Unveiling the Truth: Which Animal Holds the Title for the Filthiest Mouth in the Animal Kingdom?


Have you ever wondered which animal has the dirtiest mouth? Is it possible that some creatures may have worse breath than humans? The answer may surprise you.

Let's start with the basics. According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, dogs have about 600 different types of bacteria in their mouths. That's a lot more than the average human, who only has about 72 types. But does this mean that dogs have the dirtiest mouth?

Not necessarily. In fact, the animal with the dirtiest mouth may come as a shock to you. It turns out that the animal with the foulest smelling breath is actually the common housefly.

Yes, you read that right. Flies have been known to feast on rotting garbage and feces, which can create a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. This can lead to some seriously stinky breath.

But what about other animals like hippos or alligators, who are known for their massive jaws and sharp teeth? While these animals may have strong bites, their mouths are actually surprisingly clean. They have powerful digestive systems that allow them to quickly break down food and prevent harmful bacteria from growing.

So, what can you do about your own pet's bad breath? First and foremost, it's important to take your animal to the vet for regular check-ups and dental cleanings. This can help prevent cavities and gum disease, which can lead to foul smelling breath.

Another way to combat bad breath in pets is to give them toys to chew on. This can help clean their teeth and freshen their breath at the same time.

But what about humans? Are we off the hook when it comes to having dirty mouths? Unfortunately, no. With our love of sugary drinks and junk food, we're actually creating an environment in our mouths that's perfect for bacteria to grow. This can lead to cavities, gum disease, and of course, bad breath.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to combat bad breath in humans too. Regular brushing and flossing, as well as using mouthwash, can help prevent harmful bacteria from growing. Drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet can also go a long way towards keeping your mouth clean and fresh.

In conclusion, while dogs may have more types of bacteria in their mouths, they are not the animal with the dirtiest mouth. That title belongs to the common housefly. By taking care of our pets' dental health and our own, we can ensure that our mouths stay clean and fresh-smelling.

So, next time you're wondering which animal has the dirtiest mouth, you'll know the answer. And if you're looking to prevent bad breath in yourself or your furry friend, just remember to brush, floss, and chew on toys!

Have you ever heard someone say that dogs have cleaner mouths than humans? Well, that's not necessarily true. The truth is that there are many animals that have dirtier mouths than humans, and it's not what you may think.

The Mouths of Animals

Animal mouths are not the same as human mouths. Animals have different bacteria, enzymes, and pH levels in their mouths. These differences can result in unpleasant odors, infections, and diseases.

In addition, some animals have different purposes for their mouths compared to humans. For example, some animals use their mouths to hunt and kill prey, while others use them to chew on hard materials.


As we mentioned earlier, there is a popular belief that dogs have clean mouths. However, that is not entirely true. Dogs can carry harmful bacteria in their mouths that can cause infections and illnesses, such as gum disease. Also, dogs have a habit of licking everything, including themselves, which can transfer bacteria.


Like dogs, cats also have harmful bacteria in their mouths that can cause infections. However, cats have an additional problem. They like to spend time grooming themselves with their tongues, which can expose them to harmful bacteria and toxins that are on their fur.


Believe it or not, pigs have one of the dirtiest mouths in the animal kingdom. Pigs have a pH level in their saliva that can break down teeth enamel and promote the growth of harmful bacteria. In addition, they have a habit of eating anything they find, which can expose them to harmful bacteria and toxins.


Horses have a unique dental structure that makes them prone to dental problems. Their teeth continually grow and need to be ground down by chewing on tough materials like hay. However, their dental structure also makes them susceptible to infections and diseases that can lead to tooth decay.


Rabbits have a special type of dental problem called malocclusion. This condition causes their teeth to grow in abnormal directions, which can lead to abscesses, infections, and tooth loss. Rabbits also have a habit of eating their feces, which can expose them to harmful bacteria and parasites.

The Importance of Oral Health for Animals

Just like humans, animals need proper oral care to maintain good health. Neglecting their oral health can lead to serious problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and other infections. It's important to provide your pets with regular dental checkups and cleanings to prevent these problems from occurring.

Preventing Dental Problems for Your Pets

Here are some tips for preventing dental problems in your pets:

  • Brush your pet's teeth regularly.
  • Provide your pet with dental chews and toys.
  • Give your pet a balanced diet that is low in sugars and carbohydrates.
  • Take your pet for regular dental checkups.


In conclusion, it's clear that animals have different types of mouths compared to humans, and some animals have dirtier mouths than others. It's crucial to take care of your pet's oral health to prevent serious dental problems down the line. By following the tips mentioned above, you can ensure that your pets remain healthy and happy for years to come.

Which Animal Has The Dirtiest Mouth?


