Mastering the Skills: How to Effectively Command Animals in Skyrim - A Step-by-Step Guide for Gamers


Have you ever found yourself wandering around Skyrim with no reliable companion? Fear not, for there is a solution to this problem: command animal. This handy ability allows you to tame and command various creatures in the game. In this article, we will explore how to use command animal in Skyrim.

First of all, it is important to note that not all creatures can be tamed using this ability. However, many useful companions such as wolves, bears, and saber-toothed cats are eligible. The higher your level in the animal allegiance skill, the more creatures you will be able to tame.

In order to use command animal, you must first acquire the spell. This can be done by purchasing it from a spell vendor or finding it as loot. Once you have the spell, equip it in your magic menu.

Now comes the fun part – finding your new companion! As you explore Skyrim, keep an eye out for creatures that can potentially be tamed. Use your spell on them, and if successful, they will become friendly and follow you around.

But wait, there’s more! Not only can you command these animals to fight alongside you in battles, but you can also ride them. Imagine cruising through Skyrim on the back of a bear – pretty cool, right?

It is important to keep in mind that these companions can die in battle. Make sure to keep them well-fed and equipped with appropriate armor. You can equip them just like any other follower, but with limitations based on their species (for example, a wolf cannot wear steel armor).

Another thing to consider is that some creatures may be hostile towards you even after being tamed. If this happens, you can try to calm them down using another spell or potion, or simply leave them behind and try again with a different creature.

So, now that you know how to use command animal in Skyrim, the possibilities are endless. Have fun exploring the vast world of Skyrim with your new animal companion by your side (or on your back)!

To summarize, command animal is a valuable ability in Skyrim that allows you to tame and command various creatures as companions. With the right spell and skill level, you can recruit a range of animals to join you on your adventures. However, it is important to keep them equipped and fed, and be aware that some creatures may still be hostile towards you. Overall, this ability is a great addition to any player’s arsenal and adds an extra element of excitement to the game.


Command Animal is one of the useful perks in Skyrim. It allows you to control animals around you and use them as your allies. This ability can be used to fight with enemies, hunt for food, and complete quests. However, not everyone knows how to use this feature. In this article, we will guide you through the steps on how to use Command Animal in Skyrim.

How to Unlock Command Animal Perk?

To use Command Animal, players have to unlock the Animal Allegiance perk. This perk can be found in the Alteration skill tree. To unlock this perk, the player must have a minimum level of 20 in the Alteration skill. The Animal Allegiance perk will cost one perk point to unlock it.

Approach the Animal

After you have unlocked the Animal Allegiance perk, it’s time to use Command Animal. Approach an animal that you want to command. Be sure that the animal isn't hostile, or it can attack you. Approach them slowly and use Hide spell or put on muffle boots to avoid being detected.

Activate the Spell

You can activate the Command Animal spell by selecting it from your Magic menu. After casting the spell, the animal will follow you and become friendly. Any animal within your vicinity will be affected by the spell; thus, you can attract multiple animals to follow you. Keep in mind that bigger animals, such as bears and trolls, would require a higher-level spell.

Using Command Animal in Combat

Having animals on your side can save you from tricky situations in combat. You can use these animals to distract the enemies while you launch surprise attacks or deal damage from a distance. However, keep in mind that not all animals are suitable for fighting. Some animals, such as bunnies and goats, will run away when enemies approach, while others, like wolves or bears, can be valuable combat allies.

Using Command Animal for Hunting

Another way to use Command Animal is to hunt for food. This technique is particularly useful early on in the game when your character lacks Strength and weapons. You can use the animals to hunt deer, elk, or even mammoths for food. This method will provide you with much-needed protein to replenish your health.

Determine the Duration of Command Animal

Keep in mind that Command Animal does not last forever. The spell has a limited duration, and when it expires, the animal will return to its original state. When you activate the spell, a countdown clock appears at the bottom of the screen that shows the remaining time before the spell ends. Once the counter reaches zero, the animal will stop following you and return to its former behavior.

Commanding Specific Animals

You can use Command Animal to target specific groups of animals. After activating the spell, a menu will appear, allowing you to choose which animal group to target. You can command predators, creatures, or prey. Targeting predators will affect animals such as wolves, bears, and sabre-toothed tigers who will become friendly and follow you. Creatures like mudcrabs or skeevers is another category that can be targeted with this spell. Lastly, prey includes grazing animals such as deer, elk, and mammoths.

Final Thoughts

Command Animal is an excellent ability to have if you're exploring the wilderness of Skyrim. It allows you to control and use animals as allies in combat or for hunting. Remember to use the Animal Allegiance perk, approach animals carefully, and use the Command Animal spell. With these tips, you can easily command any animal in Skyrim!


Using Command Animal in Skyrim can help you in many ways, from fighting against enemies to hunting for food. With the steps mentioned above, you can control animals around you and make them your allies. Remember, to unlock the Animal Allegiance perk, approach animals carefully, activate the spell, and determine the duration. Also, keep in mind that different animals have varying suitability for combat and hunting. Now that you have learned how to use Command Animal, it's time to explore the vast wilderness of Skyrim!

