Unleashing the Quirky Humor of Steven Crowder in 'You're A Strange Animal' - A Comedy Review


Steven Crowder is a name well known in the world of stand-up comedy, podcasting and political commentary. He is a person who is not afraid to voice his opinions and experiment with new ideas. One of his most popular YouTube videos is You're a Strange Animal, which has racked up millions of views. But what is this video all about? Why does it appeal to so many people? Let's explore the phenomenon that is You're a Strange Animal Steven Crowder.

The video starts with Steven walking towards the camera dressed in a ridiculous-looking penguin costume. He says You're a strange animal and continues to list a variety of animals with funny sound effects playing in the background. The premise is simple and the humor is silly, yet it managed to attract a large audience.

So what makes this video so appealing? Firstly, it's the humor. Steven's style is unique, and his jokes are often unexpected. His ability to put on different accents and impressions adds an extra layer of complexity to his comedy. Secondly, it's the delivery. Steven has an excellent stage presence and knows how to engage with his audience. He keeps the attention of the viewers throughout the entire video.

But it's not just about the humor. The video also contains deeper messages, hidden within the jokes and animal impersonations. Steven uses the animal kingdom as a metaphor for human behavior, highlighting the weird and quirky nature of human beings. By comparing our behavior to animals, he invites us to think about our actions from a different perspective.

Steven's message is especially relevant in today's world, where social media dominates our lives, and we are bombarded by constant messages telling us how to behave. In this context, You're a Strange Animal encourages us to embrace our quirks and differences, rather than trying to fit in with society's expectations.

Throughout the video, Steven uses a variety of transition words to guide the viewers from one joke to another. He links the different animal impersonations together through a series of puns and wordplay that keeps the video flowing at a steady pace.

Moreover, Steven's use of statistics adds another level of interest to the video. He quotes several research studies on animal behavior to back up his humor, providing a factual basis for his jokes. This not only adds credibility to his comedy but also helps to make the viewers more invested in the video.

Overall, You're a Strange Animal Steven Crowder is a video that manages to combine humor with deeper messages, making it a unique and highly entertaining experience. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and check it out.

In conclusion, Steven Crowder has proven himself as a talented comedian who knows how to engage his audience and make them laugh. His video You're a Strange Animal is a testament to his skills, and its popularity speaks for itself. So if you're looking for a good laugh and some thought-provoking messages, look no further than Steven Crowder's YouTube channel.

You're A Strange Animal Steven Crowder

Steven Crowder is a man who has made a name for himself in the world of politics. He is known for his conservative views and his outspoken nature. However, he is also known for being a strange animal. In this article, we will explore what it means to be a strange animal and how Steven Crowder fits this description.

What is a Strange Animal?

A strange animal is someone who is difficult to fit into a specific category or box. They may have interests or traits that are not commonly associated with their profession or political leanings. A strange animal is interesting because they defy expectations and keep people guessing.

Steven Crowder is definitely a strange animal. He is a conservative political commentator who is also an actor, comedian, and martial artist. He does not fit neatly into any one category, which makes him an intriguing figure in the world of politics and entertainment.

The Conservative Commentator

Steven Crowder first gained fame as a conservative political commentator. He is known for his outspoken support of gun rights, free speech, and limited government. He is also critical of progressive movements such as feminism and social justice.

Crowder's commentary often presents a strong conservative viewpoint, but he does not shy away from controversial topics. He has tackled issues such as abortion, transgenderism, and immigration. His commentary is sometimes confrontational, which has earned him criticism from some quarters.

The Actor

In addition to his work as a political commentator, Steven Crowder is also an actor. He has appeared in a number of films and TV shows, including the popular crime drama The Sopranos and the action-comedy Tooth Fairy 2.

Crowder's acting career is another example of his strange animal nature. It is unusual for a conservative commentator to also be an actor in Hollywood, a famously left-leaning industry. Despite this, Crowder has found success as an actor and has even won awards for his performances.

The Comedian

Steven Crowder is also a comedian. He has performed stand-up comedy and has a popular YouTube channel where he creates comedic sketches and parodies.

Crowder's brand of comedy is often political in nature, but it is also irreverent and often controversial. He is not afraid to make fun of both liberals and conservatives, which has earned him a dedicated following among people who appreciate his no-holds-barred approach to comedy.

The Martial Artist

Steven Crowder is also a trained martial artist. He has studied multiple disciplines, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and boxing.

