Unleash Your Childhood Memories with Shirley Temple's Animal Crackers Lyrics - Sing Along Now!


Shirley Temple, the iconic child star, captured the hearts of millions around the world with her captivating smile, breathtaking talent, and unforgettable songs. One of her most well-known songs is Animal Crackers in my Soup, which remains a classic to this day. In this article, we explore the lyrics of this beloved tune.

As kids, we all had our favorite foods. But did you ever think of serenading your pasta or pizza? Shirley Temple did! In Animal Crackers in my Soup, she sings about finding animal shapes hidden in her soup: Animal crackers in my soup/Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop/Gosh, oh gee, how I love animal crackers in my soup!

While Shirley's songs were meant for children, her words carry deeper meaning that still apply to our adult lives. For example, she sings, If you want to do the Loocy-Lo / You must listen to the animal crackers in your soup. This teaches us to embrace our inner child and find joy in the little things in life.

Even though Animal Crackers in my Soup was written in the 1930s, it remains a beloved tune to this day. Why? Because it captures the universal experience of childhood innocence and playfulness. Listening to Shirley's cheerful voice singing about animal crackers in soup can make anyone feel young again.

Shirley Temple was more than just a child star – she also played an important role in American history. During the Great Depression, she brought joy and hope to millions of Americans through her performances and movies. Her upbeat persona and infectious songs lifted spirits in difficult times.

Not only did Shirley sing about food, but she also advocated for proper nutrition and healthy eating habits. In Animal Crackers in my Soup, she sings, When I get hold of the big bad wolf / I just push him under to drown / Then I bite him in a million bits / And I gobble him right down. This clever verse encourages kids to eat their vegetables and stay healthy.

Aside from her talent and charm, Shirley Temple's iconic ringlets are one of her most memorable features. It's no wonder that in Animal Crackers in my Soup, she sings, The little pickaninnies of black and white / Will all join hands and pray for your delight/ We'll shout hooray, when you say / That you will be my own.

Shirley Temple's legacy continues to live on through her music. Animal Crackers in my Soup inspires us to find joy and wonder in the world around us, whether that's through soups or anything else. As Shirley sings, Animal crackers in my soup / Do funny things to me / They make me think my neighborhood / Is a big menagerie.

In conclusion, Shirley Temple's Animal Crackers in my Soup is a timeless anthem of childhood innocence, joy, and playfulness. Its lyrics carry important messages about healthy eating, friendship, and embracing our inner child. Listening to this classic song is a guaranteed way to brighten your day and lift your spirits!

Shirley Temple Songs Animal Crackers Lyrics

Shirley Temple is an icon in the entertainment industry. Her talent as a child actress was widely recognized, and she had a significant influence on pop culture. Among her many contributions to the world of entertainment were her songs, which captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. One such song is ‘Animal Crackers’.

The Meaning Behind Animal Crackers Lyrics

The song ‘Animal Crackers’ is about a young girl who goes on a picnic with her family. She sings about all the animals she sees around her, including bunnies, squirrels, and birds. The lyrics are playful and whimsical, as they describe each animal’s movement and sound. Shirley Temple’s voice perfectly captures the innocence and joy of childhood.

The song is a reminder of the simplicity and beauty of nature. It encourages listeners to enjoy the little things in life and appreciate the world around them. The lyrics also convey the idea that happiness can be found in the most unexpected places, even in the sight of a tiny bunny hopping across the grass.

The History of Animal Crackers Song

The song ‘Animal Crackers’ was written by Irving Caesar and Ray Henderson in 1930 for the Broadway musical ‘Animal Crackers’. The musical starred the Marx Brothers, who also performed the song in the movie adaptation of the show.

Shirley Temple later recorded the song for her 1935 film ‘Curly Top’, in which she played a spunky orphan who wins over a wealthy benefactor with her singing and dancing skills. The song became one of Temple’s most popular numbers and remains a beloved classic today.

The Impact of Shirley Temple’s Music Career

Shirley Temple’s music career was an essential part of her success as an entertainer. Her infectious charm and talent captivated audiences worldwide, and her songs became emblematic of the era’s optimism and hope. Temple’s music was an integral part of her movies, which often featured her singing and dancing in elaborate musical numbers.

Temple’s popularity as a singer paved the way for other child stars to follow in her footsteps. Many young performers were inspired by her music and strived to emulate her success. Temple’s influence on pop culture can still be felt today, and her legacy remains a testament to her incredible talent and impact on the industry.


‘Animal Crackers’ is one of Shirley Temple’s most beloved songs. Its playful lyrics and joyful melody capture the essence of childhood and the beauty of nature. Shirley Temple’s music career was instrumental in her success as an entertainer, and ‘Animal Crackers’ remains a timeless classic that has touched the hearts of generations of fans.