A Comprehensive Comparison of Using Command Animal in Skyrim


Are you having trouble fighting off enemies in Skyrim? Are you tired of taking damage in battle, or want to level up your combat skills? Fear not! In Skyrim, you can use the command animal feature to call upon your animal companions to aid you in battle. This feature allows you to control various animals and creatures to help you fight battles and become a fearless warrior.

The Basics of Command Animal

In Skyrim, the command animal feature enables you to first hold down a hotkey, then select an animal or creature you'd like to control. Once you're in control, the animal will follow your commands and go into battle with you. Animals that are susceptible to this feature include dogs, wolves, trolls, and bears. The key to this feature is making sure the animal you're controlling survives the battle and doesn't die. You can do so by positioning it intelligently before battle and issuing orders.

Comparing Different Animals

Different animals have unique abilities and weaknesses which make them more or less suitable for certain types of battle. For instance, wolves are fast but weak, while bear can deal significant damage but are slower. Trolls, on the other hand, are very strong and tough, making them excellent tanking creatures. It's crucial to choose wisely based on the type of battle you're entering.


Dogs in Skyrim are one of the first animals that you'll come across. They are relatively weak, but still useful for weaker enemy encounters. Given their strength, however, they are not particularly useful in stronger battles. Although they can detect traps and hidden areas, they aren't as versatile as the other animals listed here.


Wolves are quick and agile, making them effective for escaping and surprise attacks. However, they don't have the greatest defense, making them more suitable for hit-and-run scenarios or weaker enemy types.


Bears are one of the heavy hitters in Skyrim. They can deal significant damage and have impressive speed despite their size. They are powerful tanking creatures, able to withstand a lot of damage while dealing some too. Bears are fantastic for strong enemy encounters.


Trolls are among the toughest creatures in Skyrim. Their incredible regenerative capabilities are capable of healing them in battle, making them ideal for sustained combat. With their brute strength and toughness, they can pull off solo fights that depend purely on brawn, and come out victorious.

Benefits of Command Animal

Command animal feature comes with significant strategic benefits in Skyrim. Firstly, it can serve as an excellent distraction from your own character, taking heat off you in battle. Second, it can also be used to trigger traps and surprise enemy units before they detect you. Third, it can earn various quest rewards that require specific animals.

Drawbacks of Command Animal

While command animal is an outstanding addition to your gameplay experience, it also has its fair share of drawbacks. One of the main problems that occur is having the animal get killed in a battle, resulting in a mission failure. The other major limitation is you may only command one animal at any given time.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Command Animal is an invaluable tool in Skyrim's gameplay. To make the most of it, one must understand the strengths and weaknesses of different animals and choose which one best fits the particular situation in the game. By doing so, you'll increase your chances of surviving battles and become an even better fighter.

How To Use Command Animal Skyrim


Skyrim is a game that allows players to interact with various creatures and animals throughout their journey. However, some of these creatures may not be as friendly, and they may pose a risk to the player. The Command Animal Skill in the game allows the player to control these animals and use them to their advantage, whether it's for hunting or combat purposes. In this article, we'll take a look at how to use the Command Animal skill in Skyrim.

How To Unlock The Skill

Before you can use the Command Animal Skill, you need to unlock it first. To do so, you'll need to progress in the game and complete several quests. Once you reach level 21, you'll be able to speak to different trainers across Skyrim who will teach you the Animal Allegiance spell.

Casting The Spell

Once you've learned the Animal Allegiance spell, you can cast it on any animal within your line of sight. Keep in mind that this spell will only work on animals, and it has no effect on creatures such as dragons or undead. When casting the spell, make sure that you aim the spell towards the animal you want to control, and within its range.

Timing And Cooldown

After casting the spell, it may take a few seconds for the animal to acknowledge its effect. You'll notice a yellow beam of light that indicates that the animal is under your control. The spell lasts for about 60 seconds, and after that, the animal will return to its usual behavior. Keep in mind that there is a cooldown period for casting the spell again, which is approximately 30 seconds.


The Command Animal skill can come in handy in various scenarios, such as when facing tougher enemies or when hunting animals. You can use the controlled animal to attack your enemies and create a distraction while you plan your next move or take down targets from a distance. Keep in mind that the controlled animal can also take damage, so make sure to protect it from harm.

Enhancing The Skill

As you progress further in the game, you'll be able to enhance the Command Animal skill by unlocking more perks. Some of these perks include the ability to control multiple animals at once, making them permanently follow you, and improving their combat abilities.


While the Command Animal skill is useful, there are some limitations that players should take note of. First, the animal will only respond to simple commands such as stay, follow me, and attack. It won't be able to perform complicated tasks, such as opening doors or navigating through obstacles. Additionally, the spell has no effect on wild animals that are already hostile towards you.

