design in place.

Next, inflate the second balloon and twist it into a loop, securing both ends tightly. Repeat this process with the third balloon, except, this time, twist the loop into an S-shape to create the tree branch. Twist the two balloons together at the middle, and then twist the loops to form the tree limb.

The Benefits of Balloon Twisting

Balloon twisting is more than just a source of entertainment. It is also a great way to develop hand-eye coordination while fostering creativity. Learning and creating new balloon designs allows one to explore their imaginative side, which can carry over into diverse aspects of life.

Additionally, creating balloon animals or sculptures provides an excellent avenue for self-expression and stress relief. The process of twisting, shaping, and inflating balloons is considered therapeutic for many people.


Whether you are an entertainer looking to add a unique feature in your performances or a novice trying to entertain children at a party, the art of balloon twisting offers endless possibilities that can bring joy, creativity, and relaxation to anyone who tries it. With the right materials, instructions, and some practice, you can create stunning balloon animals like the monkey in a tree design that will undoubtedly make any celebration a more memorable event.

Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal: A Comparison

The Basics

The monkey in a tree balloon animal is a classic design that has been around for decades. It typically consists of three balloons: one brown balloon for the monkey's body, one green balloon for the tree trunk, and one green balloon for the leaves. The monkey is created by twisting and shaping the brown balloon, while the tree is made by twisting the two green balloons together.

The Difficulty

While the monkey in a tree balloon animal may seem easy to create, it can actually be quite challenging, particularly for those who are new to balloon twisting. The monkey's head and arms require precise shaping, and the tree trunk and leaves must be twisted just right in order to achieve the desired effect.

The Materials

In addition to the balloons themselves, creating a monkey in a tree balloon animal requires some additional materials, including a pump for inflating the balloons, scissors or clippers for cutting them, and a marker or pen for drawing the monkey's face. Optional items include stickers or other decorations to add to the overall look of the finished product.

The Price

The cost of a monkey in a tree balloon animal varies depending on who is creating it. Some professional balloon artists charge anywhere from $10-$20 for this particular design, while others may charge less. If you're creating the balloon animal yourself at home, the cost will be minimal, as you'll only need to purchase the balloons and any necessary tools.

The Time Required

The amount of time it takes to create a monkey in a tree balloon animal depends largely on your level of experience and skill. For a seasoned balloon artist, this design may only take a few minutes to complete. However, if you're new to balloon twisting, it could take anywhere from 15-30 minutes or more to get it just right.

The Durability

While a well-made monkey in a tree balloon animal can last for several days, it is not a particularly durable design. Balloons are prone to popping and may not hold up well under harsh conditions, such as extreme heat or cold. It's important to keep this in mind when considering the longevity of your finished product.

The Entertainment Value

Perhaps the most appealing aspect of the monkey in a tree balloon animal is its entertainment value. This design is sure to delight children and adults alike, making it a great addition to any party, event, or gathering. It's also a fun way to showcase your balloon twisting skills and impress your family and friends.

The Popularity

The monkey in a tree balloon animal has remained a popular design over the years, and for good reason. Its adorable, whimsical look is sure to capture the hearts of all those who see it, and its classic, timeless style makes it a favorite among balloon artists and enthusiasts worldwide.

The Creativity Factor

Although the monkey in a tree balloon animal follows a specific set of instructions, there is still plenty of room for creativity and personalization. You can experiment with different color combinations, add unique touches like accessories or embellishments, or even create variations on the classic design to make it truly your own.

The Learning Curve

If you're interested in learning how to create a monkey in a tree balloon animal or other designs, there is definitely a learning curve involved. While some people pick up balloon twisting quickly and easily, others may struggle with the process at first. However, with patience, practice, and perseverance, anyone can master this fun and rewarding skill.


Overall, the monkey in a tree balloon animal is a beloved classic that continues to capture the hearts and imaginations of people of all ages. While it may require some time, effort, and practice to perfect, the end result is well worth the effort. Whether you're creating one for yourself or for others, there's no denying the charm and appeal of this delightful design.

Tips and Tutorial: How to Make a Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal


Balloon twisting is a fun activity, especially for kids' parties and events. Among the popular balloon animal designs that you can make is the monkey in a tree balloon animal. It may seem complicated at first, but with some patience and practice, you can create an impressive and adorable monkey in a tree balloon animal. In this tutorial, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make this design.

Materials Needed

Before we start, you need to prepare the following materials:
  • Two 260 balloons (brown and green)
  • A balloon pump
  • Scissors

The Monkey

1. Inflate the brown 260 balloon leaving about 2 or 3 inches of the tail un-inflated.2. Make a bubble about 4 inches long, then twist it into a loop.3. Divide the loop into two bubbles of equal size, twist them together, and lock the twist by tucking it into the top of the bubble.4. Make another loop bubble, twist it at the base with the previous one, making sure they align horizontally.5. Make a small ear twist about 1 to 1.5 inches from the base of the last bubble.6. Make another small ear twist about the same size, but this time twist it in the opposite direction so that the two bubbles face each other.7. Make 2 small bubbles, twist them together, and then twist them onto the ear twists.8. Make another 2 small bubbles of the same size and twist them onto the previous ones to create the monkey’s arms.9. Make a short bubble roughly the same size as the first one and twist it between the arms, this will be the monkey's head.10. Make 2 small bubbles for the monkey's ears, twist them around the first bubble and secure them to the head using a pinch twist.

