Unleash Your Hunting Skills: Buy Animal Skins for Horizon Zero Dawn


Are you looking for a way to upgrade your weapons and armor in the game Horizon Zero Dawn? Look no further! Buying animal skins is the solution you've been searching for.

Animal skins can be used to craft various upgrades for your equipment, such as pouches to hold more ammunition, increased armor protection, and even brand new weapons. With so many benefits, it's no wonder that buying animal skins has become a popular strategy among players.

But where can you find these skins? The game world is full of different creatures that can be hunted and skinned for their valuable materials. From the small rabbits and foxes that can be found in the grassy areas, to the larger grazers and watchers that roam the plains and forests, there's a wide variety of animals to choose from.

However, hunting these creatures can be a dangerous task. Many of them have deadly attacks and can easily overpower an unprepared player. That's why it's often safer and more efficient to purchase the skins from merchants.

Merchants can be found in various locations throughout the game world, and offer a range of different goods for sale. Animal skins are just one of their many offerings, but they can be a valuable investment for any player looking to boost their combat abilities.

Of course, buying skins isn't the only way to upgrade your equipment in Horizon Zero Dawn. There are other materials that can be used as well, such as metal shards and machine parts. However, animal skins provide a unique benefit in that they can be obtained without the need for specialized equipment or knowledge.

In addition to their practical benefits, buying animal skins can also be a fun and rewarding experience. It allows you to explore the game world and discover new creatures, while also giving you a sense of accomplishment when you successfully hunt and skin an animal.

So if you're looking to upgrade your weapons and armor in Horizon Zero Dawn, buying animal skins is definitely worth considering. Just be sure to stay safe while hunting, or take the easier route and head to a merchant for your skin-buying needs.

In conclusion, upgrading your equipment in Horizon Zero Dawn can be a challenging task, but buying animal skins can make it a much easier and more enjoyable experience. With the variety of creatures available to hunt and the safety of purchasing from merchants, there's no reason not to give it a try. Your character will thank you for it!


When we think of buying animal skins, the first thought that comes to mind is that of fashion. However, in Horizon Zero Dawn, buying animal skins serves a higher purpose. The game has a unique concept where players have to hunt robotic animals and use their resources to advance in the game. In this article, we will discuss why it is important to buy animal skins in Horizon Zero Dawn and how to do it.

Why Buy Animal Skins?

In Horizon Zero Dawn, animal skins are used to craft different types of ammunition, resources, and equipment. These items are essential to survive and progress in the game. For example, Blaze is required to craft fire arrows, which are effective against corrupted machines. Similarly, Chillwater is used to craft ice arrows that can take down certain types of machines with ease.

How to Buy Animal Skins?

The game has a market system where players can buy or sell items. To buy animal skins, players need to visit merchants who sell them. The prices of these skins vary depending on the type of animal and their rarity. Players can also sell animal skins they’ve collected to get some extra shards (the in-game currency).

Types of Animal Skins and Their Uses

There are several types of animal skins in the game, and each has its unique use. Some skins are common, while others are rare and require a lot of effort to obtain. Here are some of the most commonly used animal skins in Horizon Zero Dawn:
  • Boar Skin: Used to craft small quivers and satchels.
  • Lion Skin: Required to craft bigger quivers and satchels for holding more ammo and resources.
  • Turkey Skin: Used to craft simple traps that are useful in luring machines towards players.
  • Fox Skin: Required to craft stealth items like the Silent Strike.

Tips to Collect Animal Skins Efficiently

Collecting animal skins can be time-consuming and tedious, especially if players are looking for rare ones. Here are some tips that can make the process easier:
  • Travel to different regions in the game where different animals spawn.
  • Use stealth to approach animals and take them down without alerting others.
  • Learn about each animal's weakness and use the right weapons to take them down quickly.
  • Upgrade weapons and armor constantly to increase chances of success.


In conclusion, buying animal skins in Horizon Zero Dawn is essential to progress in the game. They are not just a fashion statement but serve a higher purpose by allowing the player to craft the necessary resources and ammunition required to survive. The game has a player-friendly market system where players can buy or sell animal skins, making it easy for anyone to obtain them. Overall, collecting animal skins is a vital aspect of the game that requires effort and strategy to do efficiently.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Buying Animal Skins


Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing game set 1000 years in the future where humans have reverted to a hunter-gatherer society surviving in a world overrun by robotic creatures. One of the primary mechanics of the game is hunting animals and scavenging their skins for crafting materials. In this blog, we will compare the experience of buying animal skins from in-game merchants versus hunting them yourself.