The phrase dirty mouth usually refers to humans who use foul language, but in reality, some animals have actual dirty mouths. Animals use their mouths for a variety of reasons, such as eating, grooming, and communicating. Some animals even fight using their teeth and jaws. So, which animal truly has the dirtiest mouth? Let's find out through a comparison between five animals notorious for their dental hygiene or lack thereof.

The Contenders

The animals we'll compare are dogs, cats, horses, pigs, and alligators.


Dogs are often referred to as man's best friend, but their mouths may not be a friend to oral hygiene. Dogs have 42 teeth, which can easily accumulate tartar and plaque if not properly cared for. Additionally, dogs have a tendency to chew and lick everything that comes their way, including dirt and feces. This behavior can lead to bad breath and infections.


Cats are known for being fastidious groomers, but their mouths can still harbor bacteria and parasites. Cats have 30 teeth, and their tongues are covered in tiny spines called papillae that can collect debris and bacteria. Furthermore, cats may have a habit of biting and scratching, increasing the risk of oral injuries.


Horses are magnificent animals, but they don't necessarily have the best dental hygiene. Horses have up to 44 teeth and need constant care to prevent dental problems. In the wild, horses graze on rough vegetation that helps wear down their teeth naturally. However, domestic horses may not be able to do so, leading to overgrown teeth, abscesses, and infections.


Pigs may not seem like a likely candidate for the dirtiest mouth, but they have unique dental needs. Pigs are omnivores with 44 teeth, and their diet can range from grass to carrion. Pigs' teeth grow continuously, so they need to grind them down with constant chewing. However, if pigs aren't provided with enough roughage, their teeth can overgrow and cause oral pain.


Alligators are infamous for their sharp and powerful jaws, but their mouths aren't the healthiest. Alligators have approximately 80 teeth, and they replace them regularly throughout their lives. However, alligator teeth are often filled with bacteria that can cause infections in humans and other animals. Alligators also have a habit of preying on rotting meat, further worsening their dental hygiene.

Comparison Table

| Animal | Number of Teeth | Common Dental Problems | Oral Hygiene Habits ||---------|----------------|------------------------|---------------------|| Dogs | 42 | Tartar, plaque, infections | Chewing, licking, brushing || Cats | 30 | Bacteria, parasites, injuries | Grooming, occasional brushing || Horses | 44 | Overgrowth, abscesses, infections | Grazing, dental care by owner || Pigs | 44 | Overgrowth, oral pain | Eating roughage, dental care by owner || Alligators | 80 | Bacteria, infections | Preying on rotting meat |


In conclusion, while all animals have varying dental needs and habits, it's clear that some animals have less-than-ideal oral hygiene. Dogs and cats can suffer from tartar and bacteria, horses and pigs need constant dental care, and alligators shouldn't be underestimated in terms of spreading bacteria. Ultimately, the key to maintaining good dental hygiene in animals is proper care and diet, just like with humans.

What Animal Has The Dirtiest Mouth?


When we think of animals, we often associate them with certain characteristics and behaviors. Some animals are known for their intelligence, others for their strength or agility. However, when it comes to cleanliness, there are a few animals that have a reputation for being a bit on the dirty side. In this article, we will take a closer look at one particular aspect of animal hygiene – their mouths.

The Not So Pleasant Truth About Animal Mouths

If you have ever watched an animal eat, you may have noticed that they tend to use their mouths for more than just consuming food. Many animals use their tongues and teeth to clean their fur or feathers, while others use their mouths to groom their young, mates, or other members of their social group. While these behaviors may be cute or endearing, they can also contribute to the buildup of bacteria and other microorganisms in an animal's mouth.

The Top 3 Animals with the Dirtiest Mouths

So, which animals have the dirtiest mouths? Here are the top three contenders:

1. Dogs

Dogs are known for their love of digging and exploring, which exposes them to a wide variety of bacteria and other pathogens. They also tend to lick themselves and other dogs, which can transfer even more microorganisms into their mouths. In addition, many dogs have a predisposition to dental problems, which can further exacerbate the problem.

2. Cats

Like dogs, cats are also prone to dental issues. They are also known for their grooming behavior, which involves licking themselves and other cats to keep their fur clean. This licking can transfer bacteria and other pathogens into their mouths, which can lead to bad breath and other oral health problems.

3. Pigs

While they may not be a common household pet, pigs are still worth mentioning as one of the animals with the dirtiest mouths. Pigs are known to eat just about anything, including garbage, feces, and other unsavory items. This exposure to pathogens can cause serious health problems, including oral infections and abscesses.

