Master the Principles of Animal Physiology - New and Improved 3rd Edition Guidebook

Have you ever wondered how animals function and adapt to different environments? Do you want to delve deeper into the principles of animal physiology? Look no further than the third edition of Principles of Animal Physiology!This comprehensive textbook covers everything from cell physiology to ecology, providing readers with a thorough understanding of how animals survive and thrive. The text is easy to follow, with clear explanations and helpful illustrations.One of the highlights of this edition is its focus on recent advancements in technology and research. Readers will learn about techniques such as optogenetics and CRISPR gene editing, which allow scientists to manipulate and study animals at a level never before possible.But don't worry, the book doesn't shy away from the basics. The authors provide thorough coverage of fundamental concepts such as osmosis, diffusion, and action potentials. And with each chapter building on the last, readers will develop a solid foundation of knowledge that they can apply throughout the book.Perhaps one of the best things about Principles of Animal Physiology is the way it connects theoretical concepts to real-world examples. Throughout the text, readers will learn about animals in their natural habitats and how they have evolved to overcome challenges ranging from extreme temperatures to food scarcity.But it's not just about survival. The book also explores how animals communicate, form social structures, and reproduce. Additionally, the authors delve into the impacts of human activities such as climate change and habitat destruction on animal populations.Overall, Principles of Animal Physiology is an essential resource for students and professionals alike. Its detailed coverage of animal physiology combined with its accessibility make it the perfect choice for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the natural world.So if you're ready to dive into the fascinating world of animal physiology, pick up a copy of Principles of Animal Physiology today. You won't regret it!


Animal physiology is a field of science that explores the functioning of animals, including aspects such as anatomy, genetics, and metabolism. The discipline requires an understanding of various principles in order to study and understand the mechanisms that enable animals to perform different tasks such as movement, feeding, and reproduction. One book that provides insights into animal physiology is Principles of Animal Physiology, 3rd edition, authored by Christopher Moyes and Patricia Schulte.

The Contents of the Book

The book is a comprehensive guide to animal physiology. It covers various topics, starting with the fundamentals of animal physiology before diving deeper into several key areas.

Chapter 1 introduces the basic concepts of animal physiology, including the organization of cells, organs, and tissues and how they perform different functions such as secretion, absorption, and energy metabolism.

Chapter 2 focuses on the properties of water and how it influences various body processes, including osmosis and chemical reactions, among others.

Chapter 3 examines the principles of bioenergetics, including how animals obtain and use energy to perform various functions such as locomotion and respiration.

Chapter 4 delves into the physical principles of diffusion and transport through biological membranes.

Chapters 5 to 8 explore topics such as membrane potentials, sensory systems, muscle physiology, and neural control of movement.

Breathing and Circulation

Chapters 9 and 10 cover the respiratory and circulatory systems. In Chapter 9, the authors examine various aspects related to breathing, including the mechanics of ventilation, gas exchange, and control of breathing.

Chapter 10 further discusses the cardiovascular system, focusing on the structures and functions of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. It delves into concepts such as pressure, volume, and flow dynamics applied to cardiovascular physiology.

Metabolism and Temperature Regulation

Chapters 11 and 12 explore metabolism and temperature regulation, respectively. Chapter 11 examines the various metabolic pathways in animals, including carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. The authors explain the regulation of these pathways and the integration between them.

Chapter 12 delves into the thermoregulatory mechanisms that allow animals to maintain a constant body temperature. It explores topics such as heat transfer, physiological and behavioral adaptations, and evolution of thermoregulation.

The Reproductive System

Chapters 13 and 14 discuss the male and female reproductive systems, respectively. The authors explore the processes of gamete production, fertilization, embryonic development, and lactation, among others.


Principles of Animal Physiology, 3rd edition is an excellent guide for students, educators, and researchers interested in animal physiology. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of animal physiology and dives deeper into several key areas such as respiration, circulation, metabolism, and reproduction. Furthermore, it is well-illustrated with diagrams, graphs, and tables that enhance the understanding of the concepts presented. Overall, the book is an invaluable resource that will undoubtedly improve the reader's knowledge and appreciation of animal physiology.

