The Lowest Animal by Mark Twain PDF: A Provocative Exploration of Human Nature


Mark Twain is known for his humor, satire, and insightful commentary on society. One of his most famous works is The Lowest Animal, in which he discusses his views on the nature of humanity. This essay is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding human behavior and our place in the animal kingdom.

Have you ever wondered why humans are so cruel to one another and to other animals? Mark Twain suggests that it is because we are the lowest of all animals. In his essay, he uses observations from the animal kingdom to make a powerful argument for why humans are fundamentally flawed.

Twain's essay is full of witty observations and clever wordplay. For example, he notes that man is the only animal that blushes - or needs to. This line is both funny and thought-provoking, as it highlights our unique ability to feel shame and embarrassment.

But Twain's essay is not just a lighthearted joke. It is a serious critique of human society and our treatment of one another. He argues that our greed, violence, and selfishness are what sets us apart from other animals.

So how did humans become such a destructive force in the world? Twain suggests that it is our intelligence that is to blame. We are capable of creating complex societies and technologies, but we also use this intelligence to harm others.

Of course, not everyone agrees with Twain's assessment of humanity. Some argue that we are capable of great kindness and compassion, that we have the ability to love and create beauty. But Twain would likely argue that these moments of goodness are the exception, not the rule.

Regardless of where you fall on this philosophical debate, Twain's essay is a valuable read. It challenges us to think deeply about who we are as a species and what our place is in the natural world.

If you're looking for a thought-provoking essay that will make you laugh and make you think, The Lowest Animal is a great choice. Twain's insights into the human condition are as relevant today as they were when he first wrote them over a century ago.

So take some time to read Twain's essay. You may find yourself agreeing with him, or you may find yourself pushing back against his arguments. Either way, you'll come away with a better understanding of why we humans are the way we are.

In conclusion, The Lowest Animal by Mark Twain is a fascinating essay that deserves to be read by anyone interested in human nature. His witty observations and insightful commentary are sure to captivate readers, while also challenging them to think deeply about their place in the world. So what are you waiting for? Give it a read!

The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf: An Insightful Read on Human Behavior

Mark Twain is a renowned American author who has contributed some of the most significant literary works the world has ever seen. One of his thought-provoking and widely read pieces is The Lowest Animal. This essay, published in 1906, analyzes human behavior and draws a startling comparison between humans and animals in their treatment of one another.

The Root of Human Cruelty

In The Lowest Animal, Twain explores the concept of cruelty amongst humans. He suggests that cruelty may stem from our natural instincts as animals. Twain states that humans are not only cruel to other animals but also to one another. Animals’ cruelty towards their own kind is much simpler and less frequent compared to humans.

He goes on to say that humans are more malicious and vindictive than any other animal. Such examples range from torture, slavery, and war to treating fellow humans with disdain and contempt. The author supports his argument by drawing upon instances where humans have acted inhumane to each other.

The Debate of Moral Standards Amongst Humans

The essay makes an interesting point – humans do not have a single moral standard. There is no universal code of ethics that every human follows. Humans cannot seem to agree on basic morals such as kindness, truthfulness, compassion, and many others. Due to this, Twain argues that comparing human nature to that of animals can give insight into human behavior.

He believes that humans are capable of understanding right and wrong. Still, they often choose the former if it benefits them personally, regardless of other consequences that might arise. Twain highlights many historical events to show how humans justify their actions as justifiable rather than immoral or unethical.

Perceptions of Humans Towards Animals

In the eyes of animals, humans are terrible creatures that inflict harm without adequate justification. They see humans as a force of destruction to the natural environment. Humans destroy animal habitats, hunt animals for sport, and even use them for experimentation.

The author highlights how humans perceive animals differently from other humans. They view animals as inferior beings and abuse them at will. However, Twain points out that animals do not have the capability to be cruel in the way humans are, making this truly an unfair comparison.

The Significance of the Essay

The Lowest Animal is a unique piece of literature that exposes the human actions that violate the so-called moral code. It highlights human behavior that animal nature cannot explain. Our emotions, reasoning skills, and sentience contribute to the inhumanity.”

For some, this essay serves to highlight the worst parts of humanity and encourage them to change their behavior. For others, it acts as a reminder of human flaws and that we must all strive to be better than what our instincts may lead us to act like.

The Bottom Line

If you have not read The Lowest Animal yet, I strongly recommend that you do so. Mark Twain’s unique writing style presents you with insight into human nature while giving you perspective on the treatment of animals. It is an engaging read that is sure to provoke thought on the core features of humans, our behavior, and how we interact with the rest of the animal kingdom.

