Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc.: Providing a Lifeline to Stray Animals in Need

Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc: Saving Lives, One Bark at a TimeAre you an animal lover? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of homeless animals? Look no further than the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc.Founded in 2011, the foundation is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming dogs and cats across Puerto Rico. With a mission to end animal suffering, they work tirelessly to provide medical care, food, shelter, and love to animals in need.Statistics show that there are over one million stray animals in Puerto Rico, but the Animal Savers Foundation is doing their part to combat this crisis. Since their inception, they have rescued over 1,500 animals and helped them find loving homes.But their work doesn't stop there. The foundation also offers spay and neuter clinics, education programs on responsible pet ownership, and works to change legislation to protect animals from abuse and neglect.One of the unique aspects of the Animal Savers Foundation is their use of foster families. They believe that a home environment is the best way for animals to heal and thrive after being rescued. Foster families provide a temporary home for animals before they are adopted, giving them the love and attention they need until they find their forever homes.But running a foundation like this requires a lot of resources. That's where you come in. By donating to the Animal Savers Foundation, you are directly contributing to the well-being of animals in Puerto Rico. Every dollar counts, and even a small donation can make a big difference.And if you're not able to donate, there are other ways to help. Consider volunteering at one of their events or sharing their message on social media. Spread the word about the great work they're doing and encourage others to get involved.In conclusion, if you want to make a difference in the lives of animals in need, look no further than the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. Their dedication and passion for saving lives is truly inspiring. By supporting their mission, you can be a part of the solution to end animal suffering in Puerto Rico. So what are you waiting for? Join the Animal Savers family today and help make a difference one bark at a time.

Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc: Creating a Better Future for Animals

When it comes to animal welfare, Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc (PRASF) is one of the leading organizations making a difference in the lives of animals. This non-profit organization is dedicated to promoting animal welfare and improving the quality of life for animals in Puerto Rico. Their efforts extend beyond just rescuing animals from abuse and neglect, but also educating people on how to take better care of their pets and reducing overpopulation.

The Mission of PRASF

PRASF's mission is clear: to promote animal welfare in Puerto Rico by developing and implementing innovative programs and initiatives that improve the lives of animals. They aim to reduce the number of abandoned, stray, or abused animals in Puerto Rico through a proactive approach.

They believe that education is key to lasting change, so they encourage responsible pet ownership by educating pet owners on how to provide quality care for their pets. They also partner with other organizations to set up spay and neuter clinics across the island, reducing the number of unwanted litters and preventing animals from suffering.

How Does PRASF Help Animals?

PRASF's work is multifaceted. They offer temporary foster homes to animals in need, provide medical treatment, food, and shelter, and partner with other organizations to rehabilitate animals and find them permanent homes. They rescue dogs, cats, and other animals from the streets, abusive situations, and natural disasters.

In addition, they advocate for animal rights, lobby policy-makers to strengthen animal welfare laws, and raise public awareness about animal cruelty. They also run fundraising campaigns to help cover the costs of rescuing and caring for animals and facilitating adoption.

Why Is PRASF Important?

Animal welfare in Puerto Rico, like in many other parts of the world, is a major issue that needs urgent attention. The island is known for its high rate of stray and abandoned animals, pet overpopulation, and lack of resources to care for them.

PRASF is a lifeline for these animals, providing hope and a path to a better future. Through its compassionate and tireless efforts, it changes attitudes toward animals and instills a sense of responsibility in pet owners.

What Achievements Has PRASF Made So Far?

PRASF has made significant strides in promoting animal welfare in Puerto Rico. With the help of generous donors, volunteers, and partner organizations, they have achieved the following:

  • Rescued and rehabilitated thousands of animals, offering them temporary or permanent homes
  • Provided low-cost spay and neuter services to hundreds of animals, helping to reduce the number of homeless animals on the streets
  • Partnered with local schools to educate children about animal welfare and promote responsible pet ownership
  • Worked with government officials to strengthen animal welfare laws and improve conditions for animals
  • Established partnerships with other animal welfare organizations across the island to maximize their impact
  • Raised funds to support their operations and provide essential care to animals in need

How Can You Help PRASF?

If you are an animal lover and want to support PRASF's noble cause, there are several ways to get involved:

  • Volunteer your time by fostering animals, donating your skills, or helping with administrative tasks
  • Make a donation to support their operations and help care for animals in need
  • Adopt a pet from PRASF or refer someone who is looking to adopt a furry friend
  • Spread the word about PRASF's mission and encourage others to support this worthy cause


Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc is an inspiring organization that is changing lives, one animal at a time. It provides hope, compassion, and practical solutions to the complex animal welfare problems facing Puerto Rico. Through their work, they are not only transforming the lives of animals but also educating people about the importance of treating animals with respect, love, and care.

