Unleash Your Wild Side with 'You Are A Human Animal' Lyrics: A Reflection of Our Inner Beast


Are you looking for a song that will make you feel alive? Look no further than You Are A Human Animal by Jonathan Coulton. With its infectious beat and clever lyrics, this song is sure to get your blood pumping and your feet moving.

But what makes this song so special? For starters, the chorus is incredibly catchy. When Coulton sings you are a human animal, it's impossible not to sing along. And the verses are equally impressive, with lines like You've got a body, use it while you can and You're only human, but that's not so bad urging listeners to embrace their physicality.

The song also has a deeper message about the importance of taking care of yourself. Coulton reminds us that we only get one body, and we should make the most of it. This message is particularly timely in today's world, where sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits have become the norm.

If you're a fan of Coulton's music, you'll also appreciate the way he incorporates his signature humor into the lyrics. There's a playful vibe to the song that makes it hard not to smile while listening. And the fact that Coulton is able to combine humor with such an important message is a testament to his talent as a songwriter.

But You Are A Human Animal isn't just a great song on its own - it also works perfectly as part of a workout playlist. The energetic tempo and motivating lyrics make it the ideal choice for a gym session or morning jog. And because the song is so uplifting, it's guaranteed to put you in a better mood no matter what kind of day you're having.

So what are you waiting for? Add You Are A Human Animal to your music library and start feeling the benefits today. Your body (and your mood) will thank you!

In conclusion, You Are A Human Animal by Jonathan Coulton is a must-listen for anyone who wants to feel alive and motivated. With its catchy chorus, inspiring lyrics, and playful humor, it's a song that will appeal to all kinds of music fans. So turn up the volume, sing along, and enjoy the ride!

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics

‘You Are A Human Animal’ by Sum 41 is one of the most iconic songs when it comes to punk rock music. The song was released in 2019 and has since then garnered a lot of attention from fans all over the world. The lyrics of this song are so powerful, and they are relatable to almost everyone who listens to it.

Verse 1

The first verse of ‘You Are A Human Animal’ talks about how we all try to act like someone else, instead of being true to ourselves. It’s a reality that most people tend to lose themselves by trying to be someone else in order to fit in with society.

“Ain't it funny how we let ourselves get mad?And waste our time with things we wish we had?But then we go and throw it all awayJust to appease what others say”

The words in this verse resonate with our daily lives. We spend so much time and energy trying to achieve something, only to throw it away in the end to please people that don’t matter.


The pre-chorus of the song highlights the hard truth that sometimes we have to face in life. We all know that life isn’t easy, but we often lose sight of it.

It's not easy as it seems,To figure out reality and your dreams

We have been told to dream bigger and chase our aspirations, but at times it becomes hard to distinguish between the two, which is what the song points out.


The chorus in ‘You Are A Human Animal’ is catchy and straight to the point. It encourages people to be themselves and stand out from the crowd, regardless of what people say.

You are, you are a human animalDon't lose your way, just follow me

The chorus encourages us to embrace our individuality and preserve it rather than trying to fit in the mold that society creates for us. It's an empowering message that gives us the strength to celebrate ourselves.

Verse 2

In the second verse of the song, the band talks about how we often waste our lives away worrying about things that won’t matter in the long run. It's sad to think we spend so much time worrying about petty things like what people might think or say about us.

Why do we worry so much?About the world and various suchThings that don't matter in the end

It's a reminder of what we've been doing wrong, focusing too much on things that aren't important. The second verse of this song compels us to stop paying attention to things that only bring us unnecessary stress.


This is the part where the band invites us to look into ourselves and discover who we truly are. In the bridge, they talk about the importance of respecting the person we’re becoming regardless of the mistakes we’ve made.

Realize the person you areAnd watch your journey set sail so far

We have to acknowledge our shortcomings in order to recognize the distance we've come. This song encourages us to take pride in ourselves, past mistakes, and everything else that has helped shape us into the individuals we are currently.


‘You Are A Human Animal’ by Sum 41 is more than just a song. It’s a statement that reminds us all to be ourselves, embrace our individuality, and stop trying to fit into a mold that doesn’t exist.

The song teaches us to stop comparing ourselves with others or trying to conform to society's norms and ideals. Instead, we should take pride in who we are, flaws and all.

The lyrics of ‘You Are A Human Animal’ hold so much meaning, making it timeless and relatable for people of all ages. It combines empowering words with catchy beats, making it one of Sum 41's best songs to date. After all, these lyrics might be just what you need to hear right now to feel seen, heard, and understood.

