San Bernardino City Animal Shelter Closure: What You Need to Know


The San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is one of the leading animal facilities in California. However, due to budgetary constraints and a lack of funding, the city is closing the animal shelter for good. This decision affects not only the animals in the shelter but also the residents who rely on the facility to adopt and care for their furry friends.

Have you ever adopted an animal from the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter? If yes, then this news would be heartbreaking for you. Unfortunately, this decision is final, and the facility will no longer be available for stray pets or adoptions.

The statistics are alarming. Over 6.5 million animals are abandoned and sent to animal shelters every year in the United States alone. That's one animal every five seconds! With no place to go, these animals are left to roam the streets, causing potential harm to themselves and the community.

What about the dedicated staff that works tirelessly at the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter? Sadly, they will be out of jobs once the shelter closes its doors. It is a tragedy that the very people who care for these animals are left without employment, and the animals, without a place to call home.

But what can we do about it? We can raise awareness of this issue and donate our time, money, or resources to support other animal shelters. By doing so, we can make a difference in the lives of these poor, defenseless animals.

If you are an animal lover, you can help by donating to other animal rescue organizations, such as The Humane Society or ASPCA. You can also volunteer at local animal shelters, foster pets in your home, or share information about pets available for adoption on social media.

A small act of kindness can go a long way. With millions of animals in need, every donation, every volunteer hour, every share on social media can help raise awareness and save a life.

We urge the city officials to reconsider their decision and find alternative solutions to keep the shelter open. We must work together as a community to ensure that animals have a safe place to go and receive the care and love they deserve.

Remember, the decision to close the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is not just about losing a facility; it's about losing the lives of innocent animals. Let's come together and make a difference today!

San Bernardino City Animal Shelter Closing

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter. Due to a lack of funding and resources, the shelter will be shut down permanently as of next month. This news comes as a devastating blow to both the animals in our care and the dedicated staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure their wellbeing.

The Impact on Animal Welfare

The closure of the shelter will have far-reaching consequences for animal welfare in the San Bernardino area. Without the services provided by the shelter, many animals will be left without homes or proper care. Strays will roam the streets unchecked, and those that are picked up by animal control will be sent to already overcrowded shelters in neighboring counties.

The San Bernardino City Animal Shelter has been a beacon of hope for countless animals over the years. It was a safe haven where they could receive medical attention, food, and a warm bed to sleep in. Now, these animals will be left to fend for themselves in a world that can be cold and unforgiving.

The Human Cost

The closure of the shelter also has a significant impact on the employees who work there. These are people who have dedicated their lives to animal welfare, often for very little pay or recognition. They have worked tirelessly to provide the best possible care for the animals in their charge, and now they will be left without jobs.

The loss of their livelihoods is just one part of a larger problem. These employees are also deeply invested in the welfare of the animals they care for. They have formed bonds with them and will feel the loss keenly. Many of them will be forced to watch as animals they have grown to love are sent to other facilities, where they may not receive the same level of care and attention.

What Can Be Done?

It is essential that members of the community come together to support animal welfare in the wake of this closure. There are a few things that concerned individuals can do to make a difference:

  • Adopt a pet - If you have been considering adopting a pet, now is the time to do it. By taking an animal into your home, you not only provide them with a loving environment but also free up space in overcrowded shelters.

  • Volunteer - Many animal welfare organizations rely on volunteers to help care for animals and raise funds. Consider donating your time and skills to a local shelter or rescue organization.

  • Donate - Even small donations can make a big difference when it comes to animal welfare. Consider making a one-time or recurring donation to an organization that supports animal care in your area.


The closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is a tragedy for both the animals it serves and the dedicated staff who work there. However, there is hope. By coming together as a community, we can support animal welfare and ensure that these vulnerable creatures receive the care and attention they deserve.

We urge everyone who cares about animal welfare to take action today. Adopt a pet, volunteer at a shelter, or make a donation to a worthy cause. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of animals in need.

San Bernardino City Animal Shelter Closing: A Comparison

The Background Story

The San Bernardino City Animal Shelter has been serving the community for many years. It is a place where pet lovers can adopt a new furry family member. However, in recent years, the shelter faced several challenges that led to its eventual closure. According to the city government, the shelter was struggling financially, and it did not have enough resources to continue its operations. The decision to close the shelter caused mixed reactions from the public, some of whom were saddened by the news while others believed that this was the right thing to do.

