Red Dead Redemption 2 Animal Carcass: The Ultimate Guide to Hunting and Crafting in the Wild West


Have you played Red Dead Redemption 2 yet? If so, you must have experienced the thrill of hunting animals and gathering carcasses. The game offers a realistic hunting experience with its detailed animal behavior and graphics. But, do you know how to make the most out of the animal carcasses?

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Red Dead Redemption 2 Animal Carcass. From usage to selling, we will cover it all.

What can you do with animal carcasses?

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about animal carcasses in RDR2 is using them for crafting. You can collect different parts of an animal, such as pelts, meat, antlers, horns, and claws, and use them to make items like clothing, ammo, and trinkets.

But wait, there's more! You can also donate animal carcasses to Pearson at the camp, who will cook food for the gang members. Or, you can even store the carcasses in your horse saddlebag to bring back to camp or sell later.

How do you carry animal carcasses?

If you want to carry animal carcasses, you must equip your horse with an upgraded saddlebag. Regular saddlebags are smaller, and you can only store some smaller animal pelts on them. Upgraded saddlebags, however, give you plenty of space to store multiple carcasses.

Another way to carry carcasses is to tie them up and drag them with your horse. This might slow you down, but it's still a convenient way to transport multiple carcasses at once.

Where can you sell animal carcasses?

You have several options when it comes to selling animal carcasses. One way is to sell them to the Trapper, who is located in various parts of the game's map. The Trapper can turn animal pelts into clothing and equipment.

You can also sell animal carcasses to general stores and butchers. The prices may vary depending on the store's location and the type of carcass you're selling.

What are some useful tips for hunting animals?

Now that you know how to use and sell animal carcasses let's talk about hunting them. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind:

  • Use binoculars to spot animals from afar.
  • Aim for the animal's vital organs, like the heart or lungs, for a clean kill.
  • Use the right weapon for the animal you're hunting.
  • Stay downwind of the animal to prevent it from smelling you.

Remember, hunting in RDR2 requires patience and practice. If you're having trouble hunting, try practicing on smaller prey before moving on to larger animals.


In conclusion, animal carcasses in Red Dead Redemption 2 are a valuable resource that can be used for multiple purposes. From crafting to cooking, there are many ways to make the most of your hunting trips. Remember to carry your carcasses in an upgraded saddlebag, and sell them to the right vendor for the best price. Lastly, don't forget to practice your hunting skills and enjoy the beauty and realism of the game's nature.

The Importance of Animal Carcasses in Red Dead Redemption 2

When playing Red Dead Redemption 2, hunting for animal carcasses is essential as it provides the player with a source of income and valuable resources that are needed to craft different items. Animal carcasses can be found all over the game's map, which ranges from small rodents to large pumas.

How to Hunt Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2

Before we go into the reasons why animal carcasses are important, let us first discuss how to hunt animals in Red Dead Redemption 2. Hunting an animal usually requires stealth to avoid alerting them. You can approach an animal on foot or on horseback, but it's best to use a bow or rifle as firearms have a chance of damaging the animal's skin, reducing its value. Once you've killed an animal, you can then skin it and take the carcass with you.

Why Are Animal Carcasses Important?

Animal carcasses play a crucial role in the game as they offer a steady source of income to the player. The player can sell these to butchers or other traders for cash, depending on the type of animal carcass. Some animal parts are more valuable than others, such as the white-tailed deer, which can fetch a reasonable price. By selling animal carcasses, the player can also earn money for buying supplies, weapons, clothing, and other necessary items.

Crafting from Animal Carcasses

Aside from providing a source of income, animal carcasses can be used to craft items in the game. For example, rabbit pelts can be used to craft satchels that improve the player's carrying capacity, while cougar pelts can be used to craft special outfits.

Life Improvement Through Crafting

Crafting is a vital aspect of Red Dead Redemption 2 since it allows the player to improve their quality of life in the game world. However, crafting a specific item often requires a specific animal carcass, and at times, it may take a bit of time to collect all the required materials. Nonetheless, the resources gained from hunting give the player an incentive to explore the game's vast open world actively.

The Challenge of Hunting Dangerous Animals

Some animals in Red Dead Redemption 2 are harder to hunt than others, such as grizzly bears. Taking down these animals alone can be quite a challenge, and players must remain alert while hunting them. However, the rewards are great as some of these animals' pelts are worth more, providing players with more significant earnings.

Animal Carcasses for Food and Medicine

In addition, animal carcasses can also provide much-needed supplies such as food and medicine. Players can cook meat from animals they have hunted to refill their health bar or share with their campsite. Moreover, the game's crafting system also allows players to craft medicines from certain animal parts, which they can use to help survive in the wild.

The Ethics of Animal Hunting

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game that aims to provide a realistic depiction of the West, meaning it does not shy away from the reality of animal hunting. Nevertheless, hunting animals in the game can be viewed as controversial, and some players may have differing opinions on its practice. While the game is realistic, players are free to choose whether to hunt or not, and it's entirely up to personal preference.