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics: A Comparison Blog Article


Lyrics are an integral part of music that gives it depth and a deeper meaning. With You Are A Human Animal, the Danish alternative rock band, Spleen United, delivers a poignant message about the human condition in a playful yet thought-provoking manner. In this article, we explore the lyrics of the song in depth, comparing them with other works of literature, music, and philosophy.

Animalistic Tendencies vs. Rationality

The lyrics of You Are A Human Animal highlight the contradiction between our animalistic tendencies and the ideal of rationality that we strive for. The line I am a feeling machine, a thinking beast succinctly captures this conflict. It reminds us that no matter how much we try to suppress our primal instincts, they still remain a part of us. This theme is also evident in the works of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who argues that humans are fundamentally irrational beings who strive for reason.

Comparison Table:

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics Nietzsche's Philosophy
I am a feeling machine, a thinking beast Man is the irrational animal
Trapped in a cell made of yourself The individual is the product of society's constraints

The Mundane vs. The Extraordinary

The lyrics also touch upon the idea of living an ordinary life while longing for something extraordinary. The lines I want to challenge gravity, break the walls of reality remind us of our innate desire to transcend our limitations. This theme is also evident in the works of French philosopher Albert Camus, who argued that life is essentially absurd but that we must rebel against this absurdity by living authentically.

Comparison Table:

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics Albert Camus' Philosophy
I want to challenge gravity, break the walls of reality The only way to deal with an absurd existence is to rebel against it
Everybody wants to be the king of something mundane Life is essentially absurd and meaningless

The Illusion of Freedom

The lyrics also explore the illusion of freedom that we have created for ourselves. The lines Invisible walls, build around the ritual you call a life emphasize the idea that we are trapped in our own routines and that we have falsely convinced ourselves that we are free. This theme is also evident in George Orwell's novel 1984, where the protagonist realizes that the supposed freedom he has been enjoying is nothing but an illusion created by the government.

Comparison Table:

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics George Orwell's 1984
Invisible walls, build around the ritual you call a life Freedom is slavery
Wings clipped by the invisible hand of fate The government uses language to control people's thoughts and actions

The Alienation of Modern Life

The lyrics also highlight the alienation that modern life brings. The line Not even a blink in the faceless crowd reminds us of how we can feel lost in the midst of the hustle and bustle of modern life. This theme is also explored in the works of Franz Kafka who wrote about the isolation and anxieties of modern man.

Comparison Table:

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics Franz Kafka's Philosophy
Not even a blink in the faceless crowd Modern man is isolated and alienated
Trapped in a cell made of yourself Modern technology isolates us from others


The lyrics of You Are A Human Animal provide a powerful commentary on the human condition. They explore themes like our animalistic tendencies, the yearning for something extraordinary, the illusion of freedom, and the alienation of modern life. These themes resonate with the works of philosophers like Nietzsche and Camus and writers like Orwell and Kafka. The song reminds us that we are indeed human animals – imperfect creatures who strive for reason and transcendence.

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics: A Tutorial on Understanding the Song

‘You Are A Human Animal’ is a song by The Lemon Twigs, released back in 2018. Though it did not receive a lot of commercial success, it remains one of the most interesting pieces of music from the band. The song is unique in its sound as well as its lyrics. Many fans are curious about what these lyrics mean. In this article, we will break down each part of the song to understand it better.

The Lyrics

The song begins with the following lines:

“It's gonna be fun, gonna be wild
It's gonna get crazy tonight
I'll call you up and you'll say fine
And when I see you, you'll be mine”

This is the introduction to the song’s theme which talks about how people can behave savagely and have fun. The verse goes on to say:

“The things that we've come to know
Mean nothing when we're alone for too long
So come on, darlin', let me show
What it means to be alive with someone”

These lines describe human needs; how people feel empty when they are alone, and that they need someone else to feel alive.

The Chorus

The chorus of the song is the most powerful part. It says:

“You are a human animal
Wild and free, you need no control
You are an animal
Let it bleed, let it all out, let it go”

The chorus is essentially suggesting that people are animals. It encourages listeners to unleash their wild side and let their instincts take over.

The Second Verse

The second verse of the song is a continuation of the first. It says:

“We'll go out and paint the town red
The stars will shine in my head
No more worrying about life
Tonight we're making love our wife”

These lines describe the carefree attitude that people adopt when they are out having fun. They forget about their worries and live in the moment.

The Bridge

The song’s only bridge comes next. It says:

“And when I look into your eyes
I can see the wild beneath the skies
You’re alive, you’re alive
So take my hand and we’ll fly away”

This part seems to recognize the fact that every human has a wild side, but that sometimes, it takes another person to see it.