Comparison of Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition


Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd edition is a widely used textbook for studying animal physiology. In this article, we will compare the third edition with the previous editions and discuss the improvements made in the latest edition. We will cover the topics of structure, content, clarity, and suitability for different levels of learners.


The structure of the third edition is the same as the previous editions. It consists of an introduction, several chapters, and a conclusion. However, there are some noticeable changes in the number of chapters and their order. The third edition has 26 chapters while the second edition had 24 chapters. The chapters in the third edition have been reorganized to improve the flow of information.

Chapter Comparison

Chapter Number of Pages (3rd Edition) Number of Pages (2nd Edition)
Introduction 12 8
Cellular and Molecular Physiology 76 66
Neurophysiology 98 74
Muscle Physiology 58 53
... ... ...


The content of the third edition has been updated and expanded. New research findings have been added to provide a more comprehensive understanding of animal physiology. The latest edition includes several topics that were not covered in the previous editions, such as epigenetics and thermoregulation. In addition, the chapters on neurophysiology and endocrinology have been revised and improved.

Topic Comparison

Topic 3rd Edition 2nd Edition
Epigenetics ✔️
Thermoregulation ✔️
Endocrinology ✔️ ✔️
Immune System ✔️ ✔️
... ... ...


The third edition has improved clarity compared to the previous editions. The language used in the textbooks is simple and straightforward, making it easier for the students to understand. Furthermore, the third edition includes more illustrations and figures that help in understanding complex concepts.

Illustration Comparison

Topic 3rd Edition 2nd Edition
Number of Illustrations 704 645
Number of Photos 94 84
Number of Figures 589 536

Suitability for Different Levels of Learners

The third edition of Principles of Animal Physiology is suitable for learners at all levels. It provides a strong foundation for beginners while also offering advanced topics for the intermediate and advanced level learners. The concepts are explained clearly and concisely, making it easy for beginners to follow along.

Level Comparison

Level Suitable For
Beginner ✔️
Intermediate ✔️
Advanced ✔️


Overall, the third edition of Principles of Animal Physiology is a significant improvement over the previous editions. Its expanded content, improved clarity, and suitability for different levels of learners make it a must-read textbook for anyone studying animal physiology. Its illustrations and figures provide a better understanding of complex concepts, making it easier for readers to learn the subject matter. I highly recommend this textbook to anyone interested in learning animal physiology.

Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition: A Comprehensive Guide


The study of animal physiology is essential to understanding the biology of organisms. It provides insight into how animals function and adapt to their environment. Principles of Animal Physiology, 3rd Edition, is an excellent resource for students interested in learning about animal physiology. This guide will provide an overview of the principles covered in the book.

The Nervous System

The nervous system is responsible for coordinating all the physiological functions of the body. It consists of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, while the PNS consists of the nerves that branch out from the CNS. The book covers the principles of neurophysiology, including the functions of neurons and synapses.

Sensory Systems

Sensory systems allow animals to respond to their environment. They include vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In the book, you'll learn about how these systems work, from the receptors in the eyes, ears, and skin to the neural pathways that process the information.

Circulatory System

The circulatory system is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. The book covers the principles of cardiovascular physiology, including the mechanisms of blood flow, heart function, and blood pressure regulation.

Respiratory System

The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of gases between the air and the blood. The book covers the principles of respiration, from the mechanics of breathing to gas exchange in the lungs.

The Endocrine System

The endocrine system plays a key role in regulating many physiological processes, including growth, metabolism, and reproduction. The book covers the principles of endocrinology, including hormones and their receptors, as well as the mechanisms of hormone synthesis, release, and action.

Reproductive System

The reproductive system is responsible for producing offspring. The book covers the principles of reproductive physiology, including the hormonal control of the reproductive cycle, fertilization, and pregnancy.