This aspect of Crowder's personality is perhaps the most unexpected. When people think of conservative commentators, they do not typically imagine someone who is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. However, Crowder's martial arts training is just another example of his multifaceted personality.

The Strange Animal

All of these different facets of Steven Crowder's personality combine to make him a strange animal. He is difficult to pin down and categorize, which makes him fascinating to follow. Crowder is not afraid to go against the grain and do things his own way, which is part of what makes him such an interesting figure in the world of politics and entertainment.

However, being a strange animal does come with its downsides. Crowder's confrontational style has earned him criticism from some quarters, and his willingness to address controversial topics has led to a number of high-profile controversies. But despite these challenges, Crowder remains a beloved and respected figure among his fans.

The Final Word

Steven Crowder is definitely a strange animal. His unique combination of conservative politics, acting, comedy, and martial arts make him a one-of-a-kind figure in today's world. While being a strange animal comes with its challenges, it also makes for an entertaining and insightful personality that is worth following.

Whether you agree with his views or not, there is no denying that Steven Crowder is a fascinating individual who is worthy of attention. So if you're looking for something different in the world of politics and entertainment, look no further than this one-of-a-kind strange animal.

You're a Strange Animal Steven Crowder: A Comparison Blog Article


Steven Blake Crowder is known for his conservative political views and outrageous stunts. He is a commentator, comedian, and host of the show Louder with Crowder. Crowder has a massive following on social media and is quite popular among young conservatives. In this article, we will compare and contrast Crowder's style and opinions with those of other famous conservative voices.

The Characters: Steven Crowder Vs. Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is one of the most well-known conservative personalities in the United States. He is an author, lawyer, and political commentator. Ben Shapiro's style is calm, collected, and based on facts and logic. Crowder, on the other hand, is much more outspoken and often relies on humor and shock value to make his point. Both men are brilliant and have many followers, but they differ greatly in their approach.

Table Comparison

Criteria Steven Crowder Ben Shapiro
Style of Communication Outspoken and humorous Logical and factual
Political Views Libertarian, Conservative Conservative, Orthodox Jew
Following on Social Media Several million followers Several million followers
Claim to Fame Louder With Crowder host Political Commentator, Author
Views on Abortion Pro-Life Pro-Life
Views on Guns Pro-Second Amendment Pro-Second Amendment
Views on Immigration Anti-Illegal Immigration, Pro-Border Wall Legal Immigration, Modernize Visa System
Views on Climate Change Sceptic; Believes it's Not a Major Threat Believes in Climate Changes but Doubt Human Activity Causes most of It
Views on LGBTQ+ Rights Opposes Gay Marriage, LGBTQ+ supramacy and Transgenderism Believe in Traditional Marriage, Do not condemn LGBT community while support their dignity, Fair Treatment and Same Rights

Steven Crowder Vs. Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson is another popular conservative commentator who has been in the public eye for years. He has a unique style that blends humor with hard-hitting journalism. Crowder and Carlson share many similarities in terms of their conservative views, although they differ in their approach.

Table Comparison

Criteria Steven Crowder Tucker Carlson
Style of Communication Outspoken and humorous Hard-hitting journalism with humor
Political Views Libertarian, Conservative Conservative
Following on Social Media Several million followers Several million followers
Claim to Fame Louder With Crowder host Political Commentator, Host of Tucker Carlson Tonight
Views on Abortion Pro-Life Pro-Life
Views on Guns Pro-Second Amendment Pro-Second Amendment
Views on Immigration Anti-Illegal Immigration, Pro-Border Wall Grow the economy while Screening for potential Terrorists; Anti-Amnesty
Views on Climate Change Sceptic; Believes it's Not a Major Threat Believes Climate Change is Real but Dought its Being Caused by Human Activities
Views on LGBTQ+ Rights Opposes Gay Marriage, LGBTQ+ supramacy and Transgenderism Traditional Marriage Support; Accords Rights to LGBT but Against Transgenderism;

Steven Crowder Vs. Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is known for her sharp wit and controversial views. She has been in the public eye for years and has a massive following. Coulter is a prolific writer and commentator, and her style is much more aggressive than Crowder's.

Table Comparison

Criteria Steven Crowder Ann Coulter
Style of Communication Outspoken and humorous Aggressive wit and sarcasm
Political Views Libertarian, Conservative Conservative
Following on Social Media Several million followers Millions of followers
Claim to Fame Louder With Crowder host Author, Political Commentator
Views on Abortion Pro-Life Pro-Life
Views on Guns Pro-Second Amendment Pro-Second Amendment
Views on Immigration Anti-Illegal Immigration, Pro-Border Wall Opposes Illegal Immigration, Reduce Legal Immigration
Views on Climate Change Sceptic; Believes it's Not a Major Threat Believes Climate Change is not man-made & essentially harmless to us
Views on LGBTQ+ Rights Opposes Gay Marriage, LGBTQ+ supramacy and Transgenderism Against Gay Marriage, Accords Right to LGBT but Oppose their Elevation Above Traditional Families


Steven Crowder is a unique voice in the conservative media landscape. His humor and outrageous stunts have drawn many followers to his show, Louder with Crowder. He differs from other conservative voices like Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter in terms of communication style, but they all share similar conservative views. It's great to see different voices in the media, and hopefully, we can continue to have a diversity of opinions and styles in the future.

You're A Strange Animal Steven Crowder: Tips and Tricks


Steven Crowder is widely known for his bold and unapologetic personality. He is a well-known political commentator who has built a huge following on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. He is one of the most noteworthy conservative voices in the media these days.

Tip 1: Don't be afraid to speak your mind

Steven Crowder's brand is based on his unapologetic style of speaking. He speaks his mind without worrying about offending others. He is never afraid to challenge popular narratives and always has something to say about hot topics. This attitude has helped him gain a massive following, and you can adopt the same philosophy too. Speak your mind, share your thoughts, and speak up when you feel the need to. Over time, you will gain people's respect.

Tip 2: Be prepared to back up your arguments with evidence

Steven Crowder is not just outspoken, but he is also well-informed. If you intend to follow in his footsteps, you should learn to back up your arguments with facts and evidence. When you make a statement, be sure to cite your sources and present valid statistics where appropriate. This will add credibility to your arguments and make you appear more knowledgeable and trustworthy.

Tip 3: Build a solid social media presence

One reason why Steven Crowder has become so successful is that he has built a solid social media presence. He shares his opinions, creates witty memes, and interacts with his fans regularly. He is active on various social media platforms, including Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you want to succeed as a commentator, you should create profiles on various platforms and maintain an active presence.

Tip 4: Cultivate a unique online persona

Steven Crowder is known for his unique online persona. He brings an unusual combination of humor, sarcasm, intelligence, and bluntness to his content. You should also develop a distinctive personality that is consistent across the various platforms you use. This will help you stand out from your competitors and attract a loyal following.

Tip 5: Create engaging content

To gain a loyal following, you need to create engaging content that resonates with your audience. Steven Crowder's content is entertaining, informative, and often challenges conventional wisdom. To emulate his success, create content that people enjoy consuming. Consider current events or hot topics in politics and weave them into your content to keep it fresh and engaging.

Tip 6: Use humor to your advantage

One of the things that make Steven Crowder unique is his ability to infuse humor into his content. Humor has always been an effective way to engage people and make them open up to different viewpoints. When discussing a challenging topic, consider using humor to make your point.

Tip 7: Do not shy away from controversial topics

Steven Crowder does not shy away from controversial topics. In fact, this is one of the reasons why people love him. To emulate his success, do not avoid subjects that might be considered controversial. These are usually the most debated topics, so discussing them may help you get more views and followers.

Tip 8: Consistency is key

Consistency is essential when it comes to building a brand. You need to post regularly and maintain a steady flow of content. Try to stick to a schedule so that people know when to expect new content from you. This will help establish your reputation as a reliable commentator.

Tip 9: Collaborate with other content creators

Steven Crowder has collaborated with other popular content creators, such as Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro, to create entertaining and informative content. Consider collaborating with other commentators or influencers who share similar values and interests. This is a great way to expand your audience and establish relationships with others in your niche.

Tip 10: Engage with your audience

Steven Crowder is known for his interactions with his followers. He regularly responds to comments and engages with his fans on social media. You should aim to do the same. Engage with your audience by responding to their comments, asking for feedback, and even hosting Q&A sessions.


In conclusion, becoming a successful commentator like Steven Crowder requires courage, consistency, uniqueness, and creativity. Follow these tips and tricks, be true to yourself and your message, stay informed and up to date on current events, be persistent, and most importantly, have fun!