The Meaning

On the surface, the meaning of ‘You Are A Human Animal’ seems simple. The song expresses the idea that every human being has an animalistic side that needs to be unleashed occasionally. It shows how music and dance can be used as a means of releasing that side.

However, upon deeper reflection, the song could be interpreted in different ways depending on a person’s views. For instance, some people might believe that humans should embrace their wild side whenever possible, while others might feel that this could lead to negative consequences. The song could also be seen as encouraging promiscuity and drug use, things that others might find objectionable.


Overall, ‘You Are A Human Animal’ is a unique and interesting song with a powerful message. Though the lyrics may be open to interpretation, the basic idea remains the same: that everyone has a wild side that needs to be unleashed once in a while. So the next time you listen to this song, don’t be afraid to let your inner animal out!

You Are A Human Animal Lyrics: Embracing Our Animalistic Nature Through Music

Welcome to my blog, where we'll dive into the lyrics of You Are A Human Animal by The Electric Soft Parade. In a world where we're taught to suppress our animal instincts and conform to societal norms, this song is a refreshing reminder to embrace our primal nature. Let's take a closer look at the lyrics and explore what they mean.

The song opens with the line, We forget we are animals. It's easy to get bogged down in the humdrum of everyday life and forget that at our core, we're just animals trying to survive. We have basic needs like food, water, shelter, and reproduction, and our instincts drive us towards fulfilling those needs.

The chorus declares, You are a human animal, don't let them break you, no. This line is a call to action to resist society's attempts to tame and mold us into something we're not. We shouldn't let anyone or anything make us feel ashamed of our natural urges and instincts.

The next verse reads, No thinkin', just feelin', come on, let it out. In a world that values logic and intellect over emotions, this line encourages us to tap into our feelings and allow ourselves to experience them fully. We shouldn't be afraid to express ourselves in a raw and unfiltered way.

The bridge of the song goes like this, You're in a daze, do what you can, do what you can to survive. Life can be overwhelming at times, and we might feel like we're in a daze just trying to make it through the day. This line acknowledges that struggle and reminds us that survival should always be our top priority.

Another memorable line from the song is, We're living in a world that wants to kill us gently. This lyric highlights the irony of modern society, which encourages us to live longer and healthier lives but also bombards us with toxins, stress, and unrealistic beauty standards. It's a reminder that sometimes, the gentlest thing we can do for ourselves is to embrace our wildness and break free from societal expectations.

So what's the message of You Are A Human Animal by The Electric Soft Parade? I believe it's a call to reject conformity and embrace our primal instincts. It encourages us to let go of our inhibitions and express ourselves freely, without fear of judgment or ridicule. The song reminds us that we are all animals at heart, and that's nothing to be ashamed of.

As we come to an end, I hope this blog has inspired you to embrace your inner animal and dance to the beat of your own drum. Remember, you are a human animal, and that's a beautiful thing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Thanks for reading!

People Also Ask About You Are A Human Animal Lyrics

What is the meaning behind You Are A Human Animal?

The song You Are A Human Animal explores the concept of humans being animals at our core, despite our societal constructs and beliefs. The lyrics touch on the primal urges and instincts that we still possess as human beings and how they affect our behavior and decisions.

Who wrote the lyrics for You Are A Human Animal?

The lyrics for You Are A Human Animal were written by the British post-punk band, The Pop Group. The song was released on their debut album, Y, in 1979.

What genre of music is You Are A Human Animal?

You Are A Human Animal is a post-punk song. It features the raw energy and experimentalism that characterized the post-punk movement of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

What is the overall message of the song?

The overall message of You Are A Human Animal is that despite our efforts to distance ourselves from our primal nature, it still exists within us and affects our thoughts and actions. The Pop Group urges listeners to embrace this duality and confront the contradictions within themselves.

Are there any covers of You Are A Human Animal?

Yes, You Are A Human Animal has been covered by several artists, including Interference and Shibo. These covers bring a fresh perspective to the song and highlight its continued relevance in today's music scene.

What other songs are similar to You Are A Human Animal?

If you enjoy You Are A Human Animal, you may also like other post-punk classics like Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division and Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus. These songs share the same raw energy and exploration of human nature that define the post-punk genre.

Is You Are A Human Animal a popular song?

While You Are A Human Animal may not have achieved mainstream success, it remains a cult classic among post-punk fans. Its message of embracing both our primal and intellectual selves continues to resonate with listeners today.

What are the most memorable lyrics from You Are A Human Animal?

  1. You're a human animal, don't think you're any different
  2. We like to kill our own kind, it's an absolute fact
  3. You're a repressed animal on this civilized land

These lyrics from the chorus of You Are A Human Animal emphasize the primal, animalistic nature within humanity that the Pop Group is highlighting in the song.