Other Notes

Keep in mind that using the Command Animal skill may have consequences. For instance, controlling and harming an animal within view of NPCs may result in a decreased reputation with some factions. Also, the spell won't work on animals that have been previously summoned or enchanted by other players or NPCs.


In conclusion, the Command Animal skill in Skyrim is a useful tool that allows players to control animals for combat or utility purposes. Keep in mind that unlocking the skill requires completing quests, casting the spell has a cooldown, and controlling animals has limitations. Players can enhance the skill by unlocking more perks as they progress further in the game. Always remember to use this skill cautiously and be mindful of its limitations and consequences.

How To Use Command Animal Skyrim: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're an avid Skyrim player, you've probably come across the ability to command animals at some point in your adventure. With the right skills and know-how, being able to control a variety of creatures can help you traverse the expansive world of Skyrim more easily. In this guide, we'll go over everything you need to know about how to use the command animal feature in Skyrim!

First things first: in order to use command animal, you need to have the corresponding Shout unlocked. This can be achieved by visiting various Word Walls scattered across the game world and defeating the Dragons that inhabit them.

Once you've got the Shout unlocked, the next step is to find an animal to control. There are a few different ways you can go about this:

  • Find a wild animal out in the open world.
  • Use the relevant spell or item to summon an animal to your location.
  • Purchase an animal from certain merchants in the game.

Now that you have an animal under your control, the next step is to use the Shout to command it. This is done by activating the Shout and targeting the animal in question. If successful, the animal will become friendly and follow you around until the effect wears off.

It's worth noting that larger animals may require multiple uses of the command animal Shout before they become fully under your control. Additionally, some animals may be too strong or resistant to the Shout's effects altogether.

The duration of the command animal effect varies depending on your level of skill in the relevant Shout. At lower levels, the effect may only last a few seconds, whereas at higher levels it can last for several minutes.

The ability to command animals can be incredibly useful in a variety of different scenarios. Here are just a few examples:

  • Use a command animal to distract enemies while you sneak around them.
  • Have a strong animal companion fight alongside you in battle.
  • Use a flying animal to reach high places that would otherwise be inaccessible.
  • Use a pack animal to carry extra loot on long journeys.

Of course, there are also a few downsides to using command animal in Skyrim. For one thing, it's not always easy to find an animal to control, and even when you do, there's no guarantee that it will follow your commands successfully. Additionally, certain types of animals may be less useful than others in certain situations.

If you're planning on using command animal extensively in your playthrough, it may be worth investing in perks and other abilities that can enhance your control over animals. One potentially useful perk is 'Beast Master', which allows you to tame wild animals and make them into loyal companions.

Finally, it's important to remember that not all animals in Skyrim are created equal. Some may be too weak or unremarkable to be useful as command animals, while others may be too powerful to control effectively.

In the end, the key to using command animal successfully in Skyrim is to experiment with different creatures and find the ones that work best for your playstyle. With a little patience and persistence, you'll soon be able to take command of the animal kingdom and rule the wilds of Skyrim with ease!

That wraps up our guide to using command animal in Skyrim. We hope you've found it informative and helpful, and that it has given you some new ideas for how to tackle the challenges that await you in this incredible game. Happy adventuring!

People Also Ask About How To Use Command Animal Skyrim

What is Command Animal in Skyrim?

Command Animal is a spell and a shout that allows the player to temporarily take control of certain animals in Skyrim, including wolves, bears, and even dragons. Using this command allows the player to use the animal's abilities and attack enemies.

How do you get the Command Animal spell in Skyrim?

The Command Animal spell can be purchased from various vendors throughout Skyrim, such as Faralda at the College of Winterhold, or Drevis Neloren in the same location. It can also be found in various dungeons or as loot from fallen enemies.

How do you use the Command Animal shout in Skyrim?

The Command Animal shout can be learned from the Greybeards after completing the main questline of the game. To use the shout, the player must first activate it by selecting it from their list of shouts in the magic menu. The player can then target an animal by looking at it and pressing the shout button.

Can you use Command Animal on any animal in Skyrim?

No, Command Animal only works on certain animals in Skyrim, including wolves, bears, and other similar creatures. It cannot be used on domesticated animals or more exotic creatures like dragons.

How long does the Command Animal effect last?

The duration of the Command Animal effect depends on the level of the player's Illusion skill. At lower levels, the effect may only last a few seconds, while at higher levels it can last several minutes.

Can you use Command Animal on hostile animals in Skyrim?

Yes, Command Animal can be used on hostile animals, which will then fight on the player's side until the effect wears off. However, if the player attacks the controlled animal, the effect will immediately end and the animal will become hostile again.

In conclusion,

Overall, Command Animal is a useful spell and shout for players who want to control animals in Skyrim temporarily. It can be acquired from various sources, and its effects can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes depending on the level of the player's Illusion skill. However, it can only be used on certain animals in the game and only works for a limited amount of time.