The Statistics

One factor that contributed to the closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter was its low adoption rate. Based on statistics, the shelter had an adoption rate of only 20%, which means that out of every ten animals, only two were being adopted. Comparing this to other nearby shelters, such as the Riverside County Animal Services, the difference was significant. The latter reported an adoption rate of around 70%. Another statistic that affected the decision to close the shelter was its high euthanasia rate. In 2019, the shelter reported that around 70% of the animals taken in were euthanized.

Shelter Name Adoption Rate
San Bernardino City Animal Shelter 20%
Riverside County Animal Services 70%

The Facility

Aside from the figures mentioned above, the facility of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter was also a factor that led to its closure. Several people have noted that the shelter was in poor condition, and it lacked basic amenities such as air conditioning and proper ventilation. The lack of space also caused overcrowding, which resulted in animals being cramped in cages with inadequate living conditions. Comparing this to other animal shelters, such as the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley, the difference was enormous. The latter had state-of-the-art facilities, spacious kennels, and play areas for all animals.

The Volunteers

Many animal shelters rely heavily on volunteers, and the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter was no different. Various volunteers gave their time and efforts to help take care of the animals in the shelter. Unfortunately, there were reports of frequent turnover of volunteers, which resulted in inconsistency in the way the animals were being cared for. In contrast, other shelters, such as the Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center, had a stable group of volunteers who were trained and committed to providing the best care possible to all animals.

The Future of San Bernardino City's Animal Shelter

Despite the closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter, there are still many animal lovers who want it reopened. There have been talks about private organizations taking over the shelter's management, which could result in better resources and facilities. However, it is essential to address the issues that caused the closure in the first place. Higher adoption rates, lower euthanasia rates, and improved facilities should be the main focus if the shelter is to reopen. Additionally, having a dedicated team of volunteers who are committed to providing the best care possible should also be a priority.


The Silver Lining of the Closure

While the closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is undoubtedly a sad event, it also shines a light on the issues facing animal shelters today. By comparing it to other nearby shelters, we can see that there are many areas where improvement is needed. This closure could serve as a wake-up call for other animal shelters and encourage them to reevaluate their methods, facilities, and policies. Hopefully, we can use this opportunity to make animal shelters better for everyone involved.

The Importance of Adoption and Volunteerism

Adoption and volunteerism are vital in the success of any animal shelter. As pet lovers, we need to do our part by adopting pets from shelters instead of buying from pet stores or breeders. We should also volunteer our time to help take care of the animals, donate resources such as food, and spread awareness about the importance of animal welfare. These small acts of kindness can go a long way and can make a significant difference in the lives of these deserving animals.


The closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter may be a sad chapter for animal lovers, but it also serves as a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to improve animal welfare. We need to address issues such as higher adoption rates, lower euthanasia rates, improved facilities, and consistent volunteerism to ensure that animal shelters can provide the best care possible for all animals. With a collective effort from everyone involved, we can make a difference and make animal shelters a positive environment for both animals and humans.

The Disheartening Closure of San Bernardino City Animal Shelter

Introduction: Why the Shelter Closed

It's a sad reality that many animal shelters across the nation struggle financially to keep their doors open. Due to this fact, some rescue centers eventually have to shutter, leaving behind not only abandoned animals but also disappointed and heartbroken staff. San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is just one such example, as it recently announced its closure due to the lack of funding.According to officials, the shelter ran out of money on June 30th, 2021, and had no choice but to suspend its operations indefinitely. The shelter has been open for over seven decades, providing much-needed refuge to stray and displaced animals in the San Bernardino area since its inception.

Where Do the Animals Go Now?

Unfortunately, with the closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter, the question arises: Where do the animals go now? Well, as of now, the officials have transferred the residents to other shelters operated by the Inland Valley Humane Society & S.P.C.A., which is working on arranging adoptions or fostering homes to care for the shelter’s animals.The Inland Valley Humane Society has been designated as the new caretaker of the rescue animals, and they are working tirelessly to ensure that each creature finds a forever home. To help achieve this goal, the society encourages the community to visit their adoption centers or donate towards the shelter's cause.While the sanctuary's closure was sudden and unexpected, it has brought awareness to citizens of the importance of funding meaningful animal welfare organizations and the need to support independent shelter facilities like San Bernardino City Animal Shelter.

Steps You Can Take to Help

The closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is undoubtedly a tragedy. However, it presents an opportunity for people who want to make a difference and volunteer. Here are some ways you can help:

1. Adopt A Pet

Your local animal shelter is an excellent place to adopt pets who need loving homes. You will save the life of a homeless animal and bring happiness and love into your home.