Whether you're an animal lover or not, the work of PRASF is something we can all appreciate and support. By doing our part in advocating for animal welfare, we create a better future for animals and ourselves.

Comparison of Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. with other Animal Welfare Organizations

The Introduction

Animals are a significant part of our society, and we all should work towards their betterment. With the rise in animal cruelty cases globally, animal welfare organizations have come to the forefront to fight the injustice meted out to them. Several organizations worldwide are working towards the betterment of animals and provide them with a safe haven. One of the significant animal welfare organizations is The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. This article aims to provide a comparison of Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. with other animal welfare organizations.

The Mission and Vision

The primary aim of animal welfare organizations is to promote the welfare of animals and provide them with a loving home. The mission and vision of different animal welfare organizations differ slightly. The mission and vision of The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. are to provide shelter, medical care, and facilitate adoptions for abandoned, stray and neglected animals throughout Puerto Rico. They aim to end animal abuse, euthanasia, and homelessness on the Island, and through education and awareness, teach responsible pet care.Other animal welfare organizations like The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) based in the United States aims to alleviate animal suffering caused by people. They strive to improve the management of wild animals held captive in zoos, circuses, and aquariums through litigation and scientific investigation. They aim to make sure that no animal is subjected to cruel treatment or exploitation.

The Services Provided

Animal welfare organizations provide various services to promote the welfare of animals. These services range from providing shelter, medical care, and facilitating adoptions for abandoned and stray animals. The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. provides various services such as veterinary care, grooming, boarding, and adoptions for cats and dogs. The organization also offers community outreach, education programs, and low-cost spay and neuter services for pets throughout Puerto Rico.On the other hand, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) provides rescue and rehabilitation of animals that have been abused or neglected. The organization works closely with law enforcement to investigate animal cruelty cases and help bring abusers to justice. They also provide behavioral rehabilitation, medical care, and adoption services for homeless and abused animals.

The Funding Sources

Animal welfare organizations rely on donations and grants to sustain their operations. The funding sources of different animal welfare organizations differ. The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. relies on public donations and corporate support from various businesses in the United States to fund its operations. The organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) derives its funding from bequests, individual and corporate donations, foundations and trusts, as well as contracts with government agencies. The HSUS has an annual budget of over $200 million, making it one of the largest animal welfare organizations globally.

The Impact

The impact of animal welfare organizations is evident in the decrease of animal abuse and increase in adoptions. The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. has made a significant impact on the lives of abandoned, stray, and neglected animals in Puerto Rico. The organization has facilitated the adoption of several cats and dogs and has provided them with a loving home.Similarly, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is another animal welfare organization that has made a significant impact on animal welfare globally. PETA focuses on eliminating animal abuse in the food, clothing, research, and entertainment industry. The organization has over 6.5 million members and supporters worldwide, making it one of the most influential animal welfare organizations globally.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, animal welfare organizations play a significant role in promoting animal welfare globally. The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. is a notable animal welfare organization that has made a notable impact on the lives of abandoned and neglected animals in Puerto Rico. The organization has provided various services to promote the welfare of animals and relies on public donations for funding. By comparing The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. with other animal welfare organizations, it is evident that each organization has a unique mission and vision, provides specific services, and relies on different funding sources.

The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation: A Comprehensive Guide


The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping animals in Puerto Rico. This foundation started with only one woman's passion for animal welfare, and now it has grown into one of the most trusted and respected animal rescues on the island.

Why the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation is Important

Puerto Rico is home to thousands of stray and abandoned animals. Unfortunately, many of these animals suffer from malnutrition, abuse, and neglect. The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation provides a safe haven for these animals, giving them the care and attention they need to thrive and find loving homes.

How the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Works

The Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation works by rescuing animals from the streets and taking them into their shelter. Once at the shelter, the animals are given medical care, food, and love. The foundation also works to educate the public about responsible pet ownership and the importance of spaying and neutering their pets.

How You Can Help

There are several ways that you can help the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation. One way is by making a donation. The foundation relies on donations to provide food, shelter, and medical care to their animals. Another way to help is by volunteering your time. You can help with feeding and walking the animals or assist with administrative tasks.