The Tree

1. Inflate the green 260 balloon up to roughly 6 inches, leaving around 2 or 3 inches of the tail un-inflated.2. Make a small loop bubble of about 2 inches which will be the start of the tree trunk.3. Twist several more loops and bubbles down the length of the balloon body, making sure that each one is slightly larger than the last.4. When you reach the bottom of the balloon you can use a lock twist to connect the end of the tree with the beginning to form a complete circle.5. Now position the monkey on the tree, by fitting the last bubble before its head into the balloon loop.6. Once the monkey is in place, bend the end of the balloon (about 2 inches from the monkey) to form a small branch and lock it by tucking it under the body before inflating the rest of the tail.

Finishing Touches

With the tree and the monkey components finished, all you need to do now is add the finishing touches:1. Use the scissors to cut off the excess balloon tails.2. Roll and twist the monkey’s tail and shape it to create the curved tail effect.3. Give your monkey in a tree balloon animal some character by drawing a face onto the monkey's head with a permanent marker, or by using small round sticker eyes to create a cute and playful expression.


The Monkey in a Tree balloon animal is a fantastic design that will impress both kids and adults. By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to make this design in no time. Remember to practice, practice, practice, and you’ll soon be creating amazing balloon animals for your own event or party. Have fun and happy twisting!

Monkey In A Tree Balloon Animal: The Ultimate Tutorial

Welcome to another awesome tutorial on balloon animals! Today, we shall learn how to make the famous monkey in a tree balloon animal for your parties and events. And guess what? It’s super easy and fun to create. So, get your balloons ready and let’s get started.

Before we dive right into making the monkey in a tree, it’s important to have the right equipment. For this project, you need high-quality latex balloons, a pump to blow them up, and a pair of sharp scissors. You can purchase balloons in various colors and sizes from any craft store or online vendor.

Now that you have everything you need, we can begin the process of creating our monkey in a tree balloon animal. We will first start with the monkey itself.

To start the monkey, inflate your brown balloon and tie a knot at the end. Then, twist one inch of balloon at the base to form the monkey’s body. Pinch off two equal segments, about two inches each, for the monkey’s arms. Twist each of the arms onto the body of your balloon and adjust them to your preferred length.

The next step is to create the monkey’s head. Pinch off a section of the brown balloon, about two inches, and twist it to create a loop. This section of the balloon will be the face of the monkey. Be sure to shape the loop to your desired shape. Using a black marker, draw two eyes and two nostrils. Place the monkey’s head on top of the monkey’s body to complete your monkey in a tree.

Now, onto the tree! Take your green balloon and follow these steps:

1. Inflate the balloon leaving about six inches untied at the end.

2. Twist the balloon about three inches from the end. This will be the top of the tree.

3. Create a one-inch bubble, which represents the height of the branches.

4. Rotate the balloon and create a twist, which is about two inches wide. This makes the first branch of the tree.

5. To make the second branch, create another bubble around two inches long and twist it with the existing branch. Continue this pattern until you reach the bottom of the balloon. Tie it and cut off any remaining balloon.

With the monkey and tree complete, it’s now time to bring everything together.

To connect the monkey and tree, twist the tail of the monkey around the tree’s trunk. This prevents the monkey from falling out of the tree and secures everything in place. You can also use your imagination and create countless variations of this project. Maybe add some extra creatures or flowers to the tree to personalize your creation.

We hope that you enjoyed this tutorial on creating a monkey in a tree balloon animal. Make sure to practice, experiment, and have fun with it. Your guests will be amazed at your creativity, and everyone will want to know how you created such a remarkable masterpiece.

Until next time, have fun inventing new designs, and don’t forget to share your creations with us! If you have any questions or comments about monkey in a tree balloon animal, feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy twisting!

People Also Ask about Monkey In A Tree Balloon Animal

What is a Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal?

A monkey in a tree balloon animal is typically made up of a few different balloon pieces. It consists of a balloon tree trunk and branches and a small monkey perched on one of the branches.

What are the Steps to Make a Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal?

Here are the steps to make a monkey in a tree balloon animal:

  1. Inflate a brown balloon and twist it into two sections, one slightly longer than the other
  2. Make a series of small bubbles next to the second section to create the branches of the tree
  3. Add a green balloon for leaves. Fold it in half and wrap it around the brown balloon
  4. Inflate a small brown balloon for the monkey's body and twist two small bubbles for the arms
  5. Add another small bubble for the monkey's head, then twist the remaining balloon length for the tail
  6. Twist the monkey onto one of the branches, and the monkey in the tree balloon animal is complete

What Size Balloons are Best for Making a Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal?

The size of the balloons necessary for making a monkey in a tree balloon animal varies depending on personal preference, but typically a 260 or 350-sized balloon works well for the tree and a 160 or 260-sized balloon is good for the monkey.

Where Can I Learn How to Make a Monkey in a Tree Balloon Animal?

There are many tutorials available online to learn how to make a monkey in a tree balloon animal. You can watch videos on YouTube, look for instructional books, or attend a balloon-twisting workshop to receive in-person instruction.