In conclusion, hunting animal carcasses in Red Dead Redemption 2 is essential for progress and survival in the game. Whether it's selling them for cash, crafting items, obtaining vital resources, or simply enjoying the experience of hunting, players can find many reasons to seek out animal carcasses in the game. Moreover, the game's vast open-world setting provides players with an opportunity to explore, discover, and enjoy all that the game has to offer.

A Comprehensive Comparison of Red Dead Redemption 2 Animal Carcass


Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most popular and successful games ever created. It is a Western-themed action-adventure game set in an open world environment. One of the key elements of the game is hunting, which involves tracking and killing various animals. Once an animal has been hunted, players can collect the animal carcass. In this blog post, we will compare the different types of animal carcasses available in the game.


Birds are one of the most common animals in the game and can be found almost anywhere. There are several types of birds available, including eagles, hawks, crows, and more. The carcass of a bird can be used to make various types of meat and feathers.


When you collect a bird carcass, the meat can be used for cooking. The meat is not very rich, but it is still edible. It can be cooked and eaten as a snack or used to replenish your health.


Bird feathers are important components in the crafting system of Red Dead Redemption 2. Feathers are often used to craft arrows, hats, and other items. The more feathers you collect, the more items you can create.


Rodents are another common type of animal in the game. They are small and can be found almost anywhere. There are several types of rodents in the game, including rats, squirrels, and rabbits.


The meat of a rodent is not very good, but it can be used in a pinch. It is best used as bait to attract larger animals.


The pelt of a rodent can be used to make clothing. The better the quality of the pelt, the better the clothing that can be made.


Deer are larger animals that are more difficult to hunt. They are often found in the woods and are very skittish. There are several types of deer in the game, including whitetail and mule deer.


Deer meat is one of the best meats in the game. It is rich and delicious and can be used in almost any recipe.


Deer pelts are also very valuable. They can be used to make high-quality clothing and other items.


Bears are the largest animals in the game. They are very aggressive and will attack players on sight. There are several types of bears in the game, including brown and black bears.


Bear meat is very fatty but can be cooked into a delicious stew. It is not as good as deer meat but is still worth collecting.


Bear pelts are the most valuable items in the game. They can be used to make the best clothing and items available.

Table Comparison

We have compiled a table below to compare the different types of animal carcasses available in the game.
Meat Quality Pelt Quality
Birds Low N/A
Rodents Very Low Low
Deer High High
Bears Medium Very High


In conclusion, Red Dead Redemption 2 has a wide variety of animal carcasses available for players to collect. Each type of animal has its own unique qualities that make them worth collecting. While some animals may not be as valuable as others, they are still important components in the game's crafting and cooking systems. Overall, hunting is an enjoyable and rewarding aspect of the game that adds depth and immersion to the game world.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Animal Carcass: A Beginner’s Guide


Red Dead Redemption 2 is an open-world game that allows players to immerse themselves in the life of an outlaw in the Wild West. As you progress through the game, you will need to hunt and kill animals to survive. But what do you do with the animal carcasses? This guide will cover everything you need to know about Red Dead Redemption 2 animal carcasses.

Hunting Animals

Before we dive into how to handle animal carcasses, let's first discuss how to hunt animals in Red Dead Redemption 2. When you see an animal, you can use your binoculars to identify it and determine if it's worth hunting. You can then use your bow, rifle, or shotgun to take it down. Be sure to aim for the vital organs for a clean kill.

Skinning Animals

Once you've killed an animal, it's time to skin it. Approach the animal and press the prompted button to skin it. Skinning an animal will take some time but will reward you with valuable materials such as meat and skin.

Taking Care of the Carcass

After skinning the animal, you are left with the carcass. It's important to take care of the carcass properly to prevent it from spoiling.

1. Transporting the Carcass

When transporting a carcass on horseback, be sure to tie it securely to your horse to prevent it from falling off. If you plan to travel a long distance with the carcass, consider using a wagon.

2. Storing the Carcass

If you're not ready to sell or cook the carcass immediately, you can store it in your horse's inventory. Be sure to keep the carcass in a cool place to prevent it from spoiling.

Selling the Carcass

You can sell animal carcasses to butchers found in towns and cities throughout the game. When selling a carcass, be sure to select the Sell All option to maximize your profits.

Cooking the Meat

Animal meat can be cooked over a campfire or stove. Cooked meat will restore your health and stamina, making it a valuable resource in the game. Some meats, such as predator meat, may require seasoning to make them safe to eat.

Final Thoughts

Hunting and handling animal carcasses is an essential part of Red Dead Redemption 2. By following these tips, you can ensure that you handle your animal carcasses properly, preventing them from spoiling and maximizing your profits.