In-Game Merchants

The easiest and quickest way to get animal skins in Horizon Zero Dawn is to buy them from the in-game merchants. The merchants offer a variety of animal skins and their prices vary based on the rarity of the animal. For example, the skin of a Sawtooth, one of the most challenging robotic creatures to defeat, will fetch a higher price than a Fox skin. However, purchasing these skins from a merchant can be an expensive affair as the prices keep fluctuating.

Table Comparison: Buying from Merchant

Pros Cons
Quick and easy way to get skins Expensive compared to hunting yourself
No need to engage in combat Prices are not fixed and can vary
Availability of rare skins, which can be hard to obtain otherwise Doesn’t contribute to gaining experience points

Hunting Animals Yourself

Hunting animals and scavenging their skins yourself in Horizon Zero Dawn is a challenging but rewarding experience. Not only will this provide you with crafting materials, but it also contributes to the game's progression as hunting animals gives you experience points and helps level up your character. Also, the challenge of taking on an animal adds an extra level of excitement to the game.

Table Comparison: Hunting Yourself

Pros Cons
Gives experience points and helps level up your character Can be difficult and time-consuming, especially if you’re a novice player
Less expensive than buying from merchants Rare skins can be hard to obtain
Provides an extra level of challenge and excitement to the game Potential for dying in combat


In my opinion, hunting animals yourself provides a more immersive and satisfying experience in Horizon Zero Dawn. Taking on an animal in combat and defeating it, while challenging, adds an extra level of excitement to the game. Additionally, hunting animals provides experience points and contributes to leveling up your character. However, purchasing from in-game merchants is still a viable option, especially if you’re in desperate need of crafting materials or short on time.


The decision to buy animal skins versus hunting them yourself in Horizon Zero Dawn ultimately comes down to personal preference and your current status in the game. While both methods have their pros and cons, the satisfaction and experience of taking on an animal and hunting it yourself cannot be replaced by simply buying materials from a merchant.

How to Buy Animal Skins in Horizon Zero Dawn

Understanding the Importance of Animal Skins

Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing game where players assume the role of Aloy, a hunter living in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by machines. To survive in this world, players need to gather resources and animal skins are a valuable commodity. Animal skins can be used to create high-level armor, weapons, and ammunition.

Where to Find Animal Skins

Animal skins can be obtained by hunting and killing animals in the game. Players can find different types of animals in the world of Horizon Zero Dawn, such as boars, rabbits, foxes, and many more. Each animal has its own unique skin and hunting them can provide players with different varieties of animal hides.

How to Buy Animal Skins

Players can also buy animal skins from merchants in the game. To buy animal skins, players need to approach merchants and select the merchant's 'Buy' option. It is important to note that buying animal skins from merchants costs more than hunting and gathering the skins yourself.

Choosing the Right Merchant

Different merchants have different stocks and prices for animal hides. Players should choose a merchant that sells the type of skin they need at an affordable price. Some merchants sell only common skins while others may have rare and high-quality skins for sale.

Maximizing Resources

In Horizon Zero Dawn, resources are limited, and it is important to use them wisely. Players can maximize their resources by buying animal skins from merchants that offer the best prices. Additionally, players can also prioritize the skins they need to buy depending on their gameplay style and objectives.

Other Ways to Source Animal Skins

Apart from hunting animals and buying skins from merchants, there are other ways players can source animal skins. Players can loot animal carcasses from the environment, complete quests that reward animal hides, or trade with other players online.

Trading Online

Horizon Zero Dawn offers online trading options using the game's vendor system. Players can sell their animal hides to other gamers for virtual currency that can be exchanged for resources and items. This is an excellent way for players to get the skins they need without having to hunt or buy them themselves.

Unlocking Merchant Discounts

Players can unlock discounts from certain merchants by completing specific quests and challenges. These discounts can save players a lot of money when buying animal skins. By completing more quests and challenges, players can unlock further discounts from different merchants.