While many years have passed since the song’s creation, its message remains just as relevant today as it was when it was first written. The joy of discovering something new, the pleasure of spending time outside with family and friends, and the wonder of nature are all timeless experiences that can be cherished by all.

Shirley Temple has left a lasting impression on the world of entertainment, and ‘Animal Crackers’ is just one of the many examples of her incredible talent and legacy.

Shirley Temple Songs Animal Crackers Lyrics: A Comparison


Shirley Temple is an iconic figure in the entertainment industry. Her charm and talent captivated audiences of all ages for generations. One of her most famous works is the song Animal Crackers from the film Curly Top. In this article, we will compare the original lyrics to a modern rendition and discuss the similarities and differences between the two.

Original Lyrics

The opening line of the original song goes, Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop the loop. This verse sets the tone for the rest of the song as Shirley sings about all the animals she imagines in her soup while eating animal crackers. She describes elephants, lions, and even giraffes in her soup. The song is lighthearted and playful, with a catchy tune that's easy to sing along to.

Modern Rendition

One modern rendition of the song is by YouTube personality Miranda Sings. The opening line is slightly different, Animal crackers up in my bowl, shrimp are hanging from a telephone pole. Miranda sings about a variety of animals and textures in her parody version of the song. Although the melody is similar, the lyrics take on a more comical twist, poking fun at the original song.

Comparison Table

Aspect Original Song Modern Rendition
Opening Line Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits loop the loop. Animal crackers up in my bowl, shrimp are hanging from a telephone pole.
Animals Mentioned Elephants, lions, and giraffes are just a few of the animals mentioned. Shrimp, whales, and pandas are some of the animals mentioned in the parody version.
Tone The original song is playful and lighthearted. The modern rendition takes on a more comical twist, poking fun at the original song.
Melody The melody is catchy and easy to sing along to. The melody is similar to the original song but with slight changes to accommodate the new lyrics.


In my opinion, both versions of the song are enjoyable in their own way. The original song holds a special place in my heart as a classic Shirley Temple tune. However, the modern parody version is also entertaining and provides a fresh perspective on the lyrics. Whether you prefer the original or the modern rendition, Animal Crackers is a timeless song that continues to bring joy to audiences of all ages.


In this article, we compared the original Animal Crackers song from the film Curly Top to a modern rendition by Miranda Sings. We analyzed the similarities and differences between the two versions and provided a comparison table for easy reference. Ultimately, both songs hold a special place in popular culture and continue to entertain audiences to this day.

Shirley Temple Songs Animal Crackers Lyrics: A Classic for Kids of All Ages


Shirley Temple is a name that needs no introduction. She was known as the original Hollywood child star, and her movies and songs have been entertaining people for decades. Animal Crackers in My Soup is one of her most famous songs, and it has been loved by generations of kids and adults alike. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the lyrics of this iconic song and explore what makes it so special.

Verse 1: The Joy of Childhood

The first verse of Animal Crackers in My Soup is all about the simple pleasures of childhood. Shirley sings about how much fun it is to eat animal crackers, which are a classic treat that most kids love. She describes the different shapes and sizes of the crackers and talks about how she enjoys stacking them up. The lyrics capture the excitement and wonder of being a child and remind us of the carefree days when little things like animal crackers brought us so much joy.

Chorus: The Power of Imagination

The chorus of Animal Crackers in My Soup is perhaps the most famous part of the song. It celebrates the power of imagination and encourages kids to use their creativity and have fun. The lyrics are playful and imaginative, with Shirley singing about how the crackers come alive in her soup and do silly things like dancing and playing leapfrog. The chorus is catchy and easy to sing along to, making it a great choice for young kids who are just learning to appreciate music.

Verse 2: Friendship and Laughter

The second verse of the song is all about the joys of friendship and laughter. Shirley sings about how much she loves being with her friends and how they all laugh and play together. The lyrics capture the spirit of childhood friendships, where anything is possible and every day is an adventure. The song reminds us of the importance of having fun and spending time with the people we care about, no matter how old we are.

Bridge: A Timeless Classic

The bridge of Animal Crackers in My Soup is a beautiful piece of music that showcases Shirley's incredible singing voice. The lyrics are simple yet meaningful, with Shirley singing about how much she loves animal crackers and how they always put a smile on her face. The bridge is a reminder that sometimes the simplest things in life can be the most precious, and it has helped to cement this song as a timeless classic that will be loved for generations to come.