Tips for Keeping Your Pet's Mouth Clean

While it may be impossible to completely eliminate all of the bacteria and microorganisms in your pet's mouth, there are things you can do to help keep their mouth clean and healthy. Here are a few tips:

1. Regular Brushing

Just like humans, pets need regular dental care to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Try to brush your pet's teeth at least once a day, using a specially designed pet toothbrush and toothpaste.

2. Provide Plenty of Fresh Water

Make sure your pet always has access to fresh water. This can help wash away food particles and other debris that can contribute to bad breath and other oral health issues.

3. Choose High-Quality Pet Food

The type of food your pet eats can have a big impact on their oral health. Choose a high-quality pet food that is formulated to promote healthy teeth and gums.

4. Regular Veterinary Check-Ups

Taking your pet to the vet for regular check-ups can help catch any potential oral health issues early on. Your vet can also recommend specific dental care products or treatments to keep your pet's mouth healthy.


While some animals may have a reputation for having dirty mouths, there are steps you can take to help keep your pet's mouth clean and healthy. Regular brushing, providing plenty of fresh water, choosing high-quality pet food, and regular veterinary check-ups can all help promote good oral health in your furry companions.

What Animal Has The Dirtiest Mouth

Have you ever wondered which animal has the dirtiest mouth? Most people would assume that it is a human being, but you might be surprised to learn that there are other animals that might surprise you. In this post, we will discuss several animals with the dirtiest mouths and the reasons behind their unhygienic behavior.

Let's start with the first animal on the list - dogs. While dogs might be man's best friend, they are also known for having one of the dirtiest mouths in the animal kingdom. Dogs tend to lick everything they come across, including themselves. This licking can transfer bacteria and germs from one place to another. Additionally, dogs eat all kinds of things that can also create more bacteria in their mouths. Even though dogs have a scarily dirty mouth, their saliva has been known to have healing properties as well.

The next animal on the list is cats. Like dogs, cats also tend to lick themselves and everything else that crosses their path. They are very susceptible to oral problems like plaque buildup, gum diseases, and bad breath. People who have cat allergies can also experience allergic reactions when cats lick them or brush against their skin that can lead to skin rashes and itching.

Moving on to wild animals, the hippopotamus is another well-known creature with a notoriously dirty mouth. Hippos may spend up to 16 hours a day grazing on grass, and their jaws are powerful, sharp, and perfect for crushing even the toughest plants. However, this grazing also results in food bits getting trapped in their teeth, which invites microbes, resulting in dental problems and infections.

Another wild animal that has an unclean mouth is the hyena. Hyenas are meat-eaters, and they have a unique way of eating. They will crack open their prey's bones and consume it entirely, including the marrow inside. As a result, they often have bone fragments and bits of skin lingering in their gums, leading to bad breath and infections.

No list of creatures with dirty mouths would be complete without mentioning the king of the beasts - the lion. Lions may look majestic, but they are also known to carry a lot of bacteria and germs in their mouths. Their hunting techniques are what contribute to this unhygienic behavior. Lions will bite and claw their prey before eating it, which can introduce infections into their mouths.

It is no secret that some animals have very dirty mouths, but why does this matter? For starters, many of these animals come into contact with people who could get sick from their unclean mouths. People can experience skin infections, respiratory problems, tuberculosis, or even rabies from animal bites. These risks can be reduced by taking precautions when handling or coming into contact with animals.

On a final note, it is important to remember that just because an animal has a dirty mouth, it does not mean that we should treat them as less than other animals. All animals serve a purpose in our world, and we should respect them accordingly.

In conclusion, it is quite clear that several animals have incredibly filthy mouths. From man's best friend to the king of the jungle, there is no shortage of creatures that could benefit from better dental hygiene practices. While it is easy to be put off by their oral habits, it is important to remember that these animals play essential roles in our ecosystems. Therefore, it is critical that we respect their wellbeing and do our best to reduce our exposure to potential infections.

Thank you for taking the time to read about animals with the dirtiest mouths. We hope that you found this post informative and enjoyable. Until next time, stay safe and best of luck!

What Animal Has The Dirtiest Mouth?

What Animal Has The Dirtiest Mouth?

People also ask:

Why do some animals have dirty mouths?

Some animals have bacteria in their mouths that can be harmful to humans. However, these bacteria are essential for their survival as they help them digest their food and protect their teeth and gums.

Which animal has the cleanest mouth?

The animal with the cleanest mouth is the herbivore, as they eat plants which are low in bacteria and are less likely to cause tooth decay or gum disease. Examples of herbivores include cows and horses.

How can you keep your pet's mouth clean?

To keep your pet's mouth clean, you should:

  1. Brush their teeth regularly using a pet-safe toothbrush and toothpaste.
  2. Provide them with dental chews and treats that can help remove plaque and tartar from their teeth.
  3. Take them for regular dental check-ups with their veterinarian.