In summary, hunting and gathering animal skins is an integral part of Horizon Zero Dawn. Players should prioritize the skins they need depending on their gameplay style and objectives. Buying animal skins from merchants can be expensive but can help players maximize their resources. Furthermore, players can also trade online and unlock merchant discounts by completing quests and challenges. By utilizing all these tips and tricks, players can easily obtain the animal skins they need to survive in the post-apocalyptic world of Horizon Zero Dawn.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Why You Should Buy Animal Skins

Are you a fan of the action-packed game, Horizon Zero Dawn? If yes, then you must be aware of the importance of animal skins in the game. For those who are new to the game, let me give you a brief idea about it. Horizon Zero Dawn is an open-world game where you play as Aloy, a hunter and archer living in a world overrun by robots. The game requires you to hunt animals to collect resources, including their skins for crafting various items.

Now, some players might wonder why they should bother with animal skin collection when they can buy resources from traders. Well, in this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why buying animal skins is a better option in Horizon Zero Dawn.

You get better quality items

In Horizon Zero Dawn, the quality of the items you craft depends on the quality of the resources used. Animal skins are no exception here. When you buy animal skins from merchants, you get better quality skins, which ultimately lead to better quality items. More so, the merchants provide different kinds of animal skins that would make crafting easier and uniquely distinct.

Saves Time and Resources

It is not every animal that you kill that drops the required skin. Some animals have a low chance of giving up a particular resource, thus making hunting time-consuming. However, you can save valuable time that would have been spent hunting, as well as valuable resources like arrows and traps, by simply purchasing animal skins from the merchants in Horizon Zero Dawn. Having your inventory stocked with the right animal skins helps to ease quest completion.

Access to Rare Animals

Buying animal skins from merchants in Horizon Zero Dawn gives you access to rare animals that can only be found in specific locations. Some animals are extremely rare and difficult to find, so it can be frustrating to spend hours in search of them. The merchants usually have these rare animal skins in stock, which you can purchase with ease.

Better Weapon and Armor Modifications

One of the essential features of Horizon Zero Dawn is modifying your weapons and armor for improved efficiency and better combat performance. Buying animal skins not only gives you access to a variety of crafting resources, but you are also able to obtain unique modifications for your weapons and armor.

More Affordable Option

It's important to note that purchasing animal skins from merchants in Horizon Zero Dawn is a more affordable option than buying resources directly. Merchant prices are standardized and require no haggling, making it an overall cheaper option for resources.

Boosts Crafting Experience

Crafting items in Horizon Zero Dawn is essential to success in the game. You will find yourself exhaling less if your inventory has enough resources that would help ease your crafting experience. Buying animal skins from merchants enhances this crafting experience as you wouldn't have to face the hassles of taking on some dangerous hunting tasks, freeing up time to focus on crafting.

Better Trading Relationship

Selling animal skins is one of the best ways to maintain or improve your relationship with the merchants in Horizon Zero Dawn. Building a good relationship is crucial for acquiring rare resources and trading with the merchants; thus, purchasing animal skins helps you build a good relationship that's beneficial to both parties.


In conclusion, buying animal skins in Horizon Zero Dawn has numerous perks. Purchasing animal skins saves valuable time, effort, and resources, while still providing you with high-quality resources to craft better items. Moreover, you gain access to rare animals, unlocking exclusive weapon modification and trading opportunities, and building a strong relationship with merchants. So, if you want to experience a smoother crafting experience, save valuable time and resources, and unlock exciting features in Horizon Zero Dawn, it's best to buy animal skins.

Don't forget to stock up on animal skins with the merchants the next time you play Horizon Zero Dawn.

People Also Ask About Horizon Zero Dawn Buy Animal Skins

1. Where can I buy animal skins in Horizon Zero Dawn?

You can buy animal skins from merchants located in different parts of the game world. You can find them in towns, settlements or outposts throughout the game. Some merchants specialize in selling specific types of animal skins, so make sure you explore different areas to find the right merchant.

2. What are animal skins used for in Horizon Zero Dawn?

Animal skins are used for crafting different items such as pouches, quivers, and outfits that provide bonuses to Aloy's combat and survival abilities. This allows her to carry more items, fire more arrows, and stay hidden from enemies more effectively.

3. What animals drop valuable skins in Horizon Zero Dawn?

There are several animals in Horizon Zero Dawn that drop valuable skins, including:

  1. Boars: which drop boar skins.
  2. Lions: which drop lion skins.
  3. Deer: which drop deer skins.
  4. Gazelles: which drop gazelle skins.

4. How much do animal skins sell for in Horizon Zero Dawn?

The price of animal skins varies depending on the type of skin and the merchant you sell them to. Generally, rarer animal skins will fetch a higher price. For example, selling a lion skin can net you up to 120 Metal Shards, while a gazelle skin might only get you 20-30 Metal Shards.