You're A Strange Animal Steven Crowder

Steven Crowder is a controversial figure in the world of politics and media. He is an American-Canadian conservative political commentator, actor, and comedian who has gained attention for his outspoken views on various subjects, including gun control, immigration, and LGBTQ rights. With his popular podcast and YouTube channel, Crowder has built a dedicated following among his fans, but has also faced criticism from many who disagree with his opinions.

So, what makes Steven Crowder such a strange animal? For starters, his ability to stir up controversy and engage in heated debates with his opponents has earned him a reputation as a lightning rod for criticism. Whether he's challenging the prevailing leftist narrative on climate change or defending free speech against censorship, Crowder isn't afraid to speak his mind and challenge the status quo.

Another reason why Crowder is such an unusual figure is his background and career path. He started out as a child actor, appearing in TV shows and movies like Arthur and The Mickey Mouse Club, before transitioning into comedy and political commentary. This unconventional trajectory has given him a unique perspective on the entertainment industry and the world of politics.

Crowder's outspoken views on various subjects have made him a divisive figure in many ways. Some people see him as a hero who speaks truth to power, while others view him as a dangerous provocateur who uses his platform to spread hateful rhetoric and misinformation. Regardless of where you stand on this spectrum, it's clear that Crowder is someone who elicits strong reactions from his audience.

One of the things that sets Crowder apart from other conservative media personalities is his sense of humor. He's known for his comedic sketches and impressions, which use satire and parody to critique the left's positions on issues like abortion, gun control, and healthcare. While many people find his humor offensive or juvenile, others see it as a refreshing break from the often-dry world of political punditry.

Despite his controversial reputation, Crowder has managed to build a large and loyal fan base over the years. His YouTube channel, Louder With Crowder, has over 4 million subscribers and has become a go-to destination for people who are looking for alternative perspectives on current events and politics. He's also been able to parlay his online success into other ventures, including a stint as a Fox News contributor.

So, what does the future hold for Steven Crowder? It's hard to say for sure, but one thing is certain: he's not going away anytime soon. His ability to tap into the zeitgeist and connect with his audience in a way that few other media personalities can is a testament to his talent and charisma. Whether you love him or hate him, it's clear that Steven Crowder is a strange animal indeed.

If you're someone who enjoys engaging with different views and opinions, I encourage you to check out Steven Crowder's content. While you may not always agree with what he has to say, there's no denying that he's an interesting and entertaining figure in the world of media and politics. And who knows - you might even learn something along the way.

With that said, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope that it has given you some insights into the world of Steven Crowder and why he's such a fascinating and polarizing figure. And whether you're a fan of his or not, I think we can all agree on one thing: Steven Crowder is certainly not afraid to speak his mind.

Until next time, stay curious and keep learning!

People Also Ask: You're A Strange Animal Steven Crowder

Who is Steven Crowder?

Steven Crowder is a conservative Canadian-American political commentator, comedian, and YouTuber. He is known for his satirical and controversial political commentary on issues such as gun control, immigration, and social justice.

What is the meaning behind You're A Strange Animal?

You're A Strange Animal is a phrase that Steven Crowder uses to describe his unconventional approach to political commentary and his unapologetically conservative views. The phrase represents his desire to be an outlier in the world of mainstream media and journalism.

What kind of content does Steven Crowder create?

Steven Crowder creates a variety of content, including political commentary and satire, sketches, interviews, and debates. He also hosts a weekly podcast called Louder With Crowder.

Is Steven Crowder a controversial figure?

Yes, Steven Crowder is a controversial figure due to his outspoken conservative views and his willingness to engage in heated debates with individuals who hold opposing beliefs. Additionally, his use of satire and sarcasm has drawn criticism from some who feel that it crosses the line into offensive territory.

How does Steven Crowder respond to his critics?

Steven Crowder typically responds to his critics with humor and deflection. He often points out the flaws in their arguments or uses satire to make a point. Some people appreciate his approach, while others feel that it is dismissive and unhelpful.

Does Steven Crowder have a large following?

Yes, Steven Crowder has a large following on social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. As of September 2021, he has over 5 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.

Does Steven Crowder have any political affiliations?

Steven Crowder is a self-proclaimed conservative and has been vocal about his support for the Republican party and conservative causes. However, he has also criticized some aspects of the Republican party and has expressed a desire for more accountability and transparency in politics.