Meet Dr. Jill Goldman: Your Expert Animal Behaviorist for Well-Behaved and Happy Pets


Do you ever wonder what your pets are thinking? Have you ever wished you could understand their behaviors and communicate with them better? Look no further than Dr. Jill Goldman, animal behaviorist extraordinaire.

With over 20 years of experience studying animal behavior, Dr. Goldman is a sought-after expert in the field. Her research has been published in numerous academic journals, and she has appeared on various TV shows as a consultant on animal behavior.

But what exactly does an animal behaviorist do? In short, they study the actions and reactions of animals to better understand their thoughts and motivations. By doing this, they can offer guidance to pet owners on how to interpret and respond to their pets' behavior.

Dr. Goldman's approach to behavior consulting is both scientific and compassionate. She takes the time to truly understand each individual animal she works with and tailors her recommendations to fit their unique needs.

One of the biggest misconceptions about animal behaviorists is that they only work with dogs and cats. However, Dr. Goldman has worked with all sorts of animals, from birds to reptiles to even primates.

Some common behavioral issues that Dr. Goldman helps pet owners address include aggression, separation anxiety, and destructive behavior. She also offers advice on how to train and socialize new pets.

One thing that sets Dr. Goldman apart from other behaviorists is her use of positive reinforcement techniques. Rather than punishing pets for bad behavior, she focuses on rewarding good behavior. This not only creates a happier pet but also strengthens the bond between owner and pet.

But it's not just individual pet owners that can benefit from Dr. Goldman's expertise. Animal shelters and rescues often turn to her for help with rehabilitating animals with behavioral issues. By addressing these issues, animals can be more easily adopted into loving homes.

So whether you're struggling with a difficult pet or just want to better understand your furry friend, Dr. Jill Goldman is the solution you've been looking for. Her compassionate and scientific approach to animal behavior is unmatched, and her insights can help improve the lives of both pets and their owners.

Don't wait any longer to start improving your relationship with your pet. Contact Dr. Goldman today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a happier, healthier life together.

Dr. Jill Goldman is an animal behaviorist whose expertise spans across several animals, including primates, birds, and dogs. Her passion for understanding animal behavior has led her to study and observe different species of animals in their natural habitat.

The Early Years

Dr. Goldman developed an early interest in animal behavior while growing up in California. She began learning about birds when she joined a birdwatching club. It wasn't until she attended the University of California, Davis, for her undergraduate studies that she was introduced to animal behavior as a field of study.

She earned her Bachelor's degree in Animal Biology from UC Davis, where she also worked on the campus Horse Barn. It was here that her appreciation for animal behavior began to develop. She was fascinated by how horses interacted with their environment, each other, and humans.

Graduate Studies

Dr. Goldman went on to pursue graduate studies in animal behavior at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. She earned her Master's degree in Behavior Analysis before continuing her studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where she received her Ph.D. in Psychology.

It was during her graduate studies that Dr. Goldman began studying primate behavior. She conducted her research at a primate sanctuary in Florida, where she observed the behavior of chimpanzees, orangutans, and other primates living in captivity.

The Career

After completing her Ph.D., Dr. Goldman began working as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Here, she worked with a team of researchers studying the behavior of African Grey parrots. The team's research focused on the parrot's ability to communicate using human language.

Since then, Dr. Goldman has worked as a consultant and animal behaviorist, offering training and behavior modification services to pet owners and organizations. She has also worked as an expert witness in animal behavior cases in courtrooms across the United States.

Contributions to the Field

Dr. Goldman's contributions to the field of animal behavior have been significant. Her research on primate behavior has shed light on how these animals communicate, interact with each other and their environment.

In addition, her work with African Grey parrots has contributed to our understanding of these birds' intelligence, cognitive abilities, and communication skills. Her research has shown that African Grey parrots are capable of using language and demonstrating comprehension of concepts beyond their basic needs.

Television Appearances

Dr. Goldman has appeared as an animal behavior expert on several television shows, including National Geographic's Wild Chronicles, CBS's The Early Show, and Animal Planet's Dogs 101. She has also been featured in numerous articles in publications such as the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and Scientific American Mind.

Awards and Affiliations

Dr. Goldman has received several awards and recognitions for her contributions to the field of animal behavior, including the Jane Goodall Institute's prestigious Compassionate Conservation Award.

She is also a member of several professional organizations, including the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour and the International Society for Anthrozoology.


In conclusion, Dr. Jill Goldman is a highly respected animal behaviorist whose work has significantly contributed to our understanding of animal behavior. She continues to work as a consultant, expert witness, and researcher and remains passionate about helping animals and their owners.

A Comparison of Two Leading Animal Behaviorists: Dr. Jill Goldman and Dr. Ian Dunbar


As pet owners, we want to ensure our furry friends are well-behaved, happy, and healthy. And when it comes to animal behaviorists, two names stand out: Dr. Jill Goldman and Dr. Ian Dunbar. In this article, we'll compare and contrast these two experts and explore their unique approaches to animal behavior.


Dr. Jill Goldman is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist who received her Ph.D. in Animal Behavior from the University of California, Los Angeles. As a public speaker, consultant, and writer, Dr. Goldman has worked with exotic animals in zoos, marine mammals in captivity, and domestic pets. She specializes in topics such as aggression, animal welfare, and enrichment.Dr. Ian Dunbar is also a renowned animal behaviorist, veterinarian, and author of several books on dog behavior. He received his veterinary degree from the Royal Veterinary College in London and earned a Ph.D. in animal behavior from the Psychology Department at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Dunbar founded the Sirius Puppy Training program and is considered one of the pioneers of modern dog training.


Dr. Goldman focuses on understanding each animal's unique behavior and finding ways to modify it without using force or punishment. She believes that positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training, environmental enrichment, and mental stimulation can help solve behavioral issues. Dr. Goldman advocates for naturalistic environments, which allow animals to engage in natural behaviors such as digging and biting. By allowing pets to express themselves naturally, Dr. Goldman believes they will be happier and more fulfilled.On the other hand, Dr. Dunbar's approach to dog training involves using positive reinforcement, operant conditioning, and classical conditioning to shape behavior. He emphasizes the importance of early socialization and teaching basic obedience skills, such as sit, stay, and come, to prevent behavior problems. Dr. Dunbar advocates for reward-based training, where dogs are praised and given treats for good behavior. He also supports the use of leash corrections and physical punishment in some cases.

Services Offered

Dr. Goldman offers private consultations, in-home consultations, and phone consultations for pets with behavioral issues. She also provides educational seminars for pet owners and professionals on topics such as wildlife conservation, animal welfare, and pet psychology.Dr. Dunbar's services include puppy training classes, adult dog training classes, and a dog trainer certification program. He also offers online courses and books on dog behavior and training.


Dr. Goldman has written articles for scientific journals and popular publications such as Psychology Today and National Geographic. She is also the co-author of the book Beyond Basic Dog Training.Dr. Dunbar has written several books on dog behavior and training, including Before and After Getting Your Puppy and How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks. He has also written articles for magazines and journals such as Dog World and Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science.

Opinions on Traditional Training Methods

Dr. Goldman believes that traditional training methods such as alpha training, choke chains, and shock collars can be harmful to dogs and result in aggression and anxiety. She advocates for positive reinforcement techniques that focus on rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior.Dr. Dunbar has stated that he is not opposed to using aversive methods such as leash corrections and shock collars, as long as they are used correctly. However, he notes that most behavior problems can be solved through positive reinforcement training.

Research Areas

Dr. Goldman's research focuses on topics such as the effects of enrichment on animal behavior and welfare, the behavior of exotic animals in captivity, and the interaction between humans and wildlife.Dr. Dunbar's research has focused on topics such as the social behavior of domestic dogs, early puppy socialization, and the effects of breed-specific legislation on dog behavior.


Dr. Goldman has been criticized by some trainers for her stance against traditional training methods. Some argue that these methods can be effective if used correctly and that positive reinforcement techniques are not always sufficient.Dr. Dunbar has been criticized by some animal rights advocates for his support of certain aversive training methods. They argue that these methods are cruel and unnecessary and that positive reinforcement training is the only humane way to train animals.