Adopting a Pet from the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation

If you are interested in adopting a pet from the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation, there are several steps you will need to follow. First, visit their website to view the available pets. Once you have found a pet you are interested in, fill out an adoption application. The foundation will review your application and perform a home visit to ensure that the pet will be going to a safe and loving home.

Why Spaying and Neutering is Important

Spaying and neutering your pet is important for several reasons. First, it helps prevent unwanted litters. Second, it can help prevent certain types of cancers and other health problems. Finally, spaying or neutering your pet can help reduce the number of stray animals on the streets.

The Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering at the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation has many benefits. First, you will be helping animals in need. Second, you will be part of a community of people who share your passion for animal welfare. Finally, volunteering can be a great way to learn new skills and meet new people.

How to Make a Donation

Making a donation to the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation is easy. You can visit their website and click on the Donate button, or you can send a check by mail. Your donation will go directly towards providing food, shelter, and medical care to animals in need.


In conclusion, the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation is an essential organization that is committed to improving the lives of animals in Puerto Rico. By volunteering your time, making a donation, or adopting a pet, you can help make a difference in the lives of these animals.

Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc.

Attention animal lovers! Do you believe that animals also have a right to live and be loved? Do you wish to help them in any way you can? If yes, then the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. is the perfect organization for you!

The foundation was established in 2010 by a group of animal lovers who saw the need to protect and save the lives of animals in Puerto Rico. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to raising funds to support and provide medical care, food, shelter, and adoption services to cats and dogs who are in need of help.

Being a tropical island, Puerto Rico unfortunately suffers from an abundance of stray and abandoned animals. The foundation has actively raised awareness and addressed this issue by educating the community about the importance of pet sterilization and adoption.

As a visitor to Puerto Rico, you might want to volunteer and participate in their various animal welfare programs such as spay and neuter events, adoption fairs, and charity drives. You can also donate and help provide monetary assistance for these animals' most basic needs.

The foundation's mission goes beyond taking care of animals' immediate needs. They advocate for animal rights laws and regulations to make a lasting change. By supporting the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc., you become part of their effort to make this a reality.

One of the foundation's most successful programs is the fostering program. With this initiative, volunteers take in animals that require special attention, medical care, or are just waiting to be adopted. This program helps give strays a safe and loving environment while they wait for their forever homes.

Here are some heartwarming success stories that the foundation has shared:

Lucy is a senior dog who was found wandering the streets with an enlarged tumor on her belly. Her owner had passed away, and no family member was able to take care of her. She was rescued by the foundation, and after treatment, Lucy found a loving home through the foundation's fostering program.

Bonnie is a puppy who was born in an abandoned construction site along with her brothers and sisters. They were covered in ticks and fleas and malnourished. With the help of volunteers, the puppies were rescued and nursed back to health. Today, Bonnie has found a permanent home in Washington D.C. with her new family.

Over the years, the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc. has grown and expanded its reach. They have organized events and activities for animal lovers who want to contribute and make a difference. We urge you to support this amazing organization and help them create a safer environment for animals in Puerto Rico.

We hope that this article raises awareness and inspires everyone to make meaningful contributions to the lives of these animals. As tourists, let us leave this island knowing that we have made a positive impact on the community and have contributed to the welfare of its animals.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and please consider supporting the Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc.

Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc : People Also Ask

What is Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc?

Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the protection, welfare, and well-being of all animals. It aims to reduce the number of homeless animals in Puerto Rico through various activities like spaying and neutering, adoption, and providing medical assistance to animals.

What services does Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc offer?

Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc offers various services to help animals, including:

  • Spaying and neutering services
  • Adoption programs
  • Animal rescue and care
  • Medical assistance for injured and sick animals

How can I donate to Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc?

If you want to help Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc in their mission, you can donate money or supplies. You can visit their official website to make donations online. They also accept donations in the form of animal food, bedding, and other supplies.

How can I volunteer for Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc?

Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc welcomes volunteers who are passionate about helping animals. You can fill out a volunteer application on their official website or contact them directly. Volunteering opportunities include animal rescue, fundraising, event planning, and administrative support.

Does Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc have any upcoming events?

Yes, Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc hosts various events throughout the year to raise funds and awareness about animal welfare. You can check their official website or social media pages for updates on upcoming events.

How can I adopt an animal from Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc?

If you're interested in adopting an animal from Puerto Rico Animal Savers Foundation Inc, you can fill out an adoption application on their official website. They have a wide range of animals available for adoption, including dogs, cats, and other pets. Once you submit an adoption application, their team will review and contact you for further steps.