Mark Twain’s “The Lowest Animal” gives us valuable insights into human behavior. The essay highlights the brutality that people exhibit toward one another and animals. He draws a comparison between humans and animals to show how badly we treat each other. We can learn a great deal about ourselves when comparing ourselves to the animal kingdom. From the essay, it is clear that the lack of a universal moral code leads to inhumanity.

In conclusion, “The Lowest Animal” is a must-read for everyone who wants to understand human behavior and the inhumanity we show to our fellow humans and animals.

Comparing The Lowest Animal by Mark Twain


The Lowest Animal is an essay written by Mark Twain. It was published in the North American Review in 1896. The essay talks about the human race and compares it to other animals. Twain believed that humans were the lowest animals. In this article, we will be examining the key ideas presented in the essay and how they relate to our understanding of humans and animals in today's society.

The Purpose of the Essay

The main purpose of The Lowest Animal is to show that humans are not as superior to animals as we often think. Twain argues that humans have many faults and that these faults make them inferior to animals. He uses various examples to support his argument, from the way humans treat each other to their treatment of animals.

Comparison of Humans and Animals by Twain

Twain examines various aspects of human behaviour that he believes are inferior to animals. For example, he looks at the way humans kill for pleasure, whereas animals only kill for food or defence. Humans are also capable of behaving cruelly towards one another, whereas animals show compassion and loyalty. Twain also notes that humans cause destruction of their environment, whereas animals live harmoniously with their surroundings.

Humans Have the Ability to Reason

One of the key ways that humans differ from animals is that they have the ability to reason. Twain acknowledges this but also notes that humans often misuse this ability. He believes that humans use their reason to justify their immoral actions and that this is why they are inferior to animals in some ways.

Do Humans Really Deserve to be the Lowest Animal?

While Twain makes some compelling arguments, it's worth noting that humans are capable of many things that animals are not. For example, humans can create art, literature and technology. They can also reason and make decisions based on complex moral and ethical principles. While animals may have certain noble qualities that humans lack, it's not entirely fair to say that humans are the lowest animal.

The Treatment of Animals

One of the issues that Twain discusses is the way that humans treat animals. He argues that humans are cruel to animals and that this is a sign of their inferiority. While it's true that some humans do mistreat animals, it's also true that many people are deeply concerned about animal welfare. There are laws in place to protect animals from abuse and neglect, and many people dedicate their lives to rescuing and caring for animals.

The Importance of Empathy

Empathy is another key issue that Twain touches on in The Lowest Animal. He argues that animals are capable of showing empathy and compassion, whereas humans often lack these qualities. He suggests that if humans were more empathetic towards each other and towards animals, the world would be a better place.

Twain's Influence on Modern Thinking

While Twain's ideas were controversial in his time, they have had a significant influence on modern thinking. Many people today believe that humans have much to learn from animals when it comes to compassion, loyalty and living in harmony with the environment. Twain's essay remains a seminal work in the field of animal welfare and ethics.


In conclusion, The Lowest Animal is a thought-provoking essay that challenges our assumptions about humans and animals. While Twain's argument that humans are the lowest animal may not be entirely fair, he does make some valid points about human behaviour. Ultimately, the essay highlights the importance of treating all living beings with compassion and respect, whether they are human or animal.

The Lowest Animal by Mark Twain: A Comprehensive Guide

Mark Twain was a prolific writer who is known for his witty and insightful works. One of his most famous essays is The Lowest Animal, which is a scathing indictment of human behavior. In this article, we will explore the key themes and motifs of this work, as well as provide some tips on how to analyze it.

Overview of The Lowest Animal

The Lowest Animal is an essay that was first published in 1896 in Harper's Magazine. It is a satirical commentary on Darwin's theory of evolution and the concept of natural selection. Twain argues that, contrary to popular belief, humans are not the most advanced and civilized creatures on earth. Instead, they are the lowest animals, because they engage in senseless and brutal behavior that other animals do not.

The Themes of The Lowest Animal

The central themes of The Lowest Animal include human nature, morality, and social hierarchy. Twain uses pointed humor and satire to ridicule human behavior, such as war, cruelty to animals, and greed. He also highlights the absurdity of human beliefs and practices, such as religion, capitalism, and patriotism. Through these themes, Twain questions the validity of many conventional ideas and values in society.