Table Comparison

|| Dr. Jill Goldman | Dr. Ian Dunbar ||---|---|---|| Education | Ph.D. in Animal Behavior | Veterinary degree, Ph.D. in animal behavior || Approach | Positive reinforcement, naturalistic environments | Positive reinforcement, classical and operant conditioning || Services Offered | Private consultations, educational seminars | Training classes, certification program, books || Publications | Beyond Basic Dog Training | Before and After Getting Your Puppy, How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks, and others || Opinion on Traditional Training | Against forceful methods | Supports some use of aversives || Research Areas | Animal welfare, exotic animals, human-wildlife interaction | Early puppy socialization, dog behavior, breed-specific legislation || Criticism | Opposes traditional methods | Supports some aversives |


Both Dr. Jill Goldman and Dr. Ian Dunbar are highly respected experts in the field of animal behavior. While they have different approaches to pet training, they both agree on the importance of positive reinforcement and early puppy socialization. Ultimately, choosing an animal behaviorist will depend on your personal philosophy and the needs of your pet.

The Insightful World of Dr. Jill Goldman Animal Behaviorist


Dr. Jill Goldman is an accomplished animal behaviorist who has devoted her entire career to understanding the inner workings of animals and their relationship with humans. Her vast knowledge and expertise have been instrumental in helping pet owners form better connections with their furry friends.

Early Life and Education

Dr. Goldman's passion for animals started at a very young age. She grew up surrounded by numerous pets - dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, and even a goat. As she got older, her love of animals never faded, and she decided to pursue a degree in animal behavior. She completed her undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of Colorado before earning her Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of California, Davis.

Professional Career

Dr. Goldman's professional career as an animal behaviorist started in 1995, when she founded her own consultancy firm, Goldman Consulting & Behavior Services. Since then, she has been working effortlessly in decoding animal behaviors to help pet owners form a better connection with their companions.Apart from running her consultancy firm, she is also actively involved in various research projects related to animal behavior. She has published numerous articles in scientific journals and has presented her research work at several national and international conferences.

The Importance of Understanding Animal Behavior

Understanding animal behavior can be incredibly useful for pet owners as it enables them to create a stronger bond with their pets. Dr. Goldman's work focuses on helping pet owners understand how their pets think, their body language, and their communication methods, which all help establish better relationships between humans and animals.For instance, recognizing the signs of aggression or anxiety in your pet can prevent uncomfortable or dangerous situations. By learning about your pet's behavioral patterns, you can understand their needs better and provide them with the necessary attention and care they require.

5 Tips to Better Understand Your Pet's Behavior

1. Observe your pet's body language - Body language provides insight into a pet's feelings and mood. For instance, a wagging tail signifies happiness, while a tucked-in tail indicates nervousness.

2. Pay attention to your pet's vocalizations - Knowing what different types of sounds represent, such as barks or whines, can help you understand your pet's wants and needs.

3. Recognize signs of discomfort - Pets may show signs of discomfort when they are stressed or placed in unfamiliar situations. These signs may include excessive licking or yawning and pacing back and forth.

4. Establish routines - Consistency is key when trying to form a strong bond with your pets. Establishing routines for feeding, grooming, playtime, and walks can help your pet feel secure and comfortable.

5. Seek professional help when necessary - If you notice any behavior that is out of character for your pet or requires specialized attention, consult with a professional like Dr. Goldman.

Closing Thoughts

As an animal behaviorist, Dr. Jill Goldman is a testament to the positive impact of understanding an animal's behavior. Her work illustrates how understanding and identifying the emotional needs of animals and building strong relationships can contribute to long-lasting, fulfilling bonds between humans and pets. With knowledge and guidance from experts like Dr. Goldman, pet owners can create happier and healthier lives for their furry friends.

Dr. Jill Goldman: The Animal Behaviorist Who Can Help Your Pets

If you are a pet owner, you know how essential it is to understand your pets' behavior. Not all pets react the same way, and some pets have behavioral problems that require professional help. That's where Dr. Jill Goldman comes in. Dr. Goldman is an animal behaviorist who has dedicated her life to understanding and helping animals.

With a degree in Animal Behavior from the University of California, Davis, Dr. Goldman is an expert in her field. She has spent over 15 years studying animal behavior and working with pet owners to improve their pets' behavior. Dr. Goldman has also appeared on various TV shows, including Animal Planet and The Oprah Winfrey Show, where she has shared her expertise with a wider audience.

One of the things that distinguish Dr. Goldman from other animal behaviorists is her holistic approach to animal welfare. She understands that a pet's behavior is influenced by multiple factors, including their environment, diet, breed, and genetics. That's why she takes a comprehensive approach to diagnose and treat behavioral issues in pets.

Dr. Goldman's services range from consultations with pet owners, in-home training sessions, and group classes. She provides behavior modification programs for pets with anxiety, aggression, chewing, separation anxiety, and other issues. Dr. Goldman also works with rescue organizations and shelters to rehabilitate animals with behavior problems and help them find a permanent home.

If you're wondering whether your pet needs behavioral assistance, there are a few signs that you should look out for. For example, if your pet is displaying destructive behavior, such as chewing or digging, or if they're experiencing extreme fear or anxiety in certain situations, you might need to consult with an animal behaviorist like Dr. Goldman. She can help you understand the root cause of your pet's behavior and offer solutions that will improve their quality of life.

Whether you're a new pet owner or have had pets for years, Dr. Goldman's consulting services can provide you with valuable insights into your pet's behavior. She will not only help you understand why your pet is behaving a certain way but also teach you how to communicate better with them. Through her consultations, you'll learn how to read your pet's body language and understand their needs better.

If you're looking for a pet trainer who understands animals' behavior, look no further than Dr. Jill Goldman. Her expertise, experience, and holistic approach to animal welfare make her one of the best animal behaviorists in the industry. With her help, you can improve your pet's behavior and increase your bond with them. Contact Dr. Goldman today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a happier and healthier life for you and your pet.

Closing Message

It's crucial to understand your pet's behavior to ensure they're happy and healthy. If you're facing behavioral issues with your pet, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Dr. Jill Goldman and her team of experts can provide you with the necessary tools to address your pet's behavior and improve their overall well-being.

With over 15 years of experience in animal behavior and welfare, Dr. Goldman has the expertise needed to assist you in resolving complicated behavioral issues. Her holistic approach to animal care distinguishes her from other trainers in the industry, ensuring your furry friend receives a comprehensive evaluation and treatment.

Take the first step towards a better future for your pet and yourself and contact Dr. Goldman today for a consultation. Your pet will thank you for it.

People Also Ask About Dr. Jill Goldman Animal Behaviorist

Who is Dr. Jill Goldman?

Dr. Jill Goldman is an animal behaviorist with more than 20 years of professional experience. She holds a PhD in biology and has dedicated her career to understanding the intricacies of animal behavior. She works with a variety of animals, including pets, wildlife, and even marine mammals.

What services does Dr. Jill Goldman offer?

Dr. Goldman offers a range of services aimed at improving the behavior of animals. Some of her most common services include:

  1. Behavioral consultations for pet owners
  2. Training programs for pet owners and their pets
  3. Assistance with wildlife management and conservation efforts
  4. Behavioral evaluations for animals in captivity, such as those in zoos or aquariums

What types of animals does Dr. Jill Goldman work with?

Dr. Goldman has experience working with a wide range of animals, including:

  • Dogs and cats
  • Horses
  • Wildlife, including birds, squirrels, and raccoons
  • Marine mammals, such as dolphins and sea lions

What is Dr. Jill Goldman's approach to animal behavior?

Dr. Goldman's approach to animal behavior is based on a deep understanding of animal psychology and biology. She uses positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behavior in animals, and she believes in developing a close bond between animals and their human caregivers. Dr. Goldman is also committed to advancing our understanding of animal behavior through scientific research.

How can I get in touch with Dr. Jill Goldman?

If you're interested in working with Dr. Goldman or have questions about her services, you can visit her website to learn more. She also has a presence on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, where you can connect with her and stay up-to-date on her latest projects and research.