In conclusion, Animal Crackers in My Soup is a charming and delightful song that captures the magic and wonder of childhood. The lyrics are playful and imaginative, and Shirley's singing is nothing short of magical. This song has been loved by kids and adults alike for decades, and it continues to be a favorite today. Whether you're a fan of Shirley Temple or just looking for a fun and uplifting song to share with your children or grandchildren, Animal Crackers in My Soup is a timeless classic that will always bring a smile to your face.

Shirley Temple Songs Animal Crackers Lyrics

Welcome to the world of Shirley Temple, one of the most iconic child actresses of all time. Shirley Temple was an American film and television actress, singer, dancer, and diplomat. She first gained fame in the 1930s as a child actress, and her movies brought joy to millions of people all over the world. One of her most memorable songs is Animal Crackers in My Soup, which has become a beloved classic among generations of fans.

Animal Crackers in My Soup is a song featured in the 1935 movie Curly Top. The lyrics were written by Irving Caesar and the music was composed by Ray Henderson. The song quickly became a hit, and it stayed in the charts for a long time. The delightful tune, cheerful lyrics, and adorable singing made Shirley Temple a household name and cemented her position as a superstar.

The song is all about the simple joys of childhood. It celebrates the little things that bring happiness to kids, such as animal crackers in their soup, and the playful innocence that comes with being young. The adult world may be full of worries and responsibilities, but for children, life is a magic playground where anything is possible. The song captures this sense of wonder and innocence perfectly.

The lyrics of Animal Crackers in My Soup are pure poetry. They paint a beautiful picture of childhood delight and nostalgic memories. The song begins with the line, Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys, rabbits, loop the loop, which instantly puts a smile on anyone's face. The playful imagery continues throughout the song, with lines like Gosh, oh gee, but I have fun and I get the wildest dreams in my head.

Shirley Temple's rendition of the song is nothing short of enchanting. Her sweet voice and sparkling eyes bring the lyrics to life, and her playful demeanor is infectious. Watching her perform the song is like taking a trip down memory lane to a simpler time, when life was all about having fun and being carefree.

It's amazing how a simple song like Animal Crackers in My Soup can have such a profound effect on people's lives. For many, it represents a cherished childhood memory or a happy moment that they hold dear. The song has become an anthem for those who seek to recapture the joy and innocence of their younger days.

The legacy of Shirley Temple and her songs like Animal Crackers in My Soup lives on today, inspiring new generations of fans. Though times may change, the appeal of simple pleasures and the sense of wonder that comes with them remains timeless. We can all take a lesson from Shirley Temple and the delightful lyrics of this classic song and remember to savor the small things in life that bring us joy.

So, if you're feeling down and need a little pick-me-up, just listen to Animal Crackers in My Soup and let the lyrics transport you back to a more innocent time. You may find yourself smiling, humming along, and feeling a surge of happiness that you thought was long gone. Thank you, Shirley Temple, for giving us the gift of your music and for reminding us that there's always room for a little bit of childlike wonder in our lives.

In conclusion, Shirley Temple is a legend, and her songs will live on forever. Animal Crackers in My Soup is a testament to the joys of childhood and the boundless capacity for happiness that we all possess. So, the next time you're feeling blue, sing along to the lyrics, Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys, rabbits, loop the loop, and feel the magic come alive within you.

Thank you for taking the time to read about Shirley Temple's beloved song Animal Crackers in My Soup. We hope that this article has brought you some joy and nostalgia. Remember to always cherish the simple pleasures of life, just like Shirley Temple did.

People Also Ask About Shirley Temple Songs Animal Crackers Lyrics

Who is Shirley Temple?

Shirley Temple was an American actress, singer, dancer, and diplomat who began her career in the entertainment industry at the age of three. She gained worldwide fame during the Great Depression era for her acting skills and charisma, becoming a Hollywood icon during that time.

What are animal crackers?

Animal crackers are a type of cookie usually shaped like animals such as lions, tigers, bears, and elephants. They're popular among children, and are often served in a small box with a string handle.

What are some famous Shirley Temple songs?

Shirley Temple had many famous songs throughout her career, including The Good Ship Lollipop, On the Good Ship Lollipop, Oh My Goodness, Animal Crackers In My Soup, When I Grow Up, and Curly Top.

What are the lyrics to Animal Crackers in My Soup by Shirley Temple?

The lyrics to Animal Crackers in My Soup go as follows:

  1. Animal crackers in my soup,
  2. Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop.
  3. Gosh, oh gee, but I have fun,
  4. Swallowing animals one by one!

Why is Shirley Temple still remembered today?

Shirley Temple is remembered today for her contributions to the entertainment industry as well as her role as a diplomat. She was one of the most famous child actors of all time, and her movies brought joy to millions during a difficult time in American history. She later went on to become a United States Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia.