Unleash the Comedic Chaos with Retarded Animal Babies D&D - Your Guide to Hilarious Adventure!


Are you looking for a new form of entertainment that will leave you in stitches? Do you enjoy crude humor and ridiculousness? Look no further than Retarded Animal Babies Dungeons & Dragons.

Retarded Animal Babies (RAB) is a comedic flash animation series that gained popularity in the early 2000s. The characters, including a homicidal squirrel and a sexually-driven duck, are now taking on the fantastical world of Dungeons & Dragons in an equally absurd web series.

If you're already a fan of RAB, you can expect the same level of twisted comedy in this new series. And if you're new to the show, well, buckle up. You're in for a wild ride.

The characters, led by the sadistic squirrel, go on quests in the D&D universe that inevitably become violent and outrageous. Don't worry, though, it's all in good fun.

One of the highlights of the series is the voice acting. Creator Dave Kelly provides multiple voices for the characters and brings them to life in a way that is both hilarious and disturbing.

But what sets RAB D&D apart from other comedy shows is its unique blend of humor and nerd culture. Fans of Dungeons & Dragons will appreciate the references and nods to the game, while those who don't play will still be able to enjoy the humor and insanity.

It's worth mentioning that this show is not for everyone. The humor is crude and often offensive. But if you're someone who enjoys irreverent comedy and doesn't take things too seriously, you'll love RAB D&D.

And if you're still not convinced, consider this: the show has been praised by critics and has a loyal fanbase. It's rare to find a comedy that can balance absurdity and intelligence, but RAB D&D does just that.

You may be thinking, But I don't have time to watch a web series. Fear not, because each episode is only about 10 minutes long. That's right, you can get your fill of crude humor and fantasy adventures in just a short amount of time.

So what are you waiting for? If you're looking for a new form of entertainment, or if you're a fan of the original Retarded Animal Babies, give RAB D&D a try. You won't be disappointed.

In conclusion, Retarded Animal Babies Dungeons & Dragons is a hilariously twisted web series that combines crude humor and nerd culture in a unique way. The voice acting is top-notch, the references to D&D are spot-on, and the show has a loyal fanbase for a reason. Give it a shot and see for yourself why RAB D&D is the solution to your need for laughter and absurdity.


If you're a fan of the popular online cartoon series Retarded Animal Babies, you may have heard about the spin-off show Retarded Animal Babies D&D. This series follows the antics of the same lovable but deranged characters as they play a game of Dungeons and Dragons. In this article, we'll take a closer look at this unique and hilarious approach to the classic tabletop RPG.

The Characters

The Retarded Animal Babies cast includes characters such as Rabbit, Hamster, Turtle, and Deer. In Retarded Animal Babies D&D, each character takes on a classic role from the Dungeons and Dragons universe. Rabbit becomes a rogue, Hamster a sorcerer, Turtle a paladin, and so on.

Each character's personality shines through, even as they navigate the fantasy world of D&D. Hamster's penchant for explosives leads him to create some dangerous spells, while Turtle's unshakeable moral code often puts him at odds with his chaotic companions. The interplay between the characters is what makes Retarded Animal Babies D&D so entertaining.

The Quests

Your typical RPG campaign might involve slaying dragons, saving villages, or uncovering ancient artifacts. In Retarded Animal Babies D&D, the quests are just as bizarre as the characters themselves.

In one episode, the gang must retrieve a magical crystal from the clutches of a group of snarky goblins. In another, they must help an eccentric wizard recover his lost magical tome, which has been stolen by a rival wizard and hidden in a deadly dungeon.

While the enemies and goals are certainly outlandish, the group's approach to problem-solving is even more unconventional. They often resort to brute force tactics and sheer stupidity, resulting in hilarious consequences.

The Rules

While Retarded Animal Babies D&D follows the basic mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons, there are plenty of changes to accommodate the show's unique sense of humor.

For example, in one episode, Turtle rolls a natural 20 on his attack roll. Instead of dealing an impressive amount of damage, however, the die bursts into flames and he has to flail around trying to put it out. This kind of hijinks is commonplace in the series, making it a new way to learn about D&D rules and terms while enjoying absurd humor.


Retarded Animal Babies D&D may not be for everyone, but for those who enjoy raunchy humor and tabletop RPGs, it's a match made in heaven. The characters, quests and rule changes combine in an unforgettable potpourri of hilarity that breaks conventions and leaves you wanting more.

Even if you're not familiar with Dungeons and Dragons, the show is entertaining enough on its own. It's a great way to get introduced into tabletop gaming while laughing along the way.

In short, Retarded Animal Babies D&D is a wild ride full of humor, adventure, and insanity, taking you on a journey through a unique world created by the show creators Dave Bonawits and Rob DenBleyker. So sit back, grab your dice, and let the good times roll!

Retarded Animal Babies D&D Comparison: Deciding Which One Wins

Introduction: Retarded Animal Babies D&D

Retarded Animal Babies (RAB) was once a popular flash animation series created by Dave Lovelace in the early 2000s. It featured the adventures of several anthropomorphic animals who were childish, vulgar, and often destructive. Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), on the other hand, is a classic tabletop role-playing game (RPG) first published in 1974. It allows players to explore fantasy worlds, create characters, and engage in combat and other challenges. While RAB and D&D may seem like an unlikely duo to compare, there are some interesting similarities and differences between the two. Let's take a closer look.

The Setting: RAB Universe vs D&D Worlds

RAB takes place in a contemporary world similar to our own, albeit with more cartoonish and absurd features. In contrast, D&D features several different fantasy worlds, each with their own unique lore and creatures. These worlds can range from high fantasy to dark and gritty, providing a wide range of settings for players to choose from.In RAB, the focus is on humor and satire, with characters parodying various aspects of society and pop culture. D&D, while it can have humorous moments, is more focused on creating a cohesive and immersive world that feels alive and realistic.

The Characters: RAB Animals vs D&D Adventurers

In RAB, the characters are all animals who possess human-like traits and behaviors. Each character has a distinct personality, but they are generally portrayed as immature, crude, and violent. In D&D, players create their own adventurers, choosing from a variety of races and classes. While characters can certainly have flaws and quirks, they are typically more grounded and fleshed out than the RAB animals.Another key difference is that while RAB characters are fixed and established, D&D characters can change and evolve over time. As they gain experience, they become stronger and learn new abilities and skills.

The Gameplay: RAB Shenanigans vs D&D Adventures

RAB episodes are typically short and self-contained, with the focus on creating outrageous gags and situations. D&D, on the other hand, involves ongoing campaigns with multiple sessions, each building on the last. The gameplay is focused on exploration, combat, and storytelling, with players working together to accomplish goals and overcome challenges.Both RAB and D&D involve a certain level of randomness and unpredictability. In RAB, this results in chaotic and often violent outcomes. In D&D, this can mean unexpected twists and turns in the storyline, as dice rolls determine the outcome of actions.

The Objective: RAB Laughs vs D&D Victory

The primary objective of RAB is simple: to make people laugh. While there may be some semblance of a plot or story, the main focus is on delivering outrageous and offensive humor.In D&D, the objective is more complex. Players work together to achieve specific goals, such as retrieving an important artifact or defeating a powerful enemy. There is a sense of progress and accomplishment as players gain experience and move closer to their objectives.

The Skills: RAB Violence vs D&D Abilities

In RAB, violence is often the solution to problems. Characters will frequently resort to using guns, explosives, and other weapons to get what they want. In D&D, violence is certainly a part of the game, but it's not the only option. Characters have a variety of abilities and skills they can use to overcome challenges and obstacles.Additionally, D&D encourages teamwork and collaboration, with players combining their abilities to overcome tougher challenges. In RAB, characters often work against each other, resulting in even more chaos and destruction.

The Players: RAB Fans vs D&D Enthusiasts

RAB has a relatively small but dedicated following. Its humor is definitely not for everyone, and some may find it offensive or juvenile. D&D, on the other hand, has a much larger and diverse community of players. It has been around for decades and has spawned countless spin-offs, adaptations, and imitators.While both RAB and D&D have their fans, they appeal to very different audiences. RAB is geared toward those who enjoy crude and absurd humor, while D&D attracts those who enjoy immersive and creative gameplay.

The Verdict: Which One Wins?

So, which one is better: Retarded Animal Babies or Dungeons & Dragons? It's impossible to say, really, as they are completely different types of entertainment. It's like comparing apples and oranges.If you're looking for something quick and easy to watch that will make you laugh, RAB might be the way to go. If you're interested in a deeper and more involved gaming experience that lets you create your own character and explore amazing worlds, you should give D&D a try.


Ultimately, whether you prefer RAB or D&D comes down to personal preference. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and both can provide hours of entertainment when done right. Whether you're in the mood for silly slapstick or epic adventure, there's something out there for everyone.

Retarded Animal Babies D&D: Tips and Tutorial


Retarded Animal Babies D&D is a popular and hilarious tabletop roleplaying game that combines the absurdity of Retarded Animal Babies with the classic gameplay mechanics of Dungeons & Dragons. The game has gained quite a following over the years for its unique blend of humor and strategy. If you're interested in giving it a try, here are some tips and tutorials to help get you started.

Getting Started

Before you start playing Retarded Animal Babies D&D, you'll need to gather your group of players and create your characters. Each player will create a character based on an animal from the Retarded Animal Babies universe. You can choose from more traditional animals like dogs and cats or go more abstract with choices like a walking taco or a butt. Once you've created your characters, it's time to start building your campaign.

The Campaign

As with any tabletop roleplaying game, the campaign is the heart of Retarded Animal Babies D&D. The DM (Dungeon Master) is responsible for crafting the story and setting up encounters for the players. In Retarded Animal Babies D&D, the story should be ridiculous and over-the-top, and the encounters should be equally absurd. Think about what kind of world your characters inhabit – is it a world of candy and rainbows or a post-apocalyptic wasteland? The possibilities are endless!

The Gameplay Mechanics

In Retarded Animal Babies D&D, the gameplay mechanics are largely borrowed from Dungeons & Dragons. The core mechanics involve rolling various dice to determine success or failure. Each character has a set of stats, including strength, intelligence, dexterity, and more, which affect their ability to perform certain actions. Combat is turn-based, with each player taking turns making moves and attacking.

Tips for Playing

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you play Retarded Animal Babies D&D:

Embrace the Ridiculous

The key to enjoying Retarded Animal Babies D&D is to embrace the absurdity. Don't take the game too seriously and don't be afraid to make silly choices for your character.

Collaborate with Your Group

Retarded Animal Babies D&D is a collaborative game, so work with your group to create a fun and entertaining story. Listen to each other's ideas and build on them to create something truly memorable.

Be Prepared for Anything

In Retarded Animal Babies D&D, anything can happen, so be prepared for the unexpected. Don't be too attached to your plans and be willing to improvise when things don't go according to plan.

Have Fun!

Above all else, remember to have fun! Retarded Animal Babies D&D is meant to be a lighthearted and enjoyable game, so don't stress too much about the rules or mechanics. Focus on creating a fun and hilarious experience with your friends.

Closing Thoughts

Retarded Animal Babies D&D is a game unlike any other, offering a unique blend of humor and strategy. If you're interested in giving it a try, gather your friends, create your characters, and delve into the absurd world of Retarded Animal Babies. With these tips and tutorials, you should be well-equipped to create a memorable and entertaining campaign.

Retarded Animal Babies D&D: A Hilarious and Entertaining Gaming Experience

Welcome to the world of Retarded Animal Babies Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) – the ultimate tabletop role-playing game that combines humor, adventure, and of course, fantastic RPG gameplay. If you haven't heard of Retarded Animal Babies, you're missing out on one of the most hilarious and entertaining YouTube series that has ever graced our screens.