2. Make A Donation

If you cannot contribute your time, you can still show your support for animals in need by making a financial donation. Every dollar helps animal shelters to provide care, food, medical treatment, and forever homes for rescue pets.

3. Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering your time by giving your service in a variety of ways can make a big difference. You could help at adoption events, assist with training or spend time playing with the animals.

4. Spread Awareness

Share your knowledge with others about how they can help displaced animals through volunteering, fostering, or donating. Educate people about the importance of animal welfare and the positive impact on their communities when everyone works together.

The Role of the Community

In summary, the unforeseen closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter has impacted the community deeply. While there is nothing we can do to change what has already happened, we can enact change by supporting similar vital establishments. The role of the community in animal welfare organizations makes tremendous contributions towards helping abandoned pets find a new and loving home.We must remember that our investment in animal welfare will benefit those creatures' lives significantly. We urge everyone to donate their resources or volunteer their valuable time to animal shelters in need, like the Inland Valley Humane Society, which has taken on the caretaking of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter's displaced animals.Let us stand together to fight animal homelessness, and not just on a local level but on a global one. Show humane love and respect to all animals, and let us strive to give them the life they deserve.

The Emotional Closing of San Bernardino City Animal Shelter

It is with great sadness that we announce the closing of San Bernardino City Animal Shelter. The shelter has been serving the community for many years, providing a safe haven for countless animals who needed help and care. Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, the shelter will be forced to shut down its doors permanently. The decision was not easy, but it was necessary to ensure the wellbeing of the animals in our care.

Over the years, the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter has been home to many animals that were lost, abandoned, or surrendered by their owners. The shelter staff has worked tirelessly to provide the best possible care for every animal that came through our doors. Whether it was feeding, walking, or administering medication, our team has always gone above and beyond to ensure that each animal felt loved and cared for.

The shelter has also been a hub for adoptions, and we are proud to say that many animals have found their forever homes thanks to our dedicated staff and volunteers. We have hosted adoption events, reached out to local schools and communities, and even created heartwarming success stories that have touched the hearts of so many. Despite all the challenges, we have always remained committed to our mission to find loving homes for every animal in our care.

The decision to close the shelter was not an easy one, as we understand the impact this will have on the animals and the community. However, we must prioritize the health and safety of the animals, which requires a level of funding and resources that we no longer have. It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to all those who visited us- the donors, volunteers, visitors, and adopters- and entrusted us with the care of the animals we loved so much.

We urge all those in the community who love animals to continue supporting animal welfare efforts. Whether it is through adoption, volunteering, or donations, every action, no matter how small, can make a difference in the life of an animal in need. There are still many organizations and shelters in the San Bernardino area that are dedicated to providing the best possible care for animals and finding them loving homes.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout the years, from our staff and volunteers to our donors and visitors. We could not have done it without you, and we will forever be grateful for your generosity and kindness. We hope that the memories of the animals we saved will continue to inspire others to join the fight for animal welfare and to remember that every life deserves to be valued and cherished.

In closing, we are filled with sadness as we say goodbye to the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter. However, we are also proud of the legacy we have created, one that has touched the lives of many animals and people in our community. Our commitment to animal welfare will never end, and we hope that this closing will serve as a reminder of the importance of taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves.

Thank you for your understanding, support, and love. We will miss you all dearly.

People Also Ask About San Bernardino City Animal Shelter Closing

Why is the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter closing?

The San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is closing due to budget cuts. The city has decided to outsource its animal control services to neighboring cities, which will result in the closure of the shelter.

When is the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter closing?

The San Bernardino City Animal Shelter is scheduled to close on June 30, 2021. After that date, the shelter will no longer be accepting animals or offering adoption services.

What will happen to the animals currently at the shelter?

The animals currently at the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter will be transferred to other animal shelters and rescues in the area. These facilities will work to find permanent homes for the animals.

Will residents of San Bernardino still have access to animal control services?

Yes, residents of San Bernardino will still have access to animal control services. The city will be outsourcing these services to neighboring cities, which will operate their own animal control facilities.

What can I do to help support the animals affected by the closure?

There are several ways you can help support the animals affected by the closure of the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter:

  • Adopt a pet from a local animal shelter or rescue organization
  • Donate money or supplies to local animal shelters and rescues
  • Volunteer your time at a local shelter or rescue organization