Everything You Need to Know About Animal Carcass in Red Dead Redemption 2

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on animal carcass in Red Dead Redemption 2. For those of you who are new to the game, animal carcasses are an important resource used for crafting, trading, and food in RDR2. However, animal carcass can be tricky to handle and can negatively affect your gameplay if not handled properly.

If you're looking to maximize the use of animal carcass in RDR2, here are some things you need to know:

Types of Animal Carcasses

RDR2 has a wide range of animals, each with different rarity and value. The type of animal carcass you get depends on the animal you hunt, and its condition upon killing. There are three types of animal carcasses in RDR2: small, medium, and large. Small animal carcasses include rabbits, squirrels, birds, and other small game. Medium animal carcasses include deer, coyotes, wolves, beavers, cougars, and other mid-sized animals. Large animal carcasses include bears, bison, moose, elk, and other large game.

Keeping Your Animal Carcass Fresh

To get the best value from the animal carcass, it's important to keep it fresh. The quality of the carcass deteriorates over time and exposure to elements such as rain and sunlight. To keep your animal carcass fresh, skin it as soon as possible and store it in your horse cargo. From there, you can transport it to a butcher or sell it directly to a trader.

Skinning Your Animal Carcass

Before transporting your animal carcass, you need to skin it. Skin the animal by approaching it and holding down the R2/RT button. Once you start skinning, you can't cancel it, so be sure there are no predators around. Skinning also requires a knife, which you can buy from any store in RDR2.

Storing Your Animal Carcass

Your horse has a limited cargo space, so you need to prioritize which animal carcass you want to transport. Small animal carcasses take up one slot, medium animal carcasses take up two slots, and large animal carcasses take up four slots. To store your carcass, approach your horse with the animal carcass and press the triangle/Y button, and your character will place the carcass on the back of the horse.

Selling Your Animal Carcass

After you've successfully transported your animal carcass to the butcher, you can sell it for money or trade it for goods. Butchers are located in most towns and cities in RDR2 and marked on the map. You can recognize them by the meat counter and sign that reads 'butcher.' Trading animal carcass is an important way to earn money in the early stages of the game when other revenue sources aren't available.

Using Your Animal Carcass for Crafting

Aside from trading and selling, you can also use animal carcass for crafting items such as clothing and equipment upgrades. For example, you can use animal skins to craft satchels, holsters, and ammo pouches. The value of the item you craft also depends on the quality of the animal carcass you use. If you're looking to craft a top-tier item, use a perfect or legendary animal carcass.

Hunting Legendary Animals

Legendary animals are rare but valuable animals in RDR2. To hunt a legendary animal, you need to complete a related mission and obtain the legendary animal map. Legendary missions are available after chapter two in the game. You can recognize legendary animals by the gold icon that appears on the map. Once you've successfully hunted a legendary animal, its carcass has unique value and can be sold for a higher price than regular animal carcasses.

Conclusion: Make the Most of Your Animal Carcass

If you're looking to maximize your gameplay in RDR2, it's important to learn how to handle animal carcasses properly. By keeping your animal carcass fresh, storing it, and selling it at the right place, you can earn more money and unlock more items. With this guide, you're now ready to become a master hunter and trader in RDR2.

Thank you for reading our comprehensive guide on animal carcass in Red Dead Redemption 2. We hope this article is helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

People also ask about Red Dead Redemption 2 Animal Carcass

What can I do with animal carcasses in Red Dead Redemption 2?

In Red Dead Redemption 2, players can do various things with animal carcasses. Here are some things you can do with them:

  • Sell them to a Trapper or Butcher for money and crafting materials.
  • Donate them to Pearson at your camp to help with supplies and crafting upgrades.
  • Skin them to get hides and pelts which can be used for crafting clothing, satchels, and other items.
  • Cook them to replenish your health, stamina, and Dead Eye cores.

How do I pick up animal carcasses in Red Dead Redemption 2?

To pick up an animal carcass in Red Dead Redemption 2, you need to first kill the animal. Once it's dead, approach the carcass and hold down the pick up button. Your character will then pick up the carcass and carry it on their shoulder. You can then put it on your horse by approaching the horse and holding down the place on horse button.

What are perfect animal carcasses in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Perfect animal carcasses are those that are in excellent condition and have been killed in a specific way. To get a perfect carcass, you need to use the correct weapon and aim for the animal's critical points. These include the head, heart, and lungs. Carcasses that are perfect will yield better quality pelts which can be used for crafting high-level items.

What happens if I leave an animal carcass in Red Dead Redemption 2?

If you leave an animal carcass in Red Dead Redemption 2, it will eventually start to decompose. This process is indicated by the white arrow above the carcass turning yellow and then red. Once it's fully decomposed, the carcass will disappear completely. It's important to note that you won't be able to sell or use decomposed carcasses for any purpose, so it's best to pick them up and use them as soon as possible.