For those who are new to Retarded Animal Babies, it's a series of animated shorts created by Dave and Tom Fulp, known for their work in Newgrounds. The series follows the absurd and wacky adventures of a group of animals, including a squirrel, a frog, a hamster, and a rabbit, as they navigate through a world filled with bizarre creatures and obstacles.

Now, imagine taking the quirky characters and the unpredictable scenarios from Retarded Animal Babies and translating them into a tabletop RPG game. That's exactly what Retarded Animal Babies D&D offers players – a chance to immerse themselves in the crazy world of RAB and create their own hilariously epic tales of adventure.

Playing Retarded Animal Babies D&D is easy and straightforward. First, players need to choose their character from the cast of animals in the series. Each character has unique abilities and stats that will come in handy in different situations throughout the game. Whether you want to play as the speedy squirrel, the brawny hamster, or the clever rabbit, there's something for everyone.

Once players have chosen their character, they can start creating their own story with the help of a Game Master (GM). The GM is responsible for keeping the game running smoothly and presenting the challenges and obstacles that the players must overcome. In the world of Retarded Animal Babies, anything can happen, so players must be prepared for the unexpected.

The gameplay of Retarded Animal Babies D&D is similar to other tabletop RPGs. Players roll dice to determine the outcome of their actions, whether it's attacking an enemy or solving a puzzle. Retarded Animal Babies D&D uses a d20 system, which means that players roll a twenty-sided dice to determine their success or failure.

One of the most entertaining aspects of Retarded Animal Babies D&D is the humor that permeates throughout the game. The characters from the series are inherently silly and absurd, so players can expect plenty of laughs and shenanigans throughout the game. Whether it's failing a skill check because your character got distracted by a shiny object or accidentally attacking one of your allies, there's always something to chuckle about in RAB D&D.

Besides the humor, Retarded Animal Babies D&D also offers a chance for players to flex their creative muscles. With no predetermined storylines or quests, players have complete freedom to create their own narratives and adventures. This means that every game is unique and tailored to the players' preferences and play styles.

If you're looking for a fun and lighthearted RPG game that will make you laugh and keep you entertained for hours, look no further than Retarded Animal Babies D&D. With its unique blend of humor, adventure, and RPG gameplay, it's sure to be a hit with gamers of all ages.

So what are you waiting for? Grab some friends, choose your characters, and get ready for an epic adventure that only Retarded Animal Babies D&D can provide.

Thank you for taking the time to read about Retarded Animal Babies Dungeons & Dragons. We hope that this article has piqued your interest in this hilarious and entertaining RPG game. Remember to always stay curious and keep exploring new gaming experiences!

People Also Ask About Retarded Animal Babies D&D

What is Retarded Animal Babies D&D?

Retarded Animal Babies D&D is a tabletop role-playing game inspired by the crude yet hilarious internet cartoon series, Retarded Animal Babies. In this game, players take on the roles of one of the characters from the cartoon and embark on comedic quests and adventures.

How many players can participate in Retarded Animal Babies D&D?

Typically, Retarded Animal Babies D&D games are played with 3-6 players. However, the game can be adapted to accommodate larger or smaller groups.

What kind of characters can I play in Retarded Animal Babies D&D?

In Retarded Animal Babies D&D, players can choose to play as one of the iconic characters from the cartoon such as:

  • Stomach (a singing, mentally unstable pig)
  • Hamster (a violent and sadistic rodent)
  • Puppy (a cute yet deadly dog)
  • Cow (a heinous bovine with acid milk)

Do I need previous experience playing tabletop RPGs to enjoy Retarded Animal Babies D&D?

No, you do not need any prior experience in playing tabletop role-playing games. Retarded Animal Babies D&D is designed to be accessible to beginners while still providing experienced players with a unique and entertaining experience.

Is Retarded Animal Babies D&D suitable for children?

No, Retarded Animal Babies D&D contains mature themes, crude humor, and violence that may not be appropriate for young children. It is recommended for players ages 18 and up.