Immune System

The immune system is responsible for protecting the body against disease. The book covers the principles of immunology, including the cells and molecules involved in the immune response and the mechanisms of immune surveillance and defense.


Principles of Animal Physiology, 3rd Edition, is an excellent resource for students interested in animal physiology. It covers a broad range of topics in great detail, from the nervous and endocrine systems to the circulatory and immune systems. By studying this book, you can gain a thorough understanding of the principles of animal physiology and how they relate to the biological functions of organisms.

Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Animal Physiology

Welcome, visitors! Are you interested in animal physiology? Are you looking for a comprehensive guide to help you get a grip on the subject matter? Look no further! The Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition is your ultimate guide.

This book has been designed to be accessible to students with little prior knowledge of the subject. However, it is also an excellent resource for seasoned professionals who want to expand their knowledge of animal physiology.

The Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition is authored by Christopher Moyes and Patricia Schulte, two leading experts in the field. The book provides a detailed account of various physiological processes that take place in animals. Students can use this book to supplement their coursework, while researchers can use it as a reference when conducting experiments.

The book covers broad topics such as DNA, genes and protein synthesis to more specific topics such as muscle physiology, endocrine regulation, and osmoregulation. The authors have made these complex concepts easy to understand by using clear and concise language and well-illustrated diagrams and tables.

The book starts by introducing the reader to the structure of cells, enzymes, and metabolism. The cellular respiration section offers a detailed rendition of energy utilization from the food we eat. It explains how the oxidation of glucose leads to the formation of ATP. The chapter also introduces the reader to the process of glycolysis, which takes place in the cytosol.

After understanding the basics of cell function, the book delves deeper into the anatomy and physiology of various organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Each organ's structure, functions, and mechanisms of operation are exhaustively discussed. Additionally, the book has a special focus on how each organ system contributes to the overall functioning of the body in response to stimuli.

The authors have also included exploration of animal behavior, covering topics such as sensory perception, locomotion, and animal communication. This offers readers an opportunity to learn about the interaction between the animal's body and the environment it inhabits.

Another outstanding feature of this book is the use of real-world examples. The authors draw examples from different species and locations worldwide, ensuring that students can apply the knowledge learned in a global context.

In conclusion, I highly recommend the Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition. It is an excellent resource for anyone interested in understanding the processes that shape and drive life on earth. Get your copy today and take the first step towards mastering animal physiology!

Thank you for visiting, and I hope this article has been informative. Have a great day!

People Also Ask About Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition

What Is Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition?

The third edition of Principles of Animal Physiology textbook explores the essential concepts of animal physiology with emphasized core knowledge in a way that is easy to understand. The book covers the fundamental principles of physiology and selected topics in-depth, making it appropriate for students of biology, animal science, and other life sciences disciplines.

What Topics Are Covered In Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition?

The following are some of the significant topics covered in Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition:

  1. Homeostasis and feedback systems
  2. Cellular and molecular physiology
  3. Neurophysiology and sensory processes
  4. Muscle physiology
  5. Circulatory and respiratory systems
  6. Metabolism and energetics
  7. Thermoregulation
  8. Endocrine and reproductive systems

What Is The Author Of Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition?

The author of Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition is Christopher D. Moyes, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and Patricia M. Schulte, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Is Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition Suitable For Undergraduate Students?

Yes, Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition is an ideal undergraduate textbook for students in biology, animal science, and other life sciences disciplines. It provides an excellent introduction to the fundamental principles of physiology and selected topics in-depth.

What Resources Are Available With Principles Of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition?

The following resources are available with Principles of Animal Physiology 3rd Edition:

  • Student resources, including practice quizzes, flashcards, and animations
  • BiCoRE- integrated textbook and lab manual
  • Instructor resources, such as PowerPoint lecture slides and test banks
  • Access to the Connect platform for digital learning and assessment tools