How to Analyze The Lowest Animal

Analyzing The Lowest Animal requires a close reading of the text and an understanding of Twain's style and context. Here are some tips on how to approach this essay:1. Pay attention to Twain's use of humor and irony. He often masks a serious message in a humorous or satirical tone.2. Look for instances of exaggeration and hyperbole. Twain uses these devices to emphasize the absurdity of human behavior.3. Consider the historical and cultural context in which Twain wrote. He was a product of his time and society, and his beliefs and attitudes were shaped by his experiences.4. Identify the key images and metaphors that Twain uses. These can help convey his message and add depth to his arguments.5. Examine Twain's use of language and rhetoric. He employs a variety of techniques, such as repetition and rhetorical questions, to persuade the reader.


The Lowest Animal is a classic example of Mark Twain's unique style of writing, which combines humor, satire, and social commentary. By challenging conventional ideas about human nature and society, Twain encourages readers to think critically and question the status quo. Analyzing this essay requires careful attention to the text and an understanding of the cultural and historical context in which it was written.

The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf: A Must-Read for Everyone

The Lowest Animal is a thought-provoking and entertaining essay written by Mark Twain. Published in 1896, the essay discusses the flaws of human nature and compares them to the behavior of animals. The essay is still relevant today as it sheds light on the evolution of human society and how we have not progressed as much as we think we have.

In this essay, Mark Twain argues that humans are the lowest animals because of our selfishness, greed, and the desire to harm others. He claims that animals are better than humans in many ways because they do not possess these negative traits. He illustrates his argument with various examples, including the savage way humans treat each other, their tendency to kill for pleasure, and their self-destructive behavior.

Mark Twain's writing style is humorous and satirical, making the essay an enjoyable read despite its serious subject matter. His use of irony and wit effectively conveys his message and leaves a lasting impression on readers.

One of the most thought-provoking aspects of The Lowest Animal is its relevance to contemporary society. Despite being written over a century ago, the essay highlights many issues that are still prevalent in our world today, such as the mistreatment of animals, social inequality, and environmental degradation.

The essay also serves as a reminder that progress is not always linear. While we may have made significant advancements in technology and science, we still have a long way to go in terms of our behavior towards others and the environment.

Furthermore, The Lowest Animal encourages us to reflect on our actions and strive towards becoming better individuals. We can learn a lot from animals and their innate sense of compassion and empathy towards others. By learning from them, we can improve our relationships with others, as well as the natural world around us.

In conclusion, The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf is a must-read for everyone. Its message is timeless and relevant to contemporary society, and it encourages us to reflect on our behavior and strive towards becoming better individuals. Mark Twain's writing is witty and humorous, making the essay an enjoyable read despite its serious subject matter. We can all learn a lot from this essay, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and entertaining piece of literature.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf. I hope that it has piqued your interest in reading the essay and that you have found it informative and enjoyable. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. Have a great day!

People also ask about The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf

What is The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf?

The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf is a satirical essay written by Mark Twain which criticizes the flaws of human nature. The essay suggests that humans are not the highest form of life on earth but instead the lowest, due to their selfish and violent behavior. It was first published in 1896.

What is the main message of The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf?

The main message of The Lowest Animal Mark Twain Pdf is that humans are not the noblest form of life on earth but instead the lowest due to their destructive behavior. Throughout the essay, Twain gives various examples of how animals behave more morally and logically than humans. He argues that humans are driven by greed, vanity, and cruelty whereas animals act purely on instinct.

Why did Mark Twain write The Lowest Animal?

Mark Twain wrote The Lowest Animal to criticize the flaws of human nature and to raise awareness about the importance of morality and rational behavior. He wrote the essay during a time when society was changing rapidly, and he saw many problems arising as a result of people's behavior. By writing The Lowest Animal, Twain hoped to inspire people to rethink their actions and values.

What are the examples given in The Lowest Animal to prove that humans are the lowest animal?

The Lowest Animal uses several examples to prove that humans are the lowest animal. Some of these examples include:

  1. The cruelty shown towards animals in cockfighting, bullfighting, and hunting.
  2. The willingness to kill others for personal gain or perceived threats.
  3. The obsession with luxury and wealth, which leads to the exploitation of others.
  4. The use of religion to justify war and aggression towards others.

How has The Lowest Animal impacted society?

The Lowest Animal has had a significant impact on society, as it raises important questions about human behavior and morality. Many people have been inspired by the essay to think critically about their actions and values, and some have even changed their behavior as a result. The essay has also influenced other writers and artists, who have used its